二、 人称代词
1. 人称代词的用法
❶ 人称代词(personal pronoun)是为了避免重复而替代名词的词。人称代词可以指人或物。
❷ 人或物被提及一次之后又接着再次被提及,或可从当时情境推测所指人/物为什么时,通常用人称代词来指代。
◇ Kay had a bad fall yesterday. She hurt her right knee. 凯昨天重重地摔了一跤。她摔伤了右膝盖。
She 代替前一句的 Kay(人)。
◇ “Are those Jake’s plastic snakes?”“No, they are not. They belong to Scot.”
they 代替前面疑问句中的 plastic snakes(指物),以避免重复。
2. 人称代词的形式
❶ 人称代词有3种格的变化:主格(subjective case)、宾格(objective case)、所有格(possessive case)。
❷ 人称代词的所有格形式也称为“物主代词”,物主代词又分为“形容词性物主代词”和“名词性物主代词”。物主代词(即“代词的所有格”或“所有格代词”)的详细用法,请参见p.28<三、物主代词>。
3. 人称代词的句法功能
❶ 人称代词的主格在句中作主语。
◇ Kay and I received lots of praise, but our boss received a pay raise.凯和我获得了很多赞扬,不过我们的上司却得到了加薪。
人称代词 I 在句中与名词 Kay 一起作并列主语。
◇ She loved that fairy story. 她喜欢那个童话故事。
She 是句子的主语(主格)。
◇ Cellphones they have become an essential part of business in Japan.
Cellphones have become an essential part of business in Japan.
❷ 人称代词的宾格在句中作宾语。
◇ Tell Kris Fur I miss her. 告诉克丽丝·弗尔,我想念她。
her 是动词 miss 的宾语,代替前面的 Kris Fur。
◇ Andy handed me the candy. 安迪把糖果递给了我。
me 是动词 handed 的间接宾语。
◇ Aunt Amy is going to make some tea for me. 艾咪姨妈要为我沏茶。
me 是介词 for 的宾语。在介词后面要用代词宾格,不要用主格。
◇ Mel is a well-trained soldier, and we all wish Mel him well.
Mel is a well-trained soldier, and we all wish him well.
前面独立分句的主语是 Mel,后面独立分句不需要重复 Mel,用代词 him 来代替就可以了。
【注】 ①人称代词的主格和宾格也可以作主语补语(即表语),请参见p.25<1)动词 to be 后面用人称代词的主格还是宾格>。②人称代词的所有格形式请参见p.28<三、物主代词>。
4. 人称代词的排放顺序
❶ 名词和代词或两个代词连用时,出于礼貌,指说话人自己的代词(如I、me)通常置于后面(如 Mary and I)。
❷ 如果名词和并非指说话人的代词一起连用,则代词通常在前(如he and Mary)。
◇ Kay and I are moving to Shanghai. 凯和我要搬迁去上海。
代词 I 在名词之后。
◇ You should let him and his wife decide what they want to do. 你应该让他和他的妻子自己决定他们想做什么。
代词 him 在名词前。
❸ 常成对使用的代词。
5. 人称代词的主格和宾格的用法
1) 动词 to be 后面用人称代词的主格还是宾格
❶ 一般来说,动词 to be 的后面要接人称代词的主格(如I、he、she、we、they 等)作主语补语(即表语)。
①电话用语:当拿起电话,对方说要找你,正确的回答是 This is he/she (speaking)。
◇ “Hello! May I speak to Dan, please?” “This is he.”“喂!请让我跟丹说话,好吗?”“我就是丹。”
也可以说出名字,如This is Dan (speaking).
②强调句型:“it is/was (not)+主语+who/that 定语从句”是强调句型;强调主语,要用人称代词的主格。
◇ Was it her who helped Kirk to do his English homework?
Was it she who helped Kirk to do his English homework?
这里强调的是主语,应该用主格 she。
◇ It wasn’t I who turned on the TV. 把电视打开的人不是我。
这句也是强调句型,强调的是主语,应该用主格 I。
【注】 但如果强调的是宾语,则用人称代词的宾格。
◇ It was her that I was thinking of. 我想到的人是她。
❷ 在简短回答时,即使是在动词 to be 的后面,习惯上用第一人称代词的宾格(me)。
◇ “Who’s there?”“It’s me, Amy.” “是谁在那里?”“是我,艾咪。”
如果说“It’s I.”,虽然语法正确,但很不自然。
◇ “Who broke the chair?” “Not me.” “是谁毁坏了椅子?”“不是我。”
◇ Ann: Who said that? 谁说的?
Dan: Me. (口语)
Dan: I did. (= I said that.) 我说的。(正式用语)
主格代词必须与助动词或情态动词连用(如I did)。
2) 介词后面用人称代词的主格还是宾格
◇ I will tell you a story about Amy, but let’s keep it just between you and I.
I will tell you a story about Amy, but let’s keep it just between you and me.
between 是介词,后面要用宾格代词。
◇ She is a robot that was built by two members of my family, my brother and I.
She is a robot that was built by two members of my family, me and my brother.
She is a robot that was built by two members of my family, my brother and me.
my brother and me 是句中 two members of the family 的同位语,因此是介词 by 的宾语,要用宾格 me。习惯上应该把指说话人自己的代词置于后面(my brother and me),而不应该用 me and my brother。
3) than 和 as 后面用人称代词的主格还是宾格
比较结构中的 than 和 as 之后,通常用人称代词的宾格,但在正式的文体中可以用主格。than 和 as 之后,如果要用主格,常与助动词或情态动词连用。
◇ Formal: Amy and Sue run faster than I do.
