More Praise for Your Leadership Story
"The counsel of ancient wisdom is to know thyself. To be effective as a leader, you not only have to know thyself, you have to share thyself. The ability to know and tell your leadership story is critical to engaging others to get bigger things done. Tim Tobin has written a handbook that will help you learn how to do that."
—Scott Eblin, author of The Next Level and Overworked and Overwhelmed
"Tim Tobin talks about the importance of self-awareness and its crucial place in our action-oriented world. The ability to be self-aware as one moves upward in the organizational hierarchy is critical and often lacking. Read this book and apply the exercises and questions to yourself. Guaranteed to raise your self-awareness quotient and provide you with a way of more effectively developing your team."
—Beverly Kaye, founder, Career Systems International, and coauthor of Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go and Love 'Em or Lose 'Em
"Your Leadership Story is a wonderful book that helps you reflect, understand, and develop your own leadership capabilities in a personal way. Everyone who leads teams, projects, or an organization should read this book."
—Josh Bersin, Principal and founder, Bersin by Deloitte
"Knowing my life's story and constantly updating it gives me the information I need to know who I am and enables me to connect with those I lead. Tim Tobin's book tells me how to do it."
—Robert M. Tobias, Professor, Key Executive Leadership Program, American University
"Much is being written on how to become a better, more authentic leader. There is literally an ocean of recommendations—many of which are difficult to understand and use. In Your Leadership Story, Tim Tobin cuts through the leadership noise and identifies an understandable and effective way to become a better leader—by truly understanding and effectively communicating your own leadership story."
—Walter McFarland, coauthor of Choosing Change
"Great leadership and skillful storytelling are nearly synonymous. Your Leadership Story is provocative, filled with fresh insights, and immensely practical. Tim Tobin brings wonderful clarity to the leadership/storytelling connections."
—Jim Loehr, bestselling author and cofounder, Human Performance Institute
"Your leadership journey is a powerful tool for motivating yourself and others. Tim Tobin shows you how to turn that journey into a compelling story. Don't miss this one!"
—Steve Arneson, PhD, author of Bootstrap Leadership and What Your Boss Really Wants from You
"Tim Tobin's focus on perceptions of leaders—their own and those they seek to influence—speaks eloquently to the point. This book provides leaders with sage advice and skills in crafting, aligning, and communicating the message they speak with the message they model. Powerful in their simplicity, leadership stories, when taken to heart and mind, can help you accelerate your leadership effectiveness."
—Victoria J. Marsick, Professor, Department of Organization & Leadership, and Codirector, J. M. Huber Institute for Learning in Organizations, Teachers College, Columbia University