Lesson 69 WouId(that)+主语+谓语+其他!
句型“Would(that)+主语+谓语+其他”属于表示愿望的感叹句,如果主语是“I”,“I”常被省略,原句表示为“I would that……”。
●Would that the thief could return my wallet!要是小偷能把钱包还我该多好!
●Would that Tom could pay my money back on time!要是汤姆能按时还我钱该多好!
●Would that I were a doctor!要是我是一个博士生该多好!
●Would that all my team members could pass the physical training!要是我所有的队员能够通过体能训练就好了!
●Would all high school students could be admitted to a university!如果所有的高中生都能上大学该多好!
●Would that you had not refused my proposal of marriage!如果当时你没有拒绝我的求婚该多好!
●We can not go out and have a dinner because of rain.
●Would it were not raining!因为下雨我们不能出去吃饭了。要是不下雨多好!
●Why are you wounded?
●That tall man hit me.Would you were a boxer!你怎么受伤了?那个高个子男人打了我。如果你是拳击手该多好啊!
●Stop singing!You have an unpleasant voice.
●Would that I had a nice voice!别唱了,你的声音真难听。要是我有动听的声音该多好!