Common: Amy and Sue run faster than me.
◇ Formal: Amy and Dan can speak English as fluently as I can.
Common: Amy and Dan can speak English as fluently as me.
4) we、you、our、their、she 等的特殊用法
❶ we、you可以用来表示泛指任何人。
◇ “Can we watch this war movie without having our emotions stirred?” asked Dan.
=“Can one watch this war movie without having one’s emotions stirred?” asked Dan. (英式英语用法)
❷ 在非正式用语中,用 their指代everybody、anybody、nobody、no one;在正式用语中(考试、商务英语等)要用his or her。
◇ Informal: No one in their right mind would ever buy a car from Liz Elwood.
Formal: No one in his or her right mind would ever buy a car from Liz Elwood.
❸ 用she来指代国家、船只、大地、月亮、宠物(雌性)、爱车等。
◇ She’s a cute puppy. 它是一只可爱的小狗。
◇ She’s a very fast sailboat. 它是一艘速度很快的帆船。
6. 代词 it 的用法
❶ it 可作主语,常用在表示时间、天气、气温、距离及当时情况的短语中。
◇ What time is it?几点钟了?(it指时间)
◇ It has been two years since the singer Anna White was last seen in the spotlight.自从歌星安娜·怀特最后1次抛头露面,已经过去2年了。(it指时间)
◇ Isn’t it a beautiful day! 今天天气真美!(it指天气)
◇ It’s ten degrees Fahrenheit, and I am shivering with cold. 今天是华氏10度,冷得我发抖。(it指气温)
◇ It’s about four blocks from here to the train station. 从这里到火车站大约有4个街区那么远。(it指距离)
◇ It was horrible. Our building collapsed during the first few seconds of the earthquake. 好恐怖啊。我们的大楼在地震发生后几秒钟就倒塌了。(it指当时情况)
❷ it 可用来指人,确认人的身份(用于打电话或敲门时不明身份的人)。
◇ [On the phone] Hello, Joe. It’s Ann, and I’m calling from Japan.
= Hello, Joe. This is Ann, and I’m calling from Japan.
[电话用语] 喂,乔。我是安,我从日本打来的电话。
◇ Ann: Who’s that at the door?是谁在门口?
Dan: Let me look. Oh, it’s Mr.Swiss.我看看。哦,是斯威思先生。
it 用于“询问或告知身份”时,可以指“人”。
❸ 如果一件东西、一个地方、一只动物、一个婴儿(不知其性别)等已经在上文中被提及,或者所谈论的对象很明确,可以用 it 来指称。
◇ I can’t find my purse. Did you see it? 我找不到我的手提包。你看见了吗?
◇ Come to Bali for the sailboat race—it’s a beautiful place. 来巴厘岛参加帆船比赛吧。它是个美丽的地方。
◇ “Is it a girl or boy?” asked Joy. 乔伊问,“是女孩还是男孩?”
❹ it 也可以用来指 nothing、everything 和 all。
◇ Everything is all right with you and Bridget, isn’t it?你和布丽姬特一切都很顺利吗?
❺ it 作形式主语,用于强调句型中。句型为“it is/was+被强调的部分+who/that 从句”,被强调的部分可以是主语、状语或宾语等句子成分,但不能强调动词。
◇ It’s Mom’s decision that counts. 妈妈的决定才是至关重要的。
强调主语(Mom’s decision)。
◇ It wasn’t I who broke your window. 打破窗户的人不是我。
限制性定语从句和强调句型“it is/was . . . who/that”的比较。
◇ That’s the teacher who wanted to speak to you and Matt. 那就是想跟你和麦特谈话的老师。
who wanted to speak to you and Matt 是限制性定语从句,修饰先行词 the teacher。
◇ That’s the principal that wants to speak to you and Matt.
It’s the principal that wants to speak to you and Matt.
it is + 被强调的部分(实际主语 the principal)+ who/that。
这里只能用强调句型,that 引导的从句不是限定修饰 the principal(校长只有一个,不需要一个限制性定语从句修饰),而是强调句型中的定语从句。
❻ it 作形式主语,实际主语是句尾的不定式、动名词短语或名词性从句 (如 It was reported that...据报道……)。
◇ It takes a great man to be a good listener.善于倾听别人意见的人才能当伟人。(美国总统约翰·卡尔文·柯立芝)
it 是形式主语,实际主语是不定式短语(to be a good listener)。
◇ It was nice talking to you. 跟你聊天很愉快。
it 是形式主语,实际主语是动名词短语(talking to you)。
❼ it 还可作形式宾语,实际宾语是句尾的不定式、名词性从句。
◇ Mr.Bay made it clear that the students had to read for two hours every day.贝老师说得很清楚,学生们必须每天阅读2小时。
it 是形式宾语,实际宾语是句尾的 that 从句。
it 作形式宾语常用在“find/think/believe/feel/make/discover + it + 形容词”句型中。
❽ 用it的固定句型。
I would appreciate it if...
I can’t help it.
I hate it when...
When it comes to...
◇ I would appreciate it if you could loan me 100,000 dollars.假如你能给我10万美元的贷款,我会非常感激的。