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Section I Use of English
Read the following text. Choose the best word(s)for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)
Science knows very little about shark evolution. This is partly because“cartilage(软骨)is a funny 1 ”, says John Maisey, a scientist who studies ancient creatures at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. Shark bodies are largely 2 this firm, white connective substance— 3 does not fossilize well. For hundreds of years scientists have only been able to 4 that sharks probably had some bony fish ancestors.
5 , using a CT scanner to evaluate the only known fossil of an 6 fish called Doliodus problematicus(多里阿鲨), Maisey and his colleagues 7 have found a crucial missing piece in the shark origin 8 .
“Shark skeletons are among the 9 finds,”Maisey explains. The 400⁃million⁃year⁃old Doliodus 10 was discovered in the mid⁃1990s in the Canadian province of New Brunswick. 11 it was not until 2014 that 12 CT technology allowed Maisey to see that the 13 had shark⁃like jaws and tooth arrangements. Earlier this year he and his colleagues 14 in American Museum Novitates that it also had a row of spines along its 15 and pelvic(骨盆的)fins that match a 16 older and well⁃studied class of extinct bony fishes called acanthodians(刺鲛). In other words, Doliodus bears 17 of both the older bony fishes and modern sharks.
“This is a significant discovery,”says Michael Coates, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Chicago, who was not 18 in the study. The findings support the idea that acanthodians“represent a missing chunk of early shark evolution.” 19 Maisey’s find, researchers will now have to go back and study acanthodians in a whole new 20 .
1. [A]issue [B]tissue [C]bone [D]organ
2. [A]made of [B]made for [C]made off [D]made over
3. [A]this [B]which [C]it [D]that
4. [A]state [B]evaluate [C]guess [D]believe
5. [A]By now [B]Now that [C]Now then [D]But now
6. [A]ancient [B]elderly [C]aged [D]senior
7. [A]must [B]may [C]should [D]would
8. [A]castle [B]muscle [C]puzzle [D]muzzle
9. [A]scariest [B]hardest [C]barest [D]rarest
10. [A]skeleton [B]bone [C]sketch [D]body
11. [A]And [B]Yet [C]Nevertheless [D]Moreover
12. [A]aggressive [B]adventurous [C]advanced [D]achieved
13. [A]speculation [B]example [C]specification [D]specimen
14. [A]surveyed [B]estimated [C]investigated [D]reported
15. [A]jaw [B]tooth [C]back [D]belly
16. [A]more [B]much [C]much more [D]more much
17. [A]features [B]feathers [C]fingers [D]figures
18. [A]resolved [B]involved [C]contained [D]revolved
19. [A]Instead of [B]As for [C]Thanks to [D]In response to
20. [A]ray [B]beam [C]glare [D]light
Section Ⅱ Reading Comprehension
Part A
Read the following four texts. Answer the questions after each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (40 points)
Text 1
Roads built in England have largely failed either to relieve congestion or boost local economies, according to what campaigners claim is the biggest ever independent review of completed schemes.
A study of 86 road schemes commissioned by the Campaign to Protect Rural England(CPRE)found that most roads increased traffic while destroying the countryside. The research, drawing on the government’s published evaluation of completed road schemes, was published as Highways England begins consultation over funding new roads.
The budget for road⁃building is due to triple to£3 billion annually by the end of the decade under the road investment strategy announced in 2014. The government says its strategy will encourage economic growth and support a“free⁃flow core network”of mile⁃a⁃minute journey times. But the CPRE said the research showed that road building over the past two decades had failed to deliver on similar aims. Researchers found that traffic increased much more rapidly in areas with new roads, putting pressure on adjoining roads and giving negligible reductions in journey times. Only one in five road schemes promoted as a boost for local economies demonstrated evidence of any such benefit. Meanwhile, most of the schemes analysed harmed protected landscapes, while attempts to protect rare animals and plants were not always successful.
Shaun Spiers, Chief Executive of CPRE, said that in announcing the biggest road⁃building programme since the 1970s, the government had“junked the evidence...saloon bar policy making won the day.”Ralph Smyth, Head of Infrastructure and Legal at CPRE, said: “This is a programme that will forever fail on its own terms, producing a depressing, self⁃perpetuating cycle of more and more roads that do little for the economy and harm the countryside. This landmark research shows that any benefits from road building are far smaller than thought but the harm much worse. Rather than looking to the past, the government must invest in a forward⁃looking mobility strategy that puts quality of life ahead of the car.”
Highways England said: “The strategic road network is vital to the success of the UK economy; we simply cannot operate without moving people, materials and goods around by road. The improvements...will ensure our roads continue to operate safely, efficiently and effectively, and are capable of meeting the demands placed upon them in a sustainable manner. Our programme also focuses on upgrading the current network.”
21. According to paragraph 1, campaigners state that__________.
[A] roads constructed in the UK have won self⁃reliance and prosperity for her economy
[B] highways built in Great Britain didn’t improve the traffic condition in England
[C] the survey of completed road schemes in UK is the largest and self⁃controlling
[D] the construction of roads in England does no good to both traffic and economy
22. Who are in support of the construction of strategic road network?
[A] Both the CPRE and the British government.
[B] Both the government and Highways England.
[C] Neither the CPRE nor Highways England.
[D] Neither the government nor the campaigners.
23. Which of the following statements is true according to the research?
[A] The road⁃building programme is essential to British economic development.
[B] The road construction schemes achieved its initial goal to better traffic.
[C] The newly built highways greatly decreased journey times for passengers.
[D] The construction of road network caused damages to the natural environment.
24. We may infer from paragraph 4 that__________.
[A] the British government might make policies without down⁃to⁃earth investigation
[B] the road⁃building programme will lead to a vicious circle of the British traffic
[C] benefits gained from road building in the UK are far fewer than those expected
[D] the UK government should attach more importance to the future than to the past
25. The author’s attitude towards the road⁃building programme and strategy is__________.
[A] impartial
[B] supportive
[C] indifferent
[D] critical
Text 2
Amid the nationwide furor over the Senate draft health⁃care bill, a public⁃health victory has gone mostly unnoticed. According to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the estimated number of middle and high school students who are tobacco users dropped from 4.7 million in 2015 to 3.9 million in 2016. This was largely driven by a reduction in the number of teenagers using e⁃cigarettes, which are less harmful than regular cigarettes but still contain nicotine. The downturn is a success for advocates and officials who have worked to curb teen tobacco use—but it should not be heralded as the end of the road.
Teenage smoking has long been one of the most serious public⁃health issues. Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States, and 9 in 10 American smokers had their first taste of tobacco before the age of 18. Although policies to curb teen smoking showed signs of success for a time, youth tobacco rates remained stagnant between 2011 and 2015. During this period, the use of e⁃cigarettes among high school students increased by a staggering 900 percent.
