第127章 Irving’s Bonneville - Chapter 45(1)
Skynses -- Their traffic -- Hunting -- Food -- Horses -- A horse-race -- Devotional feeling ofthe Skynses, Nez Perces and Flatheads -- Prayers -- Exhortations -- A preacher on horseback --Effect of religion on the manners of the tribes -- A new light.
DURING the absence of this detachment, a sociable intercourse had been kept up betweenthe main
party and the Skynses, who had removed into the neighborhood of the camp. These people dwellabout the waters of the Way-lee-way and the adjacent country, and trade regularly with theHudson's
Bay Company; generally giving horses in exchange for the articles of which they stand in need.
bring beaver skins, also, to the trading posts; not procured by trapping, but by a course of internaltraffic with the shy and ignorant Shoshokoes and Too-el-icans, who keep in distant andunfrequented
parts of the country, and will not venture near the trading houses. The Skynses hunt the deer andelk
occasionally; and depend, for a part of the year, on fishing. Their main subsistence, however, isupon
roots, especially the kamash. This bulbous root is said to be of a delicious flavor, and highlynutritious. The women dig it up in great quantities, steam it, and deposit it in caches for winterprovisions. It grows spontaneously, and absolutely covers the plains.
This tribe was comfortably clad and equipped. They had a few rifles among them, and wereextremely desirous of bartering for those of Captain Bonneville's men; offering a couple of goodrunning horses for a light rifle. Their first-rate horses, however, were not to be procured fromthem
on any terms. They almost invariably use ponies; but of a breed infinitely superior to any in theUnited States. They are fond of trying their speed and bottom, and of betting upon them.
As Captain Bonneville was desirous of judging of the comparative merit of their horses, hepurchased one of their racers, and had a trial of speed between that, an American, and aShoshonie,
which were supposed to be well matched. The race-course was for the distance of one mile and ahalf out and back. For the first half mile the American took the lead by a few hands; but, losinghis
wind, soon fell far behind; leaving the Shoshonie and Skynse to contend together. For a mile anda half they went head and head: but at the turn the Skynse took the lead and won the race withgreat
ease, scarce drawing a quick breath when all was over.
The Skynses, like the Nez Perces and the Flatheads, have a strong devotional feeling, whichhas been
successfully cultivated by some of the resident personages of the Hudson's Bay Company.
is invariably kept sacred among these tribes. They will not raise their camp on that day, unless inextreme cases of danger or hunger: neither will they hunt, nor fish, nor trade, nor perform anykind
of labor on that day. A part of it is passed in prayer and religious ceremonies. Some chief, who isgenerally at the same time what is called a "medicine man," assembles the community. Afterinvoking blessings from the Deity, he addresses the assemblage, exhorting them to good conduct;to be diligent in providing for their families; to abstain from lying and stealing; to avoidquarrelling
or cheating in their play, and to be just and hospitable to all strangers who may be among them.
Prayers and exhortations are also made, early in the morning, on week days. Sometimes, all thisis
done by the chief from horseback; moving slowly about the camp, with his hat on, and utteringhis
exhortations with a loud voice. On all occasions, the bystanders listen with profound attention;and
at the end of every sentence respond one word in unison, apparently equivalent to an amen.
these prayers and exhortations are going on, every employment in the camp is suspended. If anIndian is riding by the place, he dismounts, holds his horse, and attends with reverence until all isdone. When the chief has finished his prayer or exhortation, he says, "I have done," upon whichthere
is a general exclamation in unison.
With these religious services, probably derived from the white men, the tribesabove-mentioned
mingle some of their old Indian ceremonials, such as dancing to the cadence of a song or ballad,which is generally done in a large lodge provided for the purpose. Besides Sundays, theylikewise
observe the cardinal holidays of the Roman Catholic Church.
Whoever has introduced these simple forms of religions among these poor savages, hasevidently
understood their characters and capacities, and effected a great melioration of their manners. Ofthis
we speak not merely from the testimony of Captain Bonneville, but likewise from that of Mr.