14 allow for; get around to; get round to; see about; take account [consideration] of; take into account [consideration]; think about; think of; think out; think again; think over; think twice; think through; use one’s head; take no account of
● 以上词组均表“考虑”,一般可换用,也有修辞、使用场合的区别。
● allow for是动介型词组,用于各种文体,其后接名词,ing分词或名词加ing分词结构,可用被动。如:You have to allow for the boy’s age.(你得考虑到那男孩的年龄。)Allowing for the plane being late, they should be back by 11:00.(连同飞机误点的可能性都考虑在内,他们十一点以前总可到家了。)Has everything been allowed for in your plan?(你的计划把一切都考虑到了吗?)She purposely made the dress larger to allow for shrinking when it was washed.(她有意把衣服做得肥大一些,以防洗涤时会缩水。)
● allow for常有其他意思,注意前后文来确定其确切意义。如:Democracy allows for many differences of opinion.(民主容许多种不同意见。)We must allow for his youth in evaluating his work.(评价他的工作时,我们应体谅他的年轻。)Only quite a few of the young teachers in this college are allowed a chance for going abroad for further study.(在这个学院,只有相当少的几个年轻教师有机会出国进修。)
● get around to多用于口语,后接名词或ing分词,一般不用被动式,也用get round to。如:After a long delay, he go around to studying French.(耽误很久后,他开始考虑学法语了。)I’m very busy this week but I hope to get around to your request next week.(我这周太忙了,我希望能在下周考虑你的要求。)I meant to visit her, but I never get round to it.(我本来要去看他,可我一直抽不出空。)Perhaps we’ll get round to doing it some day.(说不定哪一天我们还真得下功夫做这件事呢。)
● see about中的about为介词,该词组可用于被动形式,此词组常用于口语或非正式文体。如:She promised to see about the matter.(她答应考虑这件事。)I cannot take time now but I’ll see about your plan when I have time.(我现在没空,等我有时间了,我就研究研究你的计划。)There are all kinds of things that have to be seen about. (有各种各样的事情需要考虑。)We can’t give you an answer now, but we’ll see about it. (我们现在还不能答复你,不过我们会考虑的。)
● see about常有其他意思,如:I think I’d better see about the tickets.(我看我最好去把车票的事办一下。)Is it half past twelve? I must see about that boy.(十二点半了,我得去照看孩子。)Which doctor do I see about my sick daughter?(我向哪位医生谈谈我女儿的病情?)
● take account of和take consideration of; take into account和take into consideration可用于各种文体,它们一般可换用。
● take account of sth. [sb.]; take consideration of sth. [sb.]; take sth. [sb.] into account; take sth. [sb.] into consideration将它们的宾语的位置要确定得很清楚。且account与consideration之前不用冠词,之后不用s。如:Did you take account of the number of guests when you were planning the seating for the party?(你在计划聚会的座位时有没有考虑宾客的人数?)You should take everything into consideration before you make any decision.(你作任何决定之前都应全面考虑。)We must take account of the interests of the state, the collective and the individual.(我们必须考虑国家、集体和个人的利益。)They must take local conditions into account.(我们必须考虑当地的情况。)
● 用被动语态时,take account [consideration] of sth.[sb.], take sth.[sb.] into account [consideration]的主语有不同,前者用名词account或consideration,而后者用sth或sb.如:The people’s desires must be taken into consideration.(必须考虑群众的愿望。)Account must be taken of the worse conditions of air temperature and humidity.(空气温度和湿度方面更恶劣的情况必须予以考虑。)
● take no account of可作为take account of的否定式。此外,以上四句型也可借助助动词的否定形式表否定。如:I advise you to take no account of what he says.(我劝你不要考虑他说的话。)Your suggestion is not so good; so we take no account of it.(你的建议不怎么样,因此我们没有考虑。)She didn’t take my opinion into account [consideration].(她没有考虑我的意见。)She didn’t take account [consideration] of my opinions.(她没有考虑我的意见。)