With these statistics in mind, the recent decline in teen tobacco and e⁃cigarette use is an encouraging signal that interventions may be working. It is difficult to determine causation, but experts have attributed the drop to a range of federal, state and local policies designed to dissuade young adults from using tobacco, such as increasing tobacco taxes and expanding antismoking ordinances to include e⁃cigarettes and other new products. States have run targeted media campaigns that work alongside federal efforts, such as the Food and Drug Administration’s“Real Cost”campaign and the CDC’s“Tips from Former Smokers.”The CDC report suggests that at least some of these strategies have been effective.
But the report also highlights challenges that lie ahead. Millions of teenagers across the country are still using tobacco in some form, and the introduction of new tobacco products could drive up rates. There are also significant disparities among states and communities: Rural, low⁃income, and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth are particularly at risk due to targeted marketing and policy variation between different jurisdictions. This makes federal regulation by the FDA all the more important.
The FDA, however, has delayed the enforcement of new regulations on e⁃cigarettes and cigars. Delays are commonplace in new administrations, but it is important that the agency take up these stricter standards after the three⁃month postponement. It would be a pity if these long⁃awaited signs of progress were undercut because the FDA declined to do its job.
26. According to a report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, teenage smoking_________.
[A] decreased slightly between 2015 and 2016
[B] mainly happened in elementary schools
[C] recently experienced a gorgeous reduction
[D] was largely connected with death rate
27. Which of the following statements is true of the reason for the drop of teenage smoking?
[A] The American Senate passed a health⁃care bill to curb teen smoking.
[B] The government issued various laws and policies to control tobacco use.
[C] The advocates and officials have worked hard to restrain smoking.
[D] The teenagers are more aware of the death⁃causing result from smoking.
28. Who should shoulder more responsibility for curbing teen smoking in the author’s eyes?
[A] The secondary schools where students attend the classes.
[B] The CDC which produced the report on teenage smoking.
[C] The social media which organized campaigns against teen smoking.
[D] The FDA which could make federal regulation banning tobacco use.
29. According to the text the drop of teenage smoking was largely attributed to________.
[A] the reduction in smoking regular cigarettes
[B] the decrease in new tobacco products
[C] the downturn in smoking e⁃cigarettes
[D] the decline in tobacco marketing industry
30. Which of the following could better summarize the text?
[A] A decline in teen smoking—The FDA’s delay could weaken that progress
[B] A public⁃health victory—The CDC’s teen smoking report displayed a hope
[C] An important difference—The states and communities faced teen smoking challenge
[D] A serious public⁃health issue—The government took both risks and opportunities
Text 3
America doesn’t have a worker shortage; it has a work shortage. The unemployment rate is at a 15⁃year low, but only 55%of American adults 18 to 64 have fulltime jobs. Nearly 95 million people have removed themselves entirely from the job market. According to demographer Nicholas Eberstadt, the labor⁃force participation rate for men ages 25 to 54 is lower now than it was at the end of the Great Depression. The welfare state is largely to blame. More than 20%of American men of prime working age are on Medicaid. According to the Census Bureau, nearly 60%of nonworking men receive federal disability benefits.
The good news is that the 1996 welfare reform taught us how to reduce government dependency and get idle Americans back to work. Attaching work requirements to social benefits like Medicaid, food stamps, Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income would make what these pages have called“America’s growing labor shortage”a nonissue. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, 41%of nondisabled adults on Medicaid don’t have jobs. Thirteen million Americans ages 18 to 54 currently receive SSDI or SSI benefits.
Conservatively, work requirements could add 25%of that population (3.3 million workers) back to the labor force. Work requirements for people on food stamps would increase the worker rolls by 1.9 million if only 10%who aren’t engaged in work rejoined. There’s no question that insisting on work in exchange for social benefits would succeed in reducing dependency. We have the data: Within 10 years of the 1996 reform, the number of Americans in the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program fell 60%. But no reform is permanent. Under President Obama, federal poverty programs ballooned.
A better long⁃term solution to the work shortage would be to eliminate all forms of public support except for those who are unable to work, and eliminate all poverty programs, since they haven’t reduced poverty since they were established in 1965. The money being spent on these programs should be redirected to job creation—preferably for private⁃sector jobs, but public⁃sector jobs will do in a pinch. A trillion⁃dollar federal infrastructure program, such as the one President Trump has said he will propose, could absorb a large number of the unemployed and underemployed.
There are other avenues to pursue. For young men who aren’t working, a mandatory two⁃year public⁃service requirement with an off⁃ramp for those who snag a job could motivate them to get off—and stay off—the couch. Too many Americans who could be available to help fuel robust economic growth are instead sitting on the sidelines. It’s time to get them in the game. It’s time to solve the work shortage.
31.The reason why many American men of working age don’t choose to work is that_________.
[A] there is a lack of labor force in job market
[B] the government provides too much help to them
[C] there is no economic recession nowadays
[D] they have sufficient money to support themselves
32. Which of the following is true of the 1996 welfare reform?
[A] Welfare benefits offered by the US government included Medicaid,SSDI and SSI.
[B] The reform helped little to address America’s growing labor shortage.
[C] Work requirements for people on food stamps would lower the worker rolls.
[D] The reform aimed to eliminate all forms of public support and poverty programs.
33. According to the text, ample public support in the U.S. leads to________.
[A] better welfare benefits to most American homeless and beggars
[B] more Temporary Assistance for Needy Families programs
[C] more Americans’reliance on the country and their laziness
[D] larger absorption of American unemployed and underemployed
34.We can infer from the text that work requirements may________.
[A] cover all the people receiving the social benefits
[B] exert positive influence on American social mood
[C] wipe out those state welfare parasites
[D] succeed in solving the problem forever
35. An appropriate title for the text is most likely to be________.
[A] How to Decrease the Unemployment Rate
[B] How to Implement Work Requirements
[C] How to Reform State Welfare System
[D] How to Get Americans off the Couch
Text 4
Boredom has, paradoxically, become quite interesting to academics lately. The International Interdisciplinary Boredom Conference gathered humanities scholars in Warsaw for the fifth time in April. In early May, its less scholarly forerunner, London’s Boring Conference, celebrated seven years of delighting in tedium. At this event, people flock to talks about toast, double yellow lines, sneezing, and vending⁃machine sounds, among other snooze⁃inducing topics.
What, exactly, is everybody studying? One widely accepted psychological definition of boredom is“the aversive experience of wanting, but being unable, to engage in satisfying activity.”But how can you quantify a person’s boredom level and compare it with someone else’s? In 1986, psychologists introduced the Boredom Proneness Scale, designed to measure an individual’s overall propensity to feel bored (what’s known as“trait boredom”). By contrast, the Multi⁃dimensional State Boredom Scale, developed in 2008, measures a person’s feelings of boredom in a given situation (“state boredom”). A German⁃led team has since identified five types of state boredom: indifferent, calibrating, searching, reactant, and apathetic (indifferent boredom—characterized by low arousal—was the mellowest, least unpleasant kind; reactant—high arousal—was the most aggressive and unpleasant.) Boredom may be miserable, but let no one call it simple.
