Thou glorious mirror, where the Almighty's form Glasses itself in tempests; in all time, Calm or convulsed -- in breeze, or gale, or storm, Icing the pole, or in the torrid clime Dark-heaving; -- boundless, endless, and sublime --The image of eternity; the throne Of the Invisible; even from out thy slime The monsters of the deep are made; each zone Obeys thee; thou goest forth, dread, fathomless, alone.
As the day advanced, that portion of the inmates of the vessel which had the liberty of doing so appeared on deck.
As yet the sea was not very high, from which it was inferred that the cutter was still under the lee of the islands; but it was apparent to all who understood the lake that they were about to experience one of the heavy autumnal gales of that region.Land was nowhere visible; and the hori-zon on every side exhibited that gloomy void, which lends to all views on vast bodies of water the sublimity of mys-tery.The swells, or, as landsmen term them, the waves, were short and curling, breaking of necessity sooner than the longer seas of the ocean; while the element itself, in-stead of presenting that beautiful hue which rivals the deep tint of the southern sky, looked green and angry, though wanting in the lustre that is derived from the rays of the sun.
The soldiers were soon satisfied with the prospect, and one by one they disappeared, until none were left on deck but the crew, the Sergeant, Cap, Pathfinder, the Quarter-master, and Mabel.There was a shade on the brow of the last, who had been made acquainted with the real state of things, and who had fruitlessly ventured an appeal in favor of Jasper's restoration to the command.A night's rest and a night's reflection appeared also to have confirmed the Pathfinder in his opinion of the young man's inno-cence; and he, too, had made a warm appeal on behalf of his friend, though with the same want of success.
Several hours passed away, the wind gradually getting heavier and the sea rising, until the motion of the cutter compelled Mabel and the Quartermaster to retreat also.
Cap wore several times; and it was now evideut that the _Scud_ was drifting into the broader and deeper parts of the lake, the seas raging down upon her in a way that none but a vessel of superior mould and build could have long ridden and withstood.All this, however, gave Cap no uneasiness; but, like the hunter that pricks his ears at the sound of the horn, or the war-horse that paws and snorts with pleasure at the roll of the drum, the whole scene awakened all that was man within him; and instead of the captious, supercilious, and dogmatic critic, quarrelling with trifles and exaggerating immaterial things, he began to exhibit the qualities of the hardy and experienced seaman which he truly was.The hands soon imbibed a respect for his skill; and, though they wondered at the disappear-ance of their old commander and the pilot, for which no reason had been publicly given, they soon yielded an im-plicit and cheerful obedience to the new one.
"This bit of fresh water, after all, brother Dunham, has some spirit, I find," cried Cap about noon, rubbing his hands in pure satisfaction at finding himself once more wrestling with the elements."The wind seems to be an honest old-fashioned gale, and the seas have a fanciful re-semblance to those of the Gulf Stream.I like this, Ser-geant, I like this, and shall get to respect your lake, if it hold out twenty-four hours longer in the fashion in which it has begun.""Land, ho!" shouted the man who was stationed on the forecastle.
Cap hurried forward; and there, sure enough, the land was visible through the drizzle, at the distance of about half a mile, the cutter heading directly towards it.The first impulse of the old seaman was to give an order to "stand by, to ware off shore;" but the cool-headed soldier restrained him.
"By going a little nearer," said the Sergeant, "some of us may recognize the place.Most of us know the Ameri-can shore in this part of the lake; and it will be something gained to learn our position.""Very true, very true; if, indeed, there is any chance of that we will hold on.What is this off here, a little on our weather-bow? It looks like a low headland.""The garrison, by Jove!" exclaimed the other, whose trained eye sooner recognized the military outlines than the less instructed senses of his connection.
The Sergeant was not mistaken.There was the fort, sure enough, though it looked dim and indistinct through the fine rain, as if it were seen in the dusk of evening or the haze of morning.The low, sodded, and verdant ram-parts, the sombre palisdes, now darker than ever with water, the roof of a house or two, the tall, solitary flagstaff, with its halyards blown steadily out into a curve that ap-peared traced in immovable lines in the air, were all soon to be seen though no sign of animated life could be dis-covered.Even the sentinel was housed; and at first it was believed that no eye would detect the presence of their own vessel.But the unceasing vigilance of a border gar-rison did not slumber: one of the look-outs probably made the interesting discovery; a man or two were seen on some elevated stands, and then the entire ramparts next the lake were dotted with human beings.