"What would you do, brave Jason," asked he, "if there were a man in the world, by whom, as you had reason to believe, you were doomed to be ruined and slain--what would you do, I say, if that man stood before you, and in your power?"When Jason saw the malice and wickedness which King Pelias could not prevent from gleaming out of his eyes, he probably guessed that the king had discovered what he came for, and that he intended to turn his own words against himself.Still he scorned to tell a falsehood.Like an upright and honorable prince as he was, he determined to speak out the real truth.
Since the king had chosen to ask him the question, and since Jason had promised him an answer, there was no right way save to tell him precisely what would be the most prudent thing to do, if he had his worst enemy in his power.
Therefore, after a moment's consideration, he spoke up, with a firm and manly voice.
"I would send such a man," said he, "in quest of the Golden Fleece!"This enterprise, you will understand, was, of all others, the most difficult and dangerous in the world.In the first place it would be necessary to make a long voyage through unknown seas.There was hardly a hope, or a possibility, that any young man who should undertake this voyage would either succeed in obtaining the Golden Fleece, or would survive to return home, and tell of the perils he had run.The eyes of King Pelias sparkled with joy, therefore, when he heard Jason's reply.
"Well said, wise man with the one sandal!" cried he."Go, then, and at the peril of your life, bring me back the Golden Fleece.""I go," answered Jason, composedly."If I fail, you need not fear that I will ever come back to trouble you again.But if Ireturn to Iolchos with the prize, then, King Pelias, you must hasten down from your lofty throne, and give me your crown and sceptre.""That I will," said the king, with a sneer."Meantime, I will keep them very safely for you."The first thing that Jason thought of doing, after he left the king's presence, was to go to Dodona, and inquire of the Talking Oak what course it was best to pursue.This wonderful tree stood in the center of an ancient wood.Its stately trunk rose up a hundred feet into the air, and threw a broad and dense shadow over more than an acre of ground.Standing beneath it, Jason looked up among the knotted branches and green leaves, and into the mysterious heart of the old tree, and spoke aloud, as if he were addressing some person who was hidden in the depths of the foliage.
"What shall I do," said he, "in order to win the Golden Fleece?"At first there was a deep silence, not only within the shadow of the Talking Oak, but all through the solitary wood.In a moment or two, however, the leaves of the oak began to stir and rustle, as if a gentle breeze were wandering amongst them, although the other trees of the wood were perfectly still.The sound grew louder, and became like the roar of a high wind.By and by, Jason imagined that he could distinguish words, but very confusedly, because each separate leaf of the tree seemed to be a tongue, and the whole myriad of tongues were babbling at once.But the noise waxed broader and deeper, until it resembled a tornado sweeping through the oak, and making one great utterance out of the thousand and thousand of little murmurs which each leafy tongue had caused by its rustling.And now, though it still had the tone of a mighty wind roaring among the branches, it was also like a deep bass voice, speaking as distinctly as a tree could be expected to speak, the following words:
"Go to Argus, the shipbuilder, and bid him build a galley with fifty oars."Then the voice melted again into the indistinct murmur of the rustling leaves, and died gradually away.When it was quite gone, Jason felt inclined to doubt whether he had actually heard the words, or whether his fancy had not shaped them out of the ordinary sound made by a breeze, while passing through the thick foliage of the tree.
But on inquiry among the people of Iolchos, he found that there was really a man in the city, by the name of Argus, who was a very skilful builder of vessels.This showed some intelligence in the oak; else how should it have known that any such person existed? At Jason's request, Argus readily consented to build him a galley so big that it should require fifty strong men to row it; although no vessel of such a size and burden had heretofore been seen in the world.So the head carpenter and all his journeymen and apprentices began their work; and for a good while afterwards, there they were, busily employed, hewing out the timbers, and making a great clatter with their hammers;until the new ship, which was called the Argo, seemed to be quite ready for sea.And, as the Talking Oak had already given him such good advice, Jason thought that it would not be amiss to ask for a little more.He visited it again, therefore, and standing beside its huge, rough trunk, inquired what he should do next.
This time, there was no such universal quivering of the leaves, throughout the whole tree, as there had been before.But after a while, Jason observed that the foliage of a great branch which stretched above his head had begun to rustle, as if the wind were stirring that one bough, while all the other boughs of the oak were at rest.