Boredom has been linked to behavior issues including bad driving, mindless snacking, binge⁃drinking, risky sex, and problem gambling. In fact, many of us would take pain over boredom. One team of psychologists discovered that two⁃thirds of men and a quarter of women would rather self⁃administer electric shocks than sit alone with their thoughts for 15 minutes. Probing this phenomenon, another team asked volunteers to watch boring, sad, or neutral films, during which they could self⁃administer electric shocks. The bored volunteers shocked themselves more and harder than the sad or neutral ones did.
But boredom isn’t all bad. By encouraging contemplation and daydreaming, it can spur creativity. An early, much⁃cited study gave participants abundant time to complete problem⁃solving and word⁃association exercises. Once all the obvious answers were exhausted, participants gave more and more inventive answers to fend off boredom. A British study took these findings one step further, asking subjects to complete a creative challenge (coming up with a list of alternative uses for a household item). One group of subjects did a boring activity first, while the others went straight to the creative task. Those whose boredom pumps had been primed were more prolific.
In our always⁃connected world, boredom may be an elusive state, but it is a fertile one. Watch paint dry or water boil, or at least put away your smartphone for a while. You might unlock your next big idea.
36. The word“tedium”in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to________.
[A] tiredness
[B] paradox
[C] delight
[D] dullness
37. The way to measure an individual’s boredom level and compare it with other’s is________.
[A] using two types of boredom standard scales
[B] employing a set of marks on an instrument
[C] applying a set of numbers on a map or model
[D] taking advantage of a weighing machine
38. When people feel bored, some of them may take to________.
[A] smoking and drunk driving unconsciously
[B] being self⁃abandoned and self⁃blinded
[C] presenting dangerous behaviors and moods
[D] being intoxicated and addicted to gambling
39. A British study is mentioned in paragraph 4 to________.
[A] show how the participants fight against boredom
[B] find what other uses a household item provides
[C] illustrate that tedium may stimulate inventiveness
[D] prove that boredom can help solving problems
40. According to the text, which of the following is true of boredom?
[A] The disadvantages of boredom far outweigh its advantages.
[B] Watching water boiling can be related to state of boredom.
[C] Boredom makes your every big idea a daydream.
[D] People can often feel boredom by playing games and reading WeChat in smartphones.
Part B
The following paragraphs are given in a wrong order. For Questions 41⁃45, you are required to reorganize these paragraphs into a coherent text by choosing from the list A⁃G and filling them into the numbered boxes. Paragraphs C and D have been correctly placed. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)
[A] Is there still a place for the tiddlers?“That’s an explicit yes,”says Bob Shea of NACUBO, “but do there need to be mergers and acquisitions? That’s an unequivocal yes as well.”Many small colleges serve niche markets, including a large faith⁃based one. “Many students wouldn’t go to college at all or would be lost in a large one,”says Ms. Brown.
[B] Part of the problem, at least for small liberal arts institutions, is that parents and would⁃be students are questioning the value of the liberal arts. They want a solid return, in the form of a well⁃paying job, for their four⁃year investment. There are still an awful lot of small places: about 40%of degree⁃granting colleges have fewer than 1,000 students. But enrolment at these institutions has fallen by more than 5%since 2010, while the student population has increased overall.
[C] Some tiny colleges rely on donations to save the day. Alumni are concerned about the value of their own degree if the college closes, but donors can grow weary. Marlboro, meanwhile, is using its endowment to offer scholarships to one student from each state in an effort to expand its usual pool from New England and to open up new student pipelines. It saw success straight away. It increased its student population by 6%this academic year, after years of falling enrolment.
[D] Visitors stand out at Marlboro College’s pastoral campus in the woods of Vermont, but not because they are special or even unexpected. With 190 enrolled students and just a few dozen faculty and staff, everyone knows everyone. The student⁃faculty ratio is five to one, about the lowest in the country. The college administration has worked hard to stay small: the student population has rarely topped 350. But in the years since its founding after the Second World War, Marlboro has often skirted financial ruin. In 1993 it had only a few payrolls left in the bank. It was rescued by a foundation. Today it is looking for ways to save itself and already seeing some success.
[E] To attract students, some colleges are reducing their sticker price, but this is not sustainable for colleges without healthy endowments. According to the National Association of College and University Business Officers(NACUBO), 49%of independent colleges and universities give discounts, up from 38%a decade ago.
[F] Alice Brown, a former head of the Appalachian College Association, a network of tiny colleges in the Appalachian Mountains, thinks more must merge or close. The Berklee College of Music(4,371students)and the Boston Conservatory(730 students)merged in June. Small colleges often share accountants or laboratories already.
[G] Marlboro is not alone in facing revenue and enrolment pressures. Burlington College(70 students), also in Vermont, shut its doors over the summer. Sweet Briar, a well⁃regarded women’s college in Virginia, nearly closed to its 245 students last year. A last minute bout of fundraising by alumni saved it, for now. Moody’s, a credit⁃ratings agency, said in 2015 that the pace of closures and mergers will accelerate and could triple from an average of five per year over the next few years. Dennis Gephardt of Moody’s says closures and mergers will be concentrated among the smallest colleges.

Part C
Read the following text carefully and then translate the underline1d segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (10 points)
“Nobody really knows”was Donald Trump’s assessment of man⁃made global warming, in an interview on December 11th. As far as the atmosphere is concerned, that puts him at odds with most scientists who have studied the matter. They do know that the atmosphere is warming, and they also know by how much. But turn to the sea and Mr. Trump has a point. (46) Though the oceans are warming too, climatologists readily admit that they have only a rough idea how much heat is going into them, and how much is already there.
Many suspect that the heat capacity of seawater explains the climate pause of recent years, in which the rate of atmospheric warming has slowed. (47) But without decent data, it is hard to be sure to what extent the oceans are acting as a heat sink that damps the temperature rise humanity is visiting upon the planet—and, equally important, how long they can keep that up.
This state of affairs will change, though, if a project described by Robert Tyler and Terence Sabaka to a meeting of the American Geophysical Union, held in San Francisco this week, is successful. (48) Dr. Tyler and Dr. Sabaka, who work at the Goddard Space Flight Centre, in Maryland, observe that satellites can detect small changes in Earth’s magnetic field induced by the movement of water. They also observe that the magnitude of such changes depends on the water’s temperature all the way down to the ocean floor. That, they think, opens a window into the oceans which has, until now, been lacking. To measure things in the deep sea almost always requires placing instruments there—either by lowering them from a ship or by putting them on board submarine devices. (49) The supply of oceanographic research vessels, though, is limited, and even the addition in recent years of several thousand“Argo”probes(floating robots that roam the oceans and are capable of diving to a depth of 2,000 metres)still leaves ocean temperatures severely under⁃sampled.
