"I may well be excited," Dick declared, "after what I have heard, and after what we have done. Lady Howel, yours is the brain that thinks to some purpose. Make our report--I wait for you."But my lady preferred waiting for Dick. He consented to speak first, for the thoroughly characteristic reason that he could "get over it in no time.""I shall try the old division," he said, "into First, Second, and Third. Don't be afraid; I am not going to preach--quite the contrary; I am going to be quick about it. First, then, Mrs.
Evelin has decided, under sound advice, to go to New Zealand.
Second, I have telegraphed to her relations at the other end of the world to tell them that she is coming. Third, and last, Farleigh & Halford have sent to the office, and secured a berth for her in the next ship that sails--date the day after to-morrow. Done in half a minute. Now, Lady Howel!""I will begin and end in half a minute too," she said, "if I can.
First," she continued, turning to her husband, "I found Mrs.
Evelin at your friend's house. She kindly let me say all that Icould say for the relief of my poor heart. Secondly--"She hesitated, smiled uneasily, and came to a full stop.