Chapter 4 Honesty is the Best Policy 诚实是上策
For Your Information
Having a reputation for honesty is important in doing business and following the advice above will go a long way, but that's not everything.
中译 做生意时,“信誉”是很重要的。遵循前面提到的忠告,可以带来很大的帮助,但还是不够。
I was offered bribes, but never took them. Without making an issue out of it, I thanked them for the offer, declined and rarely called them again.I feel if a man needs bribes to sell his product, it can't be very good, and I don't want to defend a poor product purchased at my recommendation.After a few months, the offers stopped.Also, because I was honest, I got things from clients and suppliers the other executives couldn't, or found difficult.Having a reputation for honesty helps.
中译 我不接受任何贿赂:我不会大惊小怪,只是简单地答谢、予以拒绝,并减少电话往来。我觉得如果要靠贿赂,才能把产品卖出去,那么这个产品就有问题。我不希望推荐某个产品,然后再为不好的产品辩解。几个月后,这种送红包的行为就停止了。再者,因为我很诚实,我可以得到客户与供应商的独家消息,而其他主管就很难做到了。信誉良好对生意上的帮助是很大的。
The following is an example of just how easy it can be. It could be face to face or over the phone.Jack is selling speakers made in China,and Donna works for an American distributor.
Jack:Donna!How are you?It's good to hear your voice.
Donna:Thank you, Jack, it's always a pleasure doing business with you.
Jack:So how are things in the land of the free and the home of the brave?
Donna:Great!And, how are things in your neck of the woods?
Jack:Things are so great here. I almost smiled myself to death last week.One of my coworkers had to give me CPR.
Donna:Oh, Jack, I have missed your sense of humor. Ha, ha, ha!Nobody else sees things quite like you do.It's your gift.
Jack:Or a curse.
Donna:Nope, it's a gift. Anyway, we need some more of those mid-range speakers you tricked me into buying last time.
Jack:That, my dear, was classic sales technique delivered by a professional.
Donna:Are you still gouging your customers the same price per unit?
Jack:Heck no, we doubled the price, but because it's you, I'll let you have them at 50%off. Heh, heh, heh!How does that sound?
Donna:You silver-tongued devil. Can't you ever just answer a question with a simple yes or no?
Jack:I could, but where's the fun in that?
Vocabulary 重要词汇
bribe 贿赂;买通
purchase 采购
recommendation 推荐;建议
executive 执行主管
distributor 批发商
mid-range 中程
gouge 诈欺;勒索
silver-tongued 很会说话的