第11章 在那不勒斯岛上(4)
Case 4:Breakfast and Brunch
When Jing Heng was in China,she got up very early every morning,even at weekends.She believed it would be helpful to keep healthy if she had breakfast everyday.After she moved into the campus of the University of Chicago,she felt very curious about the living habits of American students.The reason was very simple:Every time she got up and had breakfast at the canteen,she couldn't see many students there.It seemed that they never had breakfast in the morning.
One day,Jing Heng didn't have classes,so she went to thecanteen after she cleaned her dorm.She was so surprised to find that canteen was very crowded.It was almost 10:30a.m.,and every body was having breakfast.Her American friends told her that American students would like to have "brunch"if they can't get up early enough to have breakfast.
Case 5:Who is a Pretty Girl?
Anne liked to chat with Devan about some interesting stories when they were still in high school.
At the end of the semester,high school students would have a big party,which is called "prom".Everyone would use several months to prepare for the party.Generally students would choose beautiful clothes for themselves,especially girls,they would spend a long time in choosing dresses and changing hairstyles.Sometimes teachers and parents would also be invited to participate in the prom.At the end of prom,the prettiest girl would be elected as the "prom queen",who would have the chance to dance with the "prom king".
Anne told Jing Heng that she was elected as the "prom queen"before she graduated from the high school,which made her very proud and happy.Jing Heng told Anne:"In Chinese people's mind,the image of a pretty girl is actually like a Barbie doll –blonde,white skin and slim figure."Anne said:"Well,I guess I had really healthy skin color,because in America,if your skin is very white you will be considered unhealthy.We people like to have our skin tanned."
Chinese-English Translation Exercise:
[Clue:总经理president、伸手to extend one's hand,工作人员employee]
[Clue:合格的qualified、驾驶前before driving、系好安全带to fasten your seatbelt]
[Clue:在墙上胡乱抹泥巴to smear mud on the wall,调皮naughty]
[Clue:由于家境贫寒because of poverty、退学to quit school]
6.因为有意外情况发生,我明天必须上午结帐离开。(check out)
[Clue:有意外情况发生the emergency、结帐离开check out]
[Clue:说起Speaking of、餐cuisine、人人都知道it is well known、四大菜系four culinary schools]
[Clue:离异get divorce、自立self-reliant]
[Clue:安德鲁Andrew、才能talent、无人能及have no parallel for、自负too arrogant、商人businessman]
English-Chinese Translation Exercise:
1.He swallowed the whole cake without chewing because he was starving.
2.My suggestions have won unanimous support from the local people.
3.Mrs.King failed in the competition;I thought she errs onthe side of caution.
[Clue:err错,on the side of在,caution谨慎]
4.I'm pretty sure that if he doesn't pay his rent,he will receive notice to quit.
5.The new teacher,who has won the college calligraphy contest,has been transferred to another department already.
6.Look!Those pretty girls are having a frolic on the beach.
[Clue:to have a frolic玩耍,beach海滩]
7.I'm still suffering from the jet lag although I arrived in New York 3days ago.
[Clue:the jet lag时差反应]
8.I'm not sure whether she will have a bash at goingballooning.
[Clue:have a bash尝试,go ballooning乘热气球飞行]
9.Jim was admitted to a famous university after years ofpainstaking effort.
[Clue:to be admitted,painstaking辛苦的艰苦的,effort努力]
10.Her mother is an alumna of South-Central University for Nationalities.