All this means that, if you know where and how ocean water is displaced, the changes in the magnetic field, as seen from a satellite, will tell you the heat content of that water. (50) Dr. Tyler and Dr. Sabaka therefore built a computer model which tried this approach on one reasonably well⁃understood form of oceanic displacement, the twice⁃daily tidal movement caused by the gravitational attraction of the moon.
Section III Writing
Part A
51. Directions:
Write a letter to the library in your university, making suggestions for improvement. You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.
Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use“Li Ming”instead.
Do not write the address. (10 points)
Part B
52. Directions:
Write an essay of 160⁃200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should
1)describe the drawing briefly,
2)explain its intended meaning, and
3)give your comments.
You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)

Section Ⅰ Use of English(10 points)
1. B 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. D 6. A 7. B 8. C 9. D 10. A
11. B 12. C 13. D 14. D 15. C 16. B 17. A 18. B 19. C 20. D
Section Ⅱ Reading Comprehension(60 points)
Part A(40 points)
21. C 22. B 23. D 24. A 25. A 26. C 27. B 28. D 29. C 30. A
31. B 32. A 33. C 34. B 35. D 36. D 37. A 38. D 39. C 40. B
Part B(10 points)
41. G 42. B 43. E 44. F 45. A
Part C(10 points)
Section Ⅲ Writing(30 points)
Section Ⅰ Use of English
[题源揭示]本文源于2017年6月的Scientific American(《科学美国人》),题目是Missing Link—An ancient fossil bears features of both bony fish and modern sharks(《缺失的一环——具有多骨刺鱼和现代鲨鱼特征的古老化石》)。

1. [试题考点]语意关系+名词辨析。 [正确选项] [B]。
[解题思路]空格所在部分为This is partly because“cartilage is a funny________”, 句子大意是,部分原因是“软骨是一种有趣的________”。空格处缺失的名词要与软骨有直接的解释说明关系。四个选项中,满足条件的只有选项[B]tissue“组织”。即软骨是一种有趣的组织。
2. [试题考点]语意关系+搭配辨析。 [正确选项] [A]。
[解题思路]空格所在部分为Shark bodies are largely________this firm, white connective substance。句子意为,鲨鱼的身体主要由这种坚硬的白色连接物质________。根据上下文内容可以推断出这里需要填入一个表示“构成,组成”的动词短语,be made of...意为“由……构成、组成”,故答案为选项[A]。
[干扰排除]make for意为“向……移动,走向,驶向;促成”,make off意为“匆忙离去”,make over意为“改造;彻底改变形象;转让”,因此其他三个选项的意思均不符合原文内容。
3. [试题考点]语意关系+代词辨析。 [正确选项] [B]。
4. [试题考点]语意关系+动词辨析。 [正确选项] [C]。
5. [试题考点]逻辑关系+词组辨析。 [正确选项] [D]。
[解题思路]上文指出几百年来,科学家们只能猜测鲨鱼的祖先中有一些可能是多骨刺鱼。而下文指出,用计算机断层扫描仪来评估唯一已知的一种叫作多里阿鲨的古鱼化石,迈赛和他的同事们……已经找到了一个关键的缺失部分。由此,可以看出上下文之间是转折的逻辑关系,选项[D]But now“但是现在”能够体现这种逻辑关系。
[干扰排除]选项[A]By now的意思是“到现在,目前为止”,选项[B]Now that“既然”,选项[C]Now then“好了;那么”均不能表达转折对比的逻辑关系。
6. [试题考点]语意关系+形容词辨析。 [正确选项] [A]。
7. [试题考点]语意关系+情态动词辨析。 [正确选项] [B]。
[解题思路]根据四个选项,空格处是情态动词,后面接have done的结构,表示推断。从各选项判断,只有选项[B]may符合语境,may have done是对过去或现在的推测,意为“可能已经”。空格所在句的大意为,迈赛和他的同事们可能已经找到了鲨鱼起源……中一个关键的缺失部分。
[干扰排除]选项[A]must与have done搭配,意为“一定做过某事”,是最有把握的猜测,表示一种必然性,根据文章第二段中提到的这次使用计算机断层扫描技术看到多里阿鲨具有鲨鱼的特点以及最后一段提到的这一发现支持了……的观点,可知此次发现只能是推测,并不能最终确定,故排除;选项[C]should与have done搭配后构成虚拟语气,表示与过去事实相反,意思是“本应做某事,但实际没做”;选项[D]would与have done搭配后也构成虚拟语气,表示与过去事实相反,意思是“本来会做某事,但实际没做成”。后两个选项也与原文逻辑不符,故排除。
8. [试题考点]语意关系+名词辨析。 [正确选项] [C]。
9. [试题考点]语意关系+形容词辨析。 [正确选项] [D]。
10. [试题考点]语意关系+名词辨析。 [正确选项] [A]。
[解题思路]空格所在句大意为,这具4亿年前的多里阿鲨________是20世纪90年代中期在加拿大新不伦瑞克省被发现的。从上下文内容来判断,多里阿鲨存在于4亿年前,现在能发现的只有其化石,或者骨骼化石,而且本段第一句话中有明确的提示词shark skeletons,故选项[A]skeleton“骨骼,骨架”正确。
11. [试题考点]逻辑关系+关联词辨析。 [正确选项] [B]。
12. [试题考点]语意关系+形容词辨析。 [正确选项] [C]。
13. [试题考点]语意关系+名词辨析。 [正确选项] [D]。
14. [试题考点]语意关系+动词辨析。 [正确选项] [D]。
15. [试题考点]常识判断+名词辨析。 [正确选项] [C]。
16. [试题考点]语意关系+副词辨析。 [正确选项] [B]。
[解题思路]空格处应用一个表示程度的副词来修饰后面的older。older是形容词比较级,所以不可以再用more或much more来修饰。选项[B]much“很,非常”可以修饰形容词比较级,表示“太,很,……得多”,是正确答案。
[干扰排除]选项[A]more“更,更多”,选项[C]much more“更多;更大程度地”,两个选项均不符合语法规则。没有选项[D]more much这种搭配。
17. [试题考点]语意关系+名词辨析。 [正确选项] [A]。
18.[试题考点]语意关系+动词辨析。[正确选项] [B]。
[解题思路]根据上下文内容和词语搭配,可以推断出选项[B]involved“使参与;涉及”为正确答案。be involved in为固定搭配,表示“参与;包含在……之内;被卷入;专心地从事”,该句所表达的意思是他没有参与这项研究。
19. [试题考点]语意关系+搭配辨析。 [正确选项] [C]。
[解题思路]空格所在句大意是,________迈赛的发现,研究人员现在必须回来研究刺鲛了。空格后面跟的是名词,因此所填入的词或词组应该起到介词或副词的作用,表示“由于、因为”等语意。因此选项[C]Thanks to“由于,多亏”最符合语境。
[干扰排除]选项[A]Instead of“代替……;而不是……”,选项[B]As for“至于”和选项[D]In response to“对……做出反应”这三个选项从语意到逻辑都与原文不符。
20. [试题考点]语意关系+搭配辨析。 [正确选项] [D]。
[解题思路]选项[D]light除了常用释义“光,光线”以外,还有“角度,方面”的意思,可与介词in搭配,in a new light意为“以一种新的角度;以一种新的视角”,符合文意。
fossilize v. (使)成化石,变成化石
skeleton n. 骨架,骨骼
specimen n. 样本,样品,标本
spine n. 脊柱,脊椎;刺
chunk n. 大块,组块
①Yet it was not until 2014 that advanced CT technology allowed Maisey to see that the specimen had shark⁃like jaws and tooth arrangements.
