With the exploration of athletic skill content and manifold development of metaphor theory study,the theory of athletic skill metaphor comes into exist-ence gradually. It explores the rules of formation,transmission and transfor-mation of athletic techniques by way of metaphor,fills up the vacancy of met-aphor study of sport area,and makes the foundation of sport branch of meta-phor. By the analysis of athlete thinking rules,this study will set up a bridge to communicate relative areas,and will be a cut-in point that makes aesthet-ics subjects get into sport training area.
Skill Oriented Four Events with Difficulty and Beauty are selected. They are artistic gymnastics,rhythmic gymnastics,sport dancing and Wushu,which are taken as the typical programmers to study. By research methods such as document,observation,interview,instance,questionnaire investiga-tion and phenomenology,on the basis of theoretical and practical layers,this study makes a detail analysis about the formation and working mechanism of metaphor transmission system of athletic skill idea and the classifications,fea-tures and values of athletic skill metaphors,meanwhile it reveals the thinking content of athletic skill from metaphor aspect. Forty typical examples of ath-letic skill metaphors are included in the study.
There are several main conclusions summarized from this thesis.
There are two definitions of athletic skill metaphor:for general,it is the language,skill,and culture behaviors of feeling,experiencing,imagining,understanding and transmitting thinking and rules of athletic skills by the en-lightenment of other kinds of things;for specific,it is a typical depiction of kinesthetic sensation and thinking states of athletic skill by means of using other things during the formation course of athletic skill. From mechanism as-pect,athletic skill metaphor can be defined as a producing course of metaphor meaning of athletic skill idea,which is a complex transmission system inclu-ding subject,object,essence,analogue and resemblance.
The essence should be chosen at the suitable occasion when the athletes are in the process of building the integration conception and showing the feel-ings thoroughly in metaphor transmission system of athletic skill idea. The factors of choosing essence are based on physical and non-physical aspects. The selection of analogues includes all kinds of things in the world such as de-signs,relative sport programs,phenomena in nature and our lives,etc. Meanwhile the suitable choosing occasion of analogue is also concerned with different forming phases of skills.
This thesis summarizes seven main metaphors from the analysis of many subordinate metaphors. They are vessel metaphor,direction metaphor,rele-vance metaphor,medium metaphor,rule metaphor,emotion metaphor and u-niverse metaphor. These metaphors reveal the rules of thinking activities dur-ing the formation of athletic skills,meanwhile,athletic skill metaphors pres-ent these characters such as innovation and creation of thinking,vagueness and superiority of application,specification and personification of presenta-tion,systematization and guidance of information,integration and multi -meaning of transmission,connectivity and subjunctive,approval by people and circumstance base,transformation and moving balance etc.
The classical athletic skill metaphors are typical ones. They are not only the guidance of kinesthetic sensation,but also a fluent mode of body and mental,which show the professional,subtle,general,relative and spacious characters of thinking activities,visualize the real and whole image of athletic skills,enlighten abundant and suitable imagination,finish the formation of sensation system and positioning of style and so on,in addition they embody the potential values of science,humanism and art.
Key words:athletic skill,idea,Skill Oriented Events with Difficulty and Beauty,metaphor