Zhao Shuai Recommending the Wise Man
During the Spring and Autumn Period, Wengong, the ruler of Jin State asked his minister Zhao Shuai,“Who can be the marshal, the minister, and the general?” Although Zhao Shuai was very talented, he was selfless, and recommended some talented people to Wengong, such as Luan Zhi who was very cautious and loyal, Xian Zhen who knew tactics, Xu Chen who was very knowledgeable and so on. However, he was always stepping aside himself.
Wengong said,“Zhao Shuai has declined many times without losing the etiquette. His modesty is for recommending the wise men, his etiquette is for spreading morality, and if morality is popularized, the wise men will come. Therefore, his stepping aside for many times a virtuous behavior. If I don't appoint him, moral standards will be abandoned.”
Then Wengong divided the army into five branches, and appointed Zhao Shuai the commander of the New Upper Army.
Later, General Zi Fan died, and General Pu Chengbo replaced his position and asked Wengong to dispatch an assistant general for him.
Wengong said,“Zhao Shuai has declined and recommended the other wise men for three times, and without losing the etiquette. I thought that he was not only talented, but also virtuous. I am no worried to let him be your assistant.” Therefore, Wengong appointed Zhao Shuai the assistant general of the Upper Army.
Now we usually use this idiom to indicate the courtliness for the wise men.