WAVES and Wings and Growing Things!
As through the gladden sight ye flow And flit and glow, Ye win me so In soul to go, I too am waves, I too am wings, And kindred motion in me springs.
With thee I pass, glad growing grass!-
I climb the air with lissome mien;
Unsheathing keen The vivid sheen Of springing green, I thrill the crude, exalt the crass Fine-flex'd and fluent from Earth's mass.
And impulse craves with thee, Sea Waves!-To make all mutable the floor Of Earth's firm shore, With flashing pour Whose brimming o'er Impassion'd motion loves and laves And livens sombre slumbering caves.
Then soaring where the wild birds fare, My song would sweep the windy lyre Of Heaven's choir, Pulsing desire For starry fire, Abashing chilling vagues of air With throbbing of warm breasts that dare!