[分析]本句为主从复合句,其主干部分为Yet it was not until 2014 that...。这是一个强调句,第一个that是强调句式It was...that... 中的构成部分,第二个that引导名词性从句,作see的宾语。the specimen指代的是上文提到的the 400⁃million⁃year⁃old Doliodus skeleton。
②Earlier this year he and his colleagues reported in American Museum Novitates that it also had a row of spines along its back and pelvic fins that match a much older and well⁃studied class of extinct bony fishes called acanthodians.
[分析]这是一个主从复合句,本句的主干部分为...he and his colleagues reported...that...。句中第一个that引导宾语从句,作谓语reported的宾语。第二个that引导的是一个限定性定语从句,用来修饰其前面的先行词spines。along its back and pelvic fins是后置定语,也用来修饰spines。宾语从句中的it指代上文中提到的the specimen,即the 400⁃million⁃year⁃old Doliodus skeleton,也就是这具4亿年前的多里阿鲨骨架。
Section Ⅱ Reading Comprehension
Part A
Text 1
[题源揭示]本文源于2017年3月的The Guardian(《卫报》)。原文标题为New roads fail to ease traffic or lift economies, say researchers(《研究人员说新道路不能缓解交通压力或提升经济》)。

21. [试题考点]具体信息题。 [正确选项] [C]。
[干扰排除]选项[A]“英国建设的道路为其经济赢得了独立和繁荣”,不符合第一段内容。选项[B]“英国建设的高速公路没有改善英格兰的交通状况”,与第一句中的failed either to relieve congestion有相关性,但是这不是参与运动的人士直接指出的,而是调查揭示的结果。选项[D]“英国公路的建设对交通和经济都没有好处”,歪曲了第一句话中的failed either to relieve congestion or boost local economies。原文的意思是,既没有缓解道路拥堵,也没有促进当地经济的发展,并不是对交通和经济都没有好处,而且这个内容不是参与运动的人士指出的,而是调查结果表明的。
22. [试题考点]具体信息题。 [正确选项] [B]。
23. [试题考点]具体信息题。 [正确选项] [D]。
[干扰排除]选项[A]“道路建设项目对英国经济发展非常重要”,这是原文最后一段第一句中英格兰公路公司的观点,不是调查得出的结果。选项[B]“道路建设方案实现了其改善交通的初始目标”,这不符合第三段第三句“但英格兰乡村保护运动组织表示,研究表明,过去二十年的道路建设未能实现类似的目标”的说法。文中“类似的目标”指代上文中提到的鼓励经济增长,并支持一分钟一英里行车时间的“畅通核心网络”的目标,即目标中包括改善交通这一方面。选项[C]“新建的高速路大大减少了旅客的行车时间”,在原文第三段第四句提到了journey times“行车时间,交通时间,旅行时间”,但该句提到行车时间上的减少可以忽略,言外之意是没有大幅度减少行车时间,故选项的意思与原文内容相反。
24. [试题考点]推理判断题。 [正确选项] [A]。
25. [试题考点]语气态度题。 [正确选项] [A]。
congestion n. 拥堵,堵塞
campaigner n. 活动推动者,运动人士
commission v. 委托;委任
consultation n. 咨询;磋商
adjoining adj. 邻接的,毗连的
negligible adj. 微不足道的,可以忽略的
infrastructure n. 基础设施,公共建设
①Roads built in England have largely failed either to relieve congestion or boost local economies, according to what campaigners claim is the biggest ever independent review of completed schemes.
[分析]本句主干部分为Roads...have largely failed...,这是一个主谓结构。built in England为过去分词作定语,修饰roads。according to后面的campaigners claim是插入语,what引导名词性从句,作according to的宾语。
②Shaun Spiers, Chief Executive of CPRE, said that in announcing the biggest road⁃building programme since the 1970s, the government had“junked the evidence...saloon bar policy making won the day.”
[分析]本句为主从复合句,主干部分为Shaun Spiers...said that...,that引导的宾语从句的主干为the government had“junked the evidence...”。Chief Executive of CPRE是Shaun Spiers的同位语。saloon bar的意思是“沙龙酒吧,雅座酒吧;高级酒店”,这里指高层人士脱离实际的制定政策的方法。
Text 2
[题源揭示]本文源于2017年7月的Washington Post(《华盛顿邮报》)。原文标题为A promising decline in teen smoking—The FDA’s delay on e⁃cigarettes could undercut that progress(《青少年吸烟数量显著下降——美国食品药品监督管理局推迟禁止电子烟可能会削弱已经取得的进步》)。

26. [试题考点]具体信息题。 [正确选项] [C]。
[解题思路]题目是问根据美国疾病控制与预防中心的报告,青少年吸烟_________。根据题干关键词report by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention定位至第一段。该段讲到,根据美国疾病控制与预防中心的一份最新报告显示,美国吸烟的中学生数量从2015年的470万下降到了2016年的390万。选项[C]“最近经历了一次可喜的下降”与原文内容相符,故为正确答案。
[干扰排除]选项[A]“在2015至2016年间稍微下降”,原文介绍从2015到2016年中学生吸烟数量下降了80万,不是小幅度下降。选项[B]“主要发生在小学”,与原文中的middle and high school students表达的意思不符。选项[D]“很大程度上与死亡率有关”,原文并未提及。
27. [试题考点]信息判断题。 [正确选项] [B]。
28. [试题考点]具体信息题。 [正确选项] [D]。
29. [试题考点]具体信息题。 [正确选项] [C]。
30. [试题考点]主题概括题。 [正确选项] [A]。
[干扰排除]选项[B]“公共卫生的胜利——美国疾病控制与预防中心有关青少年吸烟的报告表现出了希望”,原文部分内容与此相关,但第二段、第四段和第五段的内容与这个选项所表达的内容有很大不同,因此选项[B]不能概括全文主题。选项[C]“重要差异——美国各州和社区面临着青少年吸烟的挑战”,这个答案破折号后面的部分与原文内容有一定的相关性,但是破折号前面的概括用语“重要差异”不能概括文章的主旨大意。选项[D]“严重的公共卫生问题——政府接受了风险和挑战”,没有提及原文的主题关键词teen smoking,不能概括全文主要内容。
nicotine n. 尼古丁,烟碱
herald v. 通报,预示……的来临
staggering adj. 令人吃惊的,令人惊愕的
intervention n. 干预,调停,干涉
causation n. 原因,因果关系
ordinance n. 条例,法令
disparity n. 不同,不一致
lesbian adj. 女同性恋的
bisexual adj. 双性恋的
transgender n. 变性,跨性别
jurisdiction n. 司法管辖权,管辖权
postponement n. 延期,延缓
①It is difficult to determine causation, but experts have attributed the drop to a range of federal, state and local policies designed to dissuade young adults from using tobacco, such as increasing tobacco taxes and expanding antismoking ordinances to include e⁃cigarettes and other new products.
