第35章 The Gifts Of The Magician(1)
Once upon a time there was an old man who lived in a little hut in the middle of a forest.His wife was dead, and he had only one son, whom he loved dearly.Near their hut was a group of birch trees, in which some black-game had made their nests, and the youth had often begged his father's permission to shoot the birds, but the old man always strictly forbade him to do anything of the kind.
One day, however, when the father had gone to a little distance to collect some sticks for the fire, the boy fetched his bow, and shot at a bird that was just flying towards its nest.But he had not taken proper aim, and the bird was only wounded, and fluttered along the ground.The boy ran to catch it, but though he ran very fast, and the bird seemed to flutter along very slowly, he never could quite come up with it; it was always just a little in advance.But so absorbed was he in the chase that he did not notice for some time that he was now deep in the forest, in a place where he had never been before.Then he felt it would be foolish to go any further, and he turned to find his way home.
He thought it would be easy enough to follow the path along which he had come, but somehow it was always branching off in unexpected directions.He looked about for a house where he might stop and ask his way, but there was not a sign of one anywhere, and he was afraid to stand still, for it was cold, and there were many stories of wolves being seen in that part of the forest.
Night fell, and he was beginning to start at every sound, when suddenly a magician came running towards him, with a pack of wolves snapping at his heels.Then all the boy's courage returned to him.He took his bow, and aiming an arrow at the largest wolf, shot him through the heart, and a few more arrows soon put the rest to flight.The magician was full of gratitude to his deliverer, and promised him a reward for his help if the youth would go back with him to his house.
'Indeed there is nothing that would be more welcome to me than a night's lodging,' answered the boy; 'I have been wandering all day in the forest, and did not know how to get home again.
'Come with me, you must be hungry as well as tired,' said the magician, and led the way to his house, where the guest flung himself on a bed, and went fast asleep.But his host returned to the forest to get some food, for the larder was empty.
While he was absent the housekeeper went to the boy's room and tried to wake him.She stamped on the floor, and shook him and called to him, telling him that he was in great danger, and must take flight at once.But nothing would rouse him, and if he did ever open his eyes he shut them again directly.
Soon after, the magician came back from the forest, and told the housekeeper to bring them something to eat.The meal was quickly ready, and the magician called to the boy to come down and eat it, but he could not be wakened, and they had to sit down to supper without him.By-and-by the magician went out into the wood again for some more hunting, and on his return he tried afresh to waken the youth.But finding it quite impossible, he went back for the third time to the forest.
While he was absent the boy woke up and dressed himself.Then he came downstairs and began to talk to the housekeeper.The girl had heard how he had saved her master's life, so she said nothing more about his running away, but instead told him that if the magician offered him the choice of a reward, he was to ask for the horse which stood in the third stall of the stable.
By-and-by the old man came back and they all sat down to dinner.
When they had finished the magician said: 'Now, my son, tell me what you will have as the reward of your courage?'
'Give me the horse that stands in the third stall of your stable,'
answered the youth.'For I have a long way to go before I get home, and my feet will not carry me so far.'
'Ah! my son,' replied the magician, 'it is the best horse in my stable that you want! Will not anything else please you as well?'
But the youth declared that it was the horse, and the horse only, that he desired, and in the end the old man gave way.And besides the horse, the magician gave him a zither, a fiddle, and a flute, saying: 'If you are in danger, touch the zither; and if no one comes to your aid, then play on the fiddle; but if that brings no help, blow on the flute.'
The youth thanked the magician, and fastening his treasures about him mounted the horse and rode off.He had already gone some miles when, to his great surprise, the horse spoke, and said: 'It is no use your returning home just now, your father will only beat you.
Let us visit a few towns first, and something lucky will be sure to happen to us.'
This advice pleased the boy, for he felt himself almost a man by this time, and thought it was high time he saw the world.When they entered the capital of the country everyone stopped to admire the beauty of the horse.Even the king heard of it, and came to see the splendid creature with his own eyes.Indeed, he wanted directly to buy it, and told the youth he would give any price he liked.The young man hesitated for a moment, but before he could speak, the horse contrived to whisper to him:
'Do not sell me, but ask the king to take me to his stable, and feed me there; then his other horses will become just as beautiful as I.'