3.3 this引用
【例3.7】 使用this引用来调用类A方法f1()。
class A{ String name; public A(String str){ name = str; } public void f1(){ System.out.println("f1() of name "+ name+" is invoked!"); } public void f2(){ A a2 = new A("a2"); this.f1(); // 使用this引用调用f1()方法 a2.f1(); } } public class TestThis { public static void main(String[] args){ A a1 = new A("a1"); a1.f2(); } }
f1() of name a1 is invoked! f1() of name a2 is invoked!
【例3.8】 使用this引用变量调用另一个构造方法。
public class ConWithThis { int count = 0; String str = "hello"; ConWithThis(int i) { this("java"); // 调用ConWithThis(String s),必须是第一条语句 count = i; System.out.println("Constructor with int arg only, count= " + count); } ConWithThis(String s) { System.out.println("Constructor with String arg only, s = " + s); str = s; } ConWithThis(String s, int i) { this(i); // 调用ConWithThis(int i) this.str = s; System.out.println("Constructor with String and int args, s = " + s + ", i = " + i); } ConWithThis() { this("use this reference",9); // 调用ConWithThis(String s,int i),必须是第一条语句 System.out.println("default constructor(no args)"); } void f() { System.out.println("count = " + count + ", s = " + str); } public static void main(String[] args) { ConWithThis x = new ConWithThis(); x.f(); } }
Constructor with String arg only, s = java Constructor with int arg only, count= 9 Constructor with String and int args, s = use this reference, i = 9 default constructor(no args) count = 9, s = use this reference