[分析]本句为并列句,两个分句由并列连词but连接,句子的主干部分为It is difficult to determine causation,but experts have attributed the drop to a range of...。第一个分句中it是形式主语,真正的主语是不定式短语to determine causation。第二个分句中designed to dissuade young adults是动词过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰其前面的名词policies。increasing tobacco taxes和expanding antismoking ordinances是两个动名词短语,用在such as之后表示两个具体的政策实例。
②There are also significant disparities among states and communities: Rural, low⁃income, and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth are particularly at risk due to targeted marketing and policy variation between different jurisdictions.
[分析]本句的主干部分There are also significant disparities...: Rural, low⁃income, and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth are particularly at risk...,是there be句型。冒号后面的内容用来详细说明disparities的具体内容,是一个主系表结构,其中的主语部分为rural, low⁃income, and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth,系表部分是are at risk。targeted是动词过去分词,起形容词作用,修饰其后的marketing。
Text 3
[题源揭示]本文源于2017年7月的Wall Street Journal(《华尔街日报》)。原文标题为How to Get Americans off the Couch(《如何让美国人远离沙发》)。

31. [试题考点]具体信息题。 [正确选项] [B]。
32. [试题考点]具体信息题。 [正确选项] [A]。
[解题思路]题目问关于1996年福利改革的信息哪一项是正确的。根据the 1996 welfare reform可以将解题线索定位至第二段和第三段。第二段指出,改革要将职位需求与医疗补助、食品券、社会保障残疾保险和生活补助金等社会福利结合起来,这里提到了医疗补助(Medicaid),社会保障残疾保险(SSDI)和补充保障收益(SSI),因此,选项[A]说法正确。
33. [试题考点]具体信息题。 [正确选项] [C]。
34.[试题考点]推理判断题。 [正确选项] [B]。
[解题思路]题目问我们从文章中可以推断出职位需求可能________。根据题目关键词work requirements,可定位至原文第二段和第四段。第二段第二句指出,将职位需求与社会福利结合起来,会使“美国日益严重的劳动力短缺”不再是问题。第三段首句指出,职位需求可以使无业者中25%的人回到劳动力市场。因此选项[B]“对美国社会风气起到积极的影响”符合原文说法,故为答案。
35. [试题考点]主旨大意题。 [正确选项] [D]。
demographer n. 人口学家,人口统计学家
prime adj. 主要的;最好的;基本的
Medicaid n. 美国医疗补助计划,医疗补助,医疗救助
in a pinch 在紧要关头
underemployed adj. 未充分就业的,未尽其才的
avenue n. 方法,途径
mandatory adj. 强制的,命令的
off⁃ramp n. 出口匝道,出口
on the sidelines 当旁观者,不直接参加
①Attaching work requirements to social benefits like Medicaid, food stamps, Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income would make what these pages have called“America’s growing labor shortage”a nonissue.
[分析]本句为主从复合句,主句的主干为Attaching work requirements to social benefits...would make...“America’s growing labor shortage”a nonissue,主语由动名词短语attaching work requirements to social benefits构成。what these pages have called是插入语,解释说明“America’s growing labor shortage”,句中a nonissue是“America’s growing labor shortage”的宾语补足语。
②A better long⁃term solution to the work shortage would be to eliminate all forms of public support except for those who are unable to work, and eliminate all poverty programs, since they haven’t reduced poverty since they were established in 1965.
[分析]这是一个主从复合句,句子的主干部分为A better long⁃term solution...would be to eliminate all forms of public support..., and eliminate all poverty programs...,是主系表结构。主干部分的表语为两个不定式短语(to)eliminate及后面的宾语。who are unable to work是限定性定语从句,用来修饰其先行词those。句中第一个since引导的是原因状语从句,意为“因为,由于”;第二个since引导的是时间状语从句,译为“自从,自从……以来”。
Text 4
[题源揭示]本文源于2017年6月的The Atlantic(《大西洋月报》)。原文标题为Boredom Is Good for You—The surprising benefits of stultification(《无聊对你有好处——论发呆的令人惊讶的好处》)。

36. [试题考点]词语含义题。 [正确选项] [D]。
37. [试题考点]具体信息题。 [正确选项] [A]。
38. [试题考点]具体信息题。 [正确选项] [D]。
39. [试题考点]论据论点题。 [正确选项] [C]。
[解题思路]题目是问第四段提到一项英国的研究是为了________。根据关键词A British study以及paragraph 4可定位到原文第四段第五句及下文,文中提到英国的一项研究要求受试者想出一份家用物品的多种用途清单。一组受试者首先做的是一种无聊的活动,而另一组则直接去完成这种创造性的任务,结果先做无聊活动的人想出的用途更多。这个例子是用来证明第四段开头的主题句:无聊并不都是坏事。通过鼓励冥想和做白日梦可以激发创造力。因此选项[C]“证明无聊可能会激发创造力”是提到英国这项研究的目的,故为正确答案。
40. [试题考点]具体信息题。 [正确选项] [B]。
paradoxically adv. 自相矛盾地,似是而非地,反常地
academic n. 学者,专业学者,大学教师
interdisciplinary adj. 跨学科的;跨领域的
tedium n. 无聊,沉闷,单调乏味
aversive adj. 反感的,嫌恶的
proneness n. 倾向
propensity n. 倾向;习性;癖好,偏爱
calibrate v. 校正,调准,校准;精确测量
reactant adj. 反抗的,抵抗的
apathetic adj. 无动于衷的,冷漠的,冷淡的
binge drinking 酗酒文化,酗酒,豪饮
contemplation n. 沉思,冥想
prolific adj. 多产的,丰富的
elusive adj. 难懂的,难以捉摸的
①A German⁃led team has since identified five types of state boredom: indifferent, calibrating, searching, reactant, and apathetic(indifferent boredom—characterized by low arousal—was the mellowest, least unpleasant kind; reactant—high arousal—was the most aggressive and unpleasant.)
