[1] Partially stabilized zirconia (PSZ) has high strength and toughness and better reliability in performance than does zirconia. It is obtained by doping the zirconia with oxides of calcium, yttrium, or magnesium.
[2] Cermets are combinations: a ceramic phase bonded with a metallic phase. Introduced in the 1960s and also called black ceramics or hot-pressed ceramics, they combine the high-temperature oxidation resistance of ceramics with the toughness, thermal-shock resistance, and ductility of metals.
[3] The development of such an engine has, however, been slower than expected because of such problems as unreliability, lack of sufficient toughness, difficulty with lubricating bearings and hot components, and a lack of the capability for structural ceramics (such as silicon nitride and silicon carbide) to be produced economically in near-net shape, as weighed against the need for the machining and finishing processes required for dimensional accuracy of the engine.
[4] However, if the long-chain molecules in a polymer are cross-linked in a three-dimensional arrangement, the structure in effect becomes one giant molecule with strong covalent bonds, these polymers are called thermosetting polymers, or thermosets, because, during polymerization, the network is completed and the shape of the part is permanently set.
[5] Biodegradability means that microbial species in the environment (e.g., microorganisms in soil a nd water) will degrade a portion of (or even the entire) polymeric material, under the right environmental conditions, and without producing toxic by-products.
[6] These properties can be improved by embedding reinforcements of various types (such as glass or graphite fibers) to produce reinforced plastics. Metals and ceramics, as well, can be embedded with particles or fibers, to improve their properties; these combinations are known as metal-matrix and ceramic-matrix composites.