About four o'clock an abrupt knock at the door struck sharply on the heart of Madame Grandet.
"What can have happened to your father?" she said to her daughter.
Grandet entered joyously. After taking off his gloves, he rubbed his hands hard enough to take off their skin as well, if his epidermis had not been tanned and cured like Russia leather,--saving, of course, the perfume of larch-trees and incense. Presently his secret escaped him.
"Wife," he said, without stuttering, "I've trapped them all! Our wine is sold! The Dutch and the Belgians have gone. I walked about the market-place in front of their inn, pretending to be doing nothing.
That Belgian fellow--you know who I mean--came up to me. The owners of all the good vineyards have kept back their vintages, intending to wait; well, I didn't hinder them. The Belgian was in despair; I saw that. In a minute the bargain was made. He takes my vintage at two hundred francs the puncheon, half down. He paid me in gold; the notes are drawn. Here are six louis for you. In three months wines will have fallen."These words, uttered in a quiet tone of voice, were nevertheless so bitterly sarcastic that the inhabitants of Saumur, grouped at this moment in the market-place and overwhelmed by the news of the sale Grandet had just effected, would have shuddered had they heard them.
Their panic would have brought the price of wines down fifty per cent at once.
"Did you have a thousand puncheons this year, father?""Yes, little one."
That term applied to his daughter was the superlative expression of the old miser's joy.
"Then that makes two hundred thousand pieces of twenty sous each?""Yes, Mademoiselle Grandet."
"Then, father, you can easily help Charles."
The amazement, the anger, the stupefaction of Belshazzar when he saw the /Mene-Tekel-Upharsin/ before his eyes is not to be compared with the cold rage of Grandet, who, having forgotten his nephew, now found him enshrined in the heart and calculations of his daughter.
"What's this? Ever since that dandy put foot in MY house everything goes wrong! You behave as if you had the right to buy sugar-plums and make feasts and weddings. I won't have that sort of thing. I hope Iknow my duty at my time of life! I certainly sha'n't take lessons from my daughter, or from anybody else. I shall do for my nephew what it is proper to do, and you have no need to poke your nose into it. As for you, Eugenie," he added, facing her, "don't speak of this again, or I'll send you to the Abbaye des Noyers with Nanon, see if I don't; and no later than to-morrow either, if you disobey me! Where is that fellow, has he come down yet?""No, my friend," answered Madame Grandet.
"What is he doing then?"
"He is weeping for his father," said Eugenie.
Grandet looked at his daughter without finding a word to say; after all, he was a father. He made a couple of turns up and down the room, and then went hurriedly to his secret den to think over an investment he was meditating in the public Funds. The thinning out of his two thousand acres of forest land had yielded him six hundred thousand francs: putting this sum to that derived from the sale of his poplars and to his other gains for the last year and for the current year, he had amassed a total of nine hundred thousand francs, without counting the two hundred thousand he had got by the sale just concluded. The twenty per cent which Cruchot assured him would gain in a short time from the Funds, then quoted at seventy, tempted him. He figured out his calculation on the margin of the newspaper which gave the account of his brother's death, all the while hearing the moans of his nephew, but without listening to them. Nanon came and knocked on the wall to summon him to dinner. On the last step of the staircase he was saying to himself as he came down,--"I'll do it; I shall get eight per cent interest. In two years I shall have fifteen hundred thousand francs, which I will then draw out in good gold,--Well, where's my nephew?""He says he doesn't want anything to eat," answered Nanon; "that's not good for him.""So much saved," retorted her master.
"That's so," she said.
"Bah! he won't cry long. Hunger drives the wolves out of the woods."The dinner was eaten in silence.
"My good friend," said Madame Grandet, when the cloth was removed, "we must put on mourning.""Upon my word, Madame Grandet! what will you invent next to spend money on? Mourning is in the heart, and not in the clothes.""But mourning for a brother is indispensable; and the Church commands us to--""Buy your mourning out of your six louis. Give me a hat-band; that's enough for me."Eugenie raised her eyes to heaven without uttering a word. Her generous instincts, slumbering and long repressed but now suddenly and for the first time awakened, were galled at every turn. The evening passed to all appearance like a thousand other evenings of their monotonous life, yet it was certainly the most horrible. Eugenie sewed without raising her head, and did not use the workbox which Charles had despised the night before. Madame Grandet knitted her sleeves.
Grandet twirled his thumbs for four hours, absorbed in calculations whose results were on the morrow to astonish Saumur. No one came to visit the family that day. The whole town was ringing with the news of the business trick just played by Grandet, the failure of his brother, and the arrival of his nephew. Obeying the desire to gossip over their mutual interests, all the upper and middle-class wine-growers in Saumur met at Monsieur des Grassins, where terrible imprecations were being fulminated against the ex-mayor. Nanon was spinning, and the whirr of her wheel was the only sound heard beneath the gray rafters of that silent hall.
"We don't waste our tongues," she said, showing her teeth, as large and white as peeled almonds.