Herein we behold the soul, imprisoned within the mineral state.The fire of the flint, and the spark in the crystal, are the only avenues of itslonesome expressions.But, as the lowest point, it is also the promise of a higher, and the symbol of a higher state, and the symbol of another spiral in its endless life.
This constellation, as the symbol of inertia and death, is also the symbol of awakening life, and prepares the soul for the more perfect expression of its powers in its forthcoming upward journey.If we pause for a moment and consider the force and power necessary to evolve out of this dark, dense, mineral realm, the foregoing sentence will become clear and forcible.Hitherto, the soul has been slowly drawn down into coils of matter, imprisoned by material forces.It has penetrated the lowest depths, and can go no farther.Rest here, is to gather strength, force.Mark well the difference and parallel between Cancer and Capricorn, opposite points in the arc.Cancer is the symbol of exalted rest within angelic realms; Capricorn the symbol of rest in dense matter.From the former state the soul is impelled forward on its downward journey; from the latter state the soul awakens to the struggle for life on the upward are; and must now give expression to the positive powers of its immortal being, which have become involved in material form; that shall make it the master, and give it the victory over death and material forces.Surely, this is truly the promise of a new day, and higher state of existence.
It will he instructive to study this by a comparison of the zodiacal sign, Capricorn, as set forth in the "Light of Egypt," Vol.1, wherein we read: "This sign signifies the knees, and represents the first principle in the trinity of locomotion, viz., the joints, bending, pliable, movable." The analogy is perfect.The soul, which has been pliant, bending to material forces, now reverses this action, and bows the knee in awe and reverence to the higher powers of its being.When refracted upon the human organism, we find that the cold, lonesome state, and weary struggle within the mineral realm, becomes love of self, directing its energies to the attainment of selfish ends.What could be more natural?
"And from Aquarius' urn a flood o'erflows."The soul, released from its crystallized cycle of matter, now rapidly evolves into states, though material, yet entirely different.Its previous arc,from Libra to Capricorn, has been amid inorganic matter.It is now rushing with lightning speed upon its weird, toilsome, upward, journey through purely organic forms, from vegetable to animal; and, as all organic forms have their primary origin in water, so does this celestial urn express the primary conception of this physical state.Further, to more fully express this, Aquarius is typical of man, as prototype of the last grand goal of the soul's future material state--in other words, the last quadrant of the four elements, viz.: Bull, Lion, Eagle, Man.