The Principles of Heaven and Earth
After Ji Gui, King Jing of Zhou Dynasty, died in 520 BC, the prince Ji Jing who was born by the Queen should succeed the throne according to the custom. However, when King Jing was alive, he once discussed with a senior official named Bin Meng that he was about to make Ji Chao who was not born by the Queen the prince in order that Ji Chao was also qualified to succeed the throne. A fierce fight for the throne broke out in the court of Zhou.
Under such circumstance, Duke Qing of Jin State called on all the representatives of the feudal States, including Zhao Yang from Jin State, You Ji from Zheng State, Le Daxin from Song State, etc., to deliberate how to quiet down the fight in Heirangmeng.
During the deliberation, Zhao Yang from Jin State asked You Ji from Zheng State how to explain the word“Rite”.
You Ji answered“When a senior official in our country named Zi Chan was alive, he once said that Rite was the natural development of things. It was the principles of heaven and earth that all the people should follow. Nobody could change it, nor could they doubt it.”
Zhao Yang was quite satisfied with You Ji's answer. He said he would remember it by heart. Other representatives from the feudal countries also agreed with the principle.
Then Zhao Yang suggested that all the representatives of the feudal states should support King Jing and that they should supply him with soldiers and provisions to help him move the court back to the capital.
Later on, the senior official of Jin State was followed by the armies of the feudal states to help King Jing regain the throne. The fight for the throne was over.
We should follow the moral rules of the society. If everyone does so, many conflicts can be avoided.