[分析]本句为简单句,主干为A German⁃led team has since identified five types of state boredom...,是一个主谓宾结构。主语team由German⁃led这个合成词构成的定语修饰,冒号后面的部分是对整个句子的补充说明,括号里面的内容是对五个无聊状态的进一步分析解释。括号里是一个并列句,两个分句由分号连接,其主干部分为indifferent boredom...was the mellowest, least unpleasant kind; reactant...was the most aggressive and unpleasant。破折号中characterized by low arousal为动词过去分词短语,用来补充前面信息的特征。
②One team of psychologists discovered that two⁃thirds of men and a quarter of women would rather self⁃administer electric shocks than sit alone with their thoughts for 15 minutes.
[分析]本句的主干部分为One team...discovered that...,这是一个主谓宾结构。宾语部分由that引导的宾语从句构成,该宾语从句中出现了一个固定搭配would rather...than...,表示“宁愿……也不愿……”。self⁃administer意为“自我实施,自我执行”,electric shocks意为“电击”,常在医学中用作治疗方法或在刑罚中用作惩治手段。
Part B
[题源揭示]本文源于2016年12月17日的The Economist(《经济学人》)。原文标题为Tiny colleges: Small wonders(《微型学院——小奇迹》)。
41. [G]。根据所给的段落次序,第一段是D,重点介绍了万宝路学院一直努力保持学院规模小型化:学生人数很少超过350人。现在万宝路学院正面临危机,也寻找自救的方法,并已经取得了一些成功。因此下一段的内容应该能够承上启下,接着以万宝路学院为线索,展开下文。通读其他各个选项,可以发现选项[G]的第一句话“万宝路学院并不是唯一面临收入和招生压力的学校”可以衔接上文的内容。因此选项[G]正确。
42. [B]。文章第二段的主要内容是:万宝路学院并不是唯一面临收入和招生压力的学校。后文举例说明命运相同的小型学院还有几所。后文接着引用了信用评级机构穆迪的观点,即学院的关闭和合并的速度将会加快,并在未来几年内可能是现在速度的三倍。该段最后引用丹尼斯·格普哈特的观点:学院的关闭和合并将集中在最小规模的学院。由此可知,这段主要介绍了许多学院关闭和合并成为一种趋势,尤其是小规模的学院。最后一句提到微型学院关闭和合并的问题,所以下文应该围绕微型学院存在的问题来进行讨论。选项[B]就是紧紧围绕小型学院存在的问题展开的,这个段落的三个句子主语中分别包含小型学院的相关信息,small liberal arts institutions、there are still an awful lot of small places和enrolment at these institutions,与上文呼应,关系密切,故为答案。
43. [E]。本文第一段提出问题:美国微型学院面临危机,可能会关闭和合并;第二段分析问题,介绍微型学院出现危机的原因。所以下一段应该介绍如何解决问题,即具体介绍用什么方法来避免关闭和合并的命运。选项[E]开门见山地提出:为了吸引学生,一些院校降低了学费标价,并提供学费折扣。选项[E]与上文衔接紧密,故正确。
44. [F]。上一段提到小型学院开始采取降低学费的方式吸引学生。而剩余的备选项只有选项[A]和选项[F]。仔细阅读两个选项的内容可以发现,选项[A]的最后一句是“Many students wouldn’t go to college at all or would be lost in a large one,”says Ms. Brown. 而选项[F]的第一句话是Alice Brown, a former head of the Appalachian College Association, a network of tiny colleges in the Appalachian Mountains, thinks more must merge or close. 同一个人物(Brown)出现在两个选项中,而选项[F]有对人物的具体介绍,应该出现在前面,因此,本题的正确答案是选项[F],主要介绍布朗女士对小型学院生存和发展的看法。
45. [A]。参照上题的分析,可知本题正确答案是选项[A],本段一方面通过提问的方式来承接上文,提出小型学院还是有生存空间和发展前途的,另一方面与全文的最后一段呼应。最后一段进一步指出小型学院除了降低学费、寻求特殊市场,还可以依靠捐款来拯救局面,也可以利用其捐赠基金为学生提供奖学金,以努力扩大生源库,并开发新的学生资源。
[D] 游客们在佛蒙特州森林的万宝路学院的田园式校园里十分显眼,但并不是因为他们是特殊的游客或者是不速之客。万宝路学院有190名在校学生和仅有的几十名教职员工,大家都彼此认识。学生和教师的比例是5:1,大概是全国最低的。学院管理部门一直努力保持学院规模小型化:学生人数很少超过350人。但自二战后学院成立以来,万宝路学院经常可以避开金融危机。1993年,该学院在银行的资金只够支付几名教职员工的工资,结果一个基金会拯救了它。今天,它正在寻找拯救自己的方法,并且已经取得了一些成功。
[B] 这一问题的部分原因是家长和准大学生都在质疑文科的价值, 至少对于小型的文科院校来说是这样。他们希望自己四年的投资能得到一份高薪工作这一形式的可靠回报。现在仍然有大量的小型院校存在:能够授予学位的学院中大约有40%只拥有不到1000名在校生。尽管学生人数总体上有所增长,但自2010年以来,这些小型院校的入学率却下降了5%以上。
[E] 为了吸引学生,一些院校降低了学费标价,但这对于没有健全基金的院校来说是不可持续的。根据全国高等院校商业管理官员协会的数据,49%的独立学院和大学提供学费折扣,而10年前的数据只有38%。
[F] 前阿巴拉契亚大学协会(阿巴拉契亚山脉地区微型学院网)会长艾丽斯·布朗认为更多的学校必须合并或关闭。伯克利音乐学院(有4371名学生)和波士顿音乐学院(有730名学生)于六月合并。小型学院往往已经共享了会计人员或实验室。
[A] 是不是给这些小型院校还留有一些余地呢?“肯定是有的,但是必须要通过合并和收购吗?答案也是确定无疑的。”全国高等院校商业管理官员协会的鲍勃·谢伊说道。许多小型院校都为利基市场服务,这其中包括一个以信仰为基础的大市场。布朗女士说:“许多学生根本就不会上大学,或者会在大型高校里迷失自己。”
[C] 一些微型学院依靠捐款来挽救局面,如果学院关闭,校友们会对自己学位的价值感到担忧。但捐赠者可能会感到厌倦。与此同时,万宝路学院正利用其捐赠基金向每个州的一名学生提供奖学金,以努力扩大其在新英格兰地区的常规生源库,并开发新的生源。此举立竿见影。在入学率下降了几年之后,该学院今年的生源数量增加了6%。
Part C
[文章概述]本文源于2016年12月7日的The Economist(《经济学人》)。原文标题为Climate science—How hot are the oceans? (《气候科学——海洋有多热?》)。文章主要讨论了科学家对海水热容量的研究。气候变暖已经得到了充分的研究和关注,而海洋变暖对许多人来说还是个新领域。文章介绍了海洋对气候变暖发挥的作用及科学家们对海洋热容量的初步探索。
46.[原文再现]Though the oceans are warming too, climatologists readily admit that they have only a rough idea how much heat is going into them, and how much is already there.
