第6章 让内心的灯指引你
Allow Your Own Inner Light to Guide You
佚名 / Anonymous
There comes a time when you must stand alone. You must feel confident enough within yourself to follow your own dreams. You must be willing to make sacrifices.
You must be capable of changing and rearranging your priorities, so that your final goal can be achieved.
Sometimes, familiarity and comfort need to be challenged. There are times when you must take a few extra chances and create your own realities.
Be strong enough to at least try to make your life better.
Be confident enough that you won’t settle for a compromise just to get by.
Appreciate yourself by allowing yourself the opportunities to grow, develop, and find your true sense of purpose in this life.
Don’t stand in someone else’s shadow when it’s your sunlight that should lead the way.
Work hard at what you like to do and try to overcome all obstacles.
Laugh at your mistakes and praise yourself for learning from them.
Pick some flowers and appreciate the beauty of nature.
Say hello to strangers and enjoy the people you know.
Don’t be afraid to show your emotions, laughing and crying make you feel better.
Love your friends and family with your entire being they are the most important part of your life.
Feel the calmness on a quiet sunny day.
Find a rainbow and live your world of dreams, always remember life is better than it seems.
1. There comes a when you must stand alone. You must feel confident enough within yourself to follow your own . You must be willing to sacrifices.
2. Appreciate yourself allowing yourself the opportunities to , develop, and find your true of purpose in this life.
3. Work hard at you like to do and try to overcome all .
Laugh at your and praise yourself for learning from them.
Pick some flowers and appreciate the beauty of .
1. 你必须拥有改变自己和决定轻重缓急的能力,这样,你的最终目标才能实现。
2. 不要活在别人的阴影里,属于你的阳光会指引你前进的道路。
3. 在阳光灿烂的日子里,感受安宁。
1. You must be willing to make sacrifices.
be willing to:愿意;乐意;意思是;愿意做……
2. Be strong enough to at least try to make your life better.
at least:至少;起码;无论如何