第89章 Chapter III(30)
56.Political Economy (bl.ii.ch.xii.section 4).
57.Plea for Peasant Proprietors (1874)p.261n.
58.Political Economy,p.223(bk.ii.ch.vi.section 6).
59.Political Economy,pp.168,171,182(bk.ii.ch.vi.section 67;vii.sections 1,5).
60.Peasant Proprietors (1874),p.159,referring to Lavergne's Economic Rurale (1860).
61.Political Economy,p.177(bk.ii.ch.vii.section 4).
62.Political Economy,p.182(bk.ii.ch.vii.section 5).
63.Ibid.p.460(bk.iv.ch.vii.section 4).
64.Political Economy,p.217(bk.ii.ch.xi.section 6).
65.Ibid.p.225(bk.ii.ch.xii.section 4).
66.Ibid.p.211(bk.ii.ch.xi.section 3).
67.Ibid.p.230,etc.(bk.ii.ch.xiii.section 31,34).Mill,in the later editions,observes that he has left this as it was written,although the rapid increase of means of communication has made the case 'no longer urgent.'
68.Political Economy,p.221(bk.ii.ch.xii.section 2).
69.Ibid.p.230(bk.ii.ch.xiii.section 3).
70.Ibid.p.232(bk.ii.ch.xiii.section 4).
71.Ibid.p.225(bk.ii.ch.xiii.section 1).
72.Ibid.p.213(bk.ii.ch.xi.section 4).
73.Political Economy,p.229(bk.ii.ch.xiii.section 2).
74.Political Economy,p.213(bk.ii.ch.xi.section 4).
75.Ibid.pp.213,216(bk.ii.ch.xi.sections 3,5).
76.Quoted from the report of the Poor-law Commission in 1840.--Political Economy (bk.i.ch.vii.section 5).
77.Political Economy,p.68(bk.i.ch.vii.section 5).
78.Ibid.p.460(bk.iv.ch.vii.section 4),where he speaks of the total want of fairness and justice on both sides.
79.Political Economy,p.252(bk.ii.ch.xv.section 6).
80.Political Economy,p.209(bk.ii.ch.xi.section 2).
81.Ibid.p.418(bk.iii.ch.xxvi.section 3).
82.Ibid.p.253(bk.ii.ch.xv.section 7).
84.Ibid.p.254(bk.ii.ch.xv.section 7).
85.Ibid.bk.iv.ch.iv.Cf.Unsettled Questions,pp.105-6.The article by Ellis,on the effect of improvements in machinery (Westminister Review for January 1826),though rather awkwardly stated,with the old capitalist and his quarters of corn illustration,puts the point clearly.
86.Political Economy,p.102(bk.i.ch.xi.section 2).
87.Ibid.p.103(bk.i.ch.xi.section 3).
88.Political Economy,p.443(bk.iv.ch.iv.section 4).
90.Ibid,p.453(bk.iv.ch.vi.section 2).
91.Political Economy (1862),ii.323.In the later editions this passage is replaced by a reference to the civil war,which showed that the struggle for wealth is not necessarily fatal to the 'heroic virtues.'
92.Political Economy,bk.iv.ch.i.
94.Ibid.p.439(bk.iv.ch.iii.section 5).
95.Political Economy,p.436(bk.iv.ch.iii.section 4).
96.Ibid.p.207(bk.ii.ch.x.section 1).
97.Thornton's On Labour;its Wrongful Claims and Rightful Demands.Another work generally mentioned in regard to this controversy is Longe,Refutation of the Wages-Fund Theory (1866).
98.Professor Taussig,Wages and Capital (1896),p.23.Professor Taussig gives a very thorough and candid discussion of the question,to which I am glad to refer.To follow the many controversies which he notices would take me into technicalities beyond the purpose of this book,and,I fear,beyond my competence.
99.Cairnes's Leading Principles,etc.p.214.
100.Wealth of Nations (M'Culloch),p.38.Ricardo (Works,p.59)and Senior (Political Economy,p.153)call it the 'fund for the maintenance of labour'.
101.Political Economy,p.39(bk.i.ch.v.section 1).
102.Wealth of Nations (M'Culloch),p.31.I do not consider what was Adam Smith's general doctrine.
103.This is the gist of Ellis's article (see above,p.200n.).
104.Mill scandalised the staunch free-traders by admitting an exception to the doctrine in the case of new countries 'naturalising a foreign industry'by a moderate duty (Political Economy,bk.v.ch.x.section 1).Such incidental consequences are obviously possible.A prohibition to import a material of industry might lead to the discovery of mines at home or to new methods of manufacture.But such results seem to lie outside of pure political economy.
105.Political Economy,p.209(bk.ii.ch.xi.section 2).
106.As quoted by Cairnes's Leading Principles,p.302.
107.Political Economy,bk.i.ch.v.section 5.