[结构分析]本句的主干结构为...climatologists readily admit that...。though引导的是让步状语从句,that引导的是宾语从句,两个how much所引导的是两个并列的同位语从句,作idea的同位语。
(1)climatologists readily admit that they have only a rough idea:they指代的是前面的climatologists,气候学家。readily的意思是“乐意地,容易地,无困难地”。
(2)how much heat is going into them, and how much is already there:这部分是前面idea的同位语,用来解释idea的具体内容。them指代though引导的让步状语从句中的oceans。
47.[原文再现]But without decent data, it is hard to be sure to what extent the oceans are acting as a heat sink that damps the temperature rise humanity is visiting upon the planet—and, equally important, how long they can keep that up.
[结构分析]本句的主干结构为..., it is hard to be sure...。主干为主系表结构,it是形式主语,真正的主语是不定式短语to be sure,句中that引导限定性定语从句,修饰其前面的先行词heat sink,humanity is visiting upon the planet是省略了引导词that的定语从句,修饰temperature rise。to be sure后面跟着两个并列的结构作宾语,一个是to what extent the oceans are acting as a heat sink,另一个是how long they can keep that up。
(1)to what extent the oceans are acting as a heat sink:to what extent是固定短语,意思是“在多大程度上”。heat sink的意思是“散热器;吸热部件”。
(2)that damps the temperature rise:这是一个限定性定语从句,修饰前面的heat sink。damp的意思是“抑制,阻止,控制”。
(3)how long they can keep that up:they指代的是oceans,keep up的意思是“保持,继续”,that指的是damp the temperature rise“阻碍温度升高”。
48.[原文再现]Dr. Tyler and Dr. Sabaka, who work at the Goddard Space Flight Centre, in Maryland, observe that satellites can detect small changes in Earth’s magnetic field induced by the movement of water.
[结构分析]本句的主干结构为Dr. Tyler and Dr. Sabaka...observe that...。句子为主从复合句。句中who引导非限定性定语从句,修饰其前面的先行词Dr. Tyler and Dr. Sabaka。that引导宾语从句,作谓语observe的宾语。
(1)satellites can detect small changes in Earth’s magnetic field:这部分是宾语从句中的主干部分,主语为satellites,谓语是can detect,宾语是small changes。magnetic field在此处是“磁场,磁力场”的意思。
(2)induced by the movement of water:induced是过去分词,用作后置定语,修饰changes。induce的意思是“引起,诱导”。
49.[原文再现]The supply of oceanographic research vessels, though, is limited, and even the addition in recent years of several thousand“Argo”probes(floating robots that roam the oceans and are capable of diving to a depth of 2,000 metres)still leaves ocean temperatures severely under⁃sampled.
[结构分析]本句的主干结构为The supply... is limited, and even the addition...still leaves ocean temperatures severely under⁃sampled,这是一个并列句,两个分句由并列连词and连接。括号中的内容用来解释“Argo”probes的具体内容,其中that引导定语从句,修饰其前面的先行词robots。
(1)The supply of oceanographic research vessels, though, is limited:oceanographic的意思是“海洋学的,有关海洋学的”,research vessels的意思是“海洋调查船,考察船”。
(2)floating robots that roam the oceans and are capable of diving to a depth of 2,000 metres:that引导的定语从句修饰robots,用来解释括号外面的probes“探测器;探针;探头”。roam的意思是“漫游,漫步”。
(3)leaves ocean temperatures severely under⁃sampled:leave在这里是系动词,意思是“使得……”。under⁃sampled本意为“抽样不足的,欠采样的”,在这里的意思是“对海洋温度的测量取样不足”。
50.[原文再现]Dr. Tyler and Dr. Sabaka therefore built a computer model which tried this approach on one reasonably well⁃understood form of oceanic displacement, the twice⁃daily tidal movement caused by the gravitational attraction of the moon.
[结构分析]本句的主干结构为Dr. Tyler and Dr. Sabaka therefore built a computer model which...。which引导限定性定语从句,修饰其前面的先行词model。
(1)which tried this approach on one reasonably well⁃understood form of oceanic displacement:which指前面的“计算机模型”,well⁃understood form可以翻成“容易理解的形式,比较熟悉的形式”,oceanic displacement本意是“海洋位移”,可以理解为“海水的移动”。
(2)the twice⁃daily tidal movement caused by the gravitational attraction of the moon:这部分是前面oceanic displacement的同位语,指的是由月球引力引起的每日两次的潮汐运动。
Section Ⅲ Writing
Part A
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am a newcomer in our university and I am writing with great sincerity to make some suggestions to improve the service and environment in our library.
First, it seems that our library does not provide enough seats for students to take in the reading room because I see lots of students standing there reading many times. Second, the instructions for where we can get the needed materials copied are not clear so it is advised that you post the directions at the gate of the library. Third, the notice for when the borrowed books are due can be sent to the students by e⁃mail or WeChat so that we may learn the information in no time.
Thank you for your reading and we hope you can take these suggestions seriously and make improvements. I am looking forward to your reply.
Sincerely yours,
Li Ming
Part B
共享单车 bike⁃sharing, shared
bike, bicycle⁃sharing
方便 convenient, convenience
环境友好型 environment⁃friendly
网络约车 book a taxi online
As is vividly depicted in the cartoon above, a young man, after his riding a shared bike to work, thinks that it is convenient to go to company by bike because it helps him save time, avoid traffic congestion and keep fit physically. The cartoon tries to communicate to us this message
: it is terrific to ride a shared bike because it will not be stuck in the traffic jam and is an effective way to keep fit.
The picture reveals that the advent of bike⁃sharing has greatly changed the way people travel. It not only improves people’s travel efficiency, but also lowers
the cost of one’s trip to a certain extent. First of all
, the bike users can ride it for free or pay only one yuan if they need it for just a few minutes or within one hour. What’s more
, the bike⁃sharers don’t have to own the bike, which may cost hundreds of RMB. Last but not least
, conception of bike⁃sharing makes it possible for us to lead a healthy and active lifestyle because it is an environment⁃friendly means of transportation.
Based on the analysis above, we may safely conclude that the bike⁃sharing system will have a gorgeous future. It is highly recommended that
the sharing bike providers give a better management to their bike⁃sharing system. It can be expected that bicycle⁃sharing system will play a contributive and constructive role in urban public transportation.