● 以分词词组形式作状语时,多用take into account [consideration]结构,而一般不用take account [consideration] of结构。如:This is not a heavy stone, its size being taken into account.(从体积考虑,它不是一块很重的石头。)Taking everything into consideration [account], they ought to be given another chance.(考虑到各种因素,应该再给他们一次机会。)
● think about侧重“考虑”计划、意见、建议,about为介词,后接名词、代词、ing分词、词组、从句等。少用被动形式。如:Well, well, this wanted a bit more thinking about.(好啦,好啦,这要多想想才行。)I’ve thought about it some time.(我想了这事好一段时间了。)You never think about anybody but yourself.(你只考虑自己,从不想到他人。)She thought a lot about how to improve the crops.(她想了好多使庄稼长得好的办法。)
● think of中of为介词,后接名词、代词、ing分词,可用于被动形式,一般意为“考虑”。如:Nobody seriously thought him as a candidate for the job.(没有人认真地考虑过他作为该项工作的候选人。)What did you think of the talk? (你觉得那个报告怎么样?)I was thinking of how to fulfill our task. (我在思考如何完成我们的任务。)Otherwise they would never have thought of doing this. (要不然,他们绝不会想到这样做。)
● think about和think of常可互换。如:I’m thinking about [of] buying a new car.(我正考虑买辆新车。)I don’t care what they think about [of] me. I’ll do what is right.(他们对我怎么想我不管,对的我就做。)
● think out中out为副词,词组可及物,意为“周密思考”。如:Have you thought out things?或Have you thought thinks out?(你都想清楚了吗?)It seems to be a well-thought out scheme.(这似乎是一个经周密思考拟定的计划。)It’s a difficult question. I must think it out when I have more time. (这是一个困难问题,等我有时间时我得好好想一想。)Think out your answer before you start writing.(要想好答案再动笔。)
● think over的意义、结构、搭配基本与think out一样,可互换。其搭配除名词、代词、词组外,也跟从句。如:Let’s think over what we’d better do.(咱们想一想最好怎么办。)You have heard the proposal, now go away and think it over.(你们已经知道这个提议,现在就会好好想想吧。)After thinking things over she at length succeeded in letting reason prevailed over her prejudices.(经过认真思考后,她终于以理智战胜了偏见。)She gained confidence in herself as she thought the matter over.(她认真考虑了那件事情以后,对自己充满了信心。)
● think through的意义、搭配、结构与think out, think over差不多,可以互换。如:They are a people who exercise restraint. They think things through. (他们是一个能克制自己的民族,什么事情他们都要仔细考虑清楚。)Have they had time to think things through [out; over]? (他们有没有时间仔细考虑这些事?)It was the first time she’d had a chance to think it out [over; through]. (她第一次有机会仔细考虑那一问题。)His arguments had obviously been well thought over [through; out]. (他的论点显而易见是经过细心考虑的。)
● think twice相当于汉语中的“三思而后行”,其后常跟before; about,在否定句中常译为“毫不犹豫”。think again是非正式用语,常用一般时态,它与think twice常互换。如:I’d like to think twice [again] about the contract before signing it.(我想把这份合同再谨慎考虑一下后签字。)If I were you, I’d think twice[again] before making the decision.(我要是你,我要再三考虑后再做决定。)The United Nations Anti-Corruption Agreement is sure to make life harder for corrupt Chinese officials on the run and make would-be criminals think again [twice] before they act.(《联合国反腐败公约》不仅让外逃的中国贪官日子没那么好过,还会让试图犯罪的官员们三思而后行。)I’d think again [twice] before buying that car if I were you.(如果我是你,买那辆车前我要慎重地考虑一下。)
● use one’s head意为“好好想想”,常作为一个独立的祈使句。如:Use your head, bright boy.(聪明的孩子,好好想想吧。)Use your head! Can’t you be more tactful?(动动脑筋吧!你就不能策略点儿吗?)Going to be a useful boy, so long as you use your head.(只要你运用你的头脑,就会成为有用的年轻人。)Why don’t you use your head, you silly boy?(你这个傻瓜,为什么不动动脑子呢?)