附录二 普通英文社会学参考书籍
Achelis: T., Sociologie, Leipzig.
Blackmar and Gillin: Outlines of Sociology, New York.
Beach: Introduction to Sociology and Social Problems.
Bogardus: F.S.: An Introduction to the Social Sciences, Los Angeles.
Bogardus, F.S.: Introduction to Sociology, Los Angeles.
Bogardus, F.S.: Introduction to Social Psychology.
Bristol, L.M.: Social Adaptation, Cambridge,
Carver, T.Nixon: Sociology and Social Progress, New York.
Caullet, Paul: Elements de Sociologie, Paris.
Cocley, C.N.: Social Organization, New York.
Dealey, J.Q.: Sociology, Its Simpler Teachings and Applications, New York.
Dealey, J.Q., and Ward, L.F.: Textbook of Sociology, New York.
Eleutheropules, A.: Soziology, Jena.
Ellwood, C.A.: Sociology and Modern Social Problems, New York.
Ellwood, C.A.: Social Psychology, New York.
Fairbanks, Arthur: Introduction to Sociology, New York.
Giddings, F.H.: Elements of Sociology, New York.
Giddings, F.H.: Readings in Desoriptive and Historical Sociology, New York.
Giddings, F.H.: Principles of Sociology, New York.
Greef, Guillaume de: Introduction a la Sociologie,2 vols., Paris.
Gumplowicz, Ludwig: The Outlines of Sociology, Philadelphia.
Gumplowicz, Ludwig: Der Rassenkampf, Innsbruck.
Hankins, F.H.: Introduction to the Study of Society.
Howard, G.F.: General Sociolgy, An Analytical Syllabus, Lincoln, Neb., U. S.A.
Hayes, C.E.: Introduction to the Study of Sociology, New York.
Kulp, Ⅱ, D.H.: Outlines of the Sociology of Human Behavior, New York.
Ratzenhofer, Gustav: Soziologie, Leipzig.
Ratzenhofer, Gustav: Die Soziologische Erkenintnis, Leipzig.
Roberty, E.de.: Sociologie, Paris.
Roberty E.de.: Sociologie de l'action, Paris.
Rogers, J.E: The Economic Interpretation of History, New York.
Ross, E.A.: Foundations of Sociology, New York.
Ross, E.A.: Social Psychology, New York.
Ross, E.A.: Principles of Sociology, New York.
Saleeby, C.W.: Sociology, London.
Seligman, E.R.: The Economic Interpretation of History, New York.
Simmel, Georg: Soziologie, Leipzig.
Small, A.W.: Adam Smith and Modern Sociology, Chicago.
Small, A.W.: General Sociology, Chicago.
Small, A.W.: The Meaning of Social Science, Chicago.
Spencer, Herbert: The Study of Sociology, New York.
Spencer, Herbert: The Principles of Sociology, New York.
Stuckenberg, J.H.W.: Introduction to the Study of Sociology, New York.
Stuckenberg, J.H.W.: Sociology, the Science of Human Society,2 vols., New York.
Tarde, Gabriel: Social Laws(translation), New York.
Tarde, Gabriel: The Laws of Imitation,(translation), New York.
Tonnies, Ferdinand: Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft, Leipzig.
Veblen, Thorstein: The Instinct of Workmanship, New York.
Veblen, Thorstein: The Theory of the Leisure Class, New York.
Wallas, Graham: Human Nature in Politics, Boston.
Wallas, Graham: The Great Society, New York.
Ward Lester F.: Dynamic Sociology,2 vol., New York.
Ward Lester F.: Outlines of Sociology, New York.
Ward Lester F.: Psychic Factors of Civilization, Boston.
Ward, I.ester, F.: Pure Sociology, New York.
Waxweiler, Emile: Esquisse d'une Sociologie, Brussels.
Worms, Rene: Philosophie des Sciences Sociale,3 vols., Paris.