D VisaD 签证(爱尔兰)
A visa that allows a visa-required national to come to Ireland with a view to staying more than 90 days(3 months).The holder must register with the relevant immigration regis-tration officer.允许签证国民到爱尔兰停留不超出90天(3个月)的期间,持证人必须到相关的注册官员处注册。
D visaD类签证(美)
Crewmember(Sea or Air).乘务员类签证(船只或飞机)。
daily maintenance amount日常花销;日常生活费用
Money spent everyday for sustaining life.维持日常生活的费用。
Daily maintenance amount,in relation to a non-citizen and a day and place,means the amount determined under section 208 as the daily maintenance amount for non-citizens detained at that place in the period in which the day falls.与非公民、日期以及地点有关的日常开销指根据第208条确定的在规定日期到来在该地点受到羁押的非公民的日常花销。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第207条)
danger to public health威胁公共健康
Under this category of medical inadmissibility,individuals may be denied entry into a State if they have a medical condition that may endanger public health or safety,such as a highly contagious disease.因健康原因不予准入类型中,如果入境者的身体情况威胁到公众的健康或安全,例如高度传染疾病,则拒绝该人员入境。
Daphne III programme达芙妮方案III(欧盟)
The Daphne III programme aims to contribute to the protection of children,young people and women against all forms of violence and attains a high level of health protection,well-being and social cohesion.Its specific objective is to contribute to the prevention of,and the fight against all forms of violence occuring in the public or the private domain,including sexual exploitation and trafficking of human beings.It aims to take preventive measures to provide and support protection for victims and groups at risk.达芙妮方案III的宗旨是使儿童、年轻人及妇女免受各种形式暴力并进行保护,达到一种高水平的健康保护、幸福与社会凝聚力。其具体目标是使人免于受到发生在公共或私人领域的各种形式的暴力并进行打击,包括性剥削及人口贩运。对受害人及风险群体提供保护性措施。
Individual facts,statistics or items of information.个人事实、数据或信息。
The Schengen Information System shall contain only those categories of data which are supplied by each of the Contracting Parties,as required for the purposes laid down in Articles 95 to 100.申根信息系统应只包括由各缔约国提供的,在第95条至第100条中规定的被要求的那些类别的资料。(2000年申根协议第94.1条)
data features数据特征
A data feature invloves the incorporation of encoded information into the document data or image structure,usually the personalization data,especially the portrait.数据特征涉及在证件数据或图像结构中纳入编码资料,通常是加到个人化信息中,特别是标准照中。
data page资料页
A fixed dimension page in a machine-readable passport that contains a standardized present-ation of visual and machine-readable data.可机读护照上含有标准的可视及可机读资料的固定大小的页码。相关词语biographical data(个人资料)
data processing数据/资料处理
Data processing means the manner in which personal data are collected,registered,stored,filed,retrieved,used,disseminated,comm-unicated,transferred and destroyed.数据/资料处理指收集、注册、存储、提交、查询、使用、分享、交换、移交以及销毁个人资料的方式。
data protection数据保护;资料保护
The systematic application of a set of institutional,technical and physical safeguards that preserve the right to privacy with respect to the collection,storage,use and disclosure of personal data.一套对收集、存储及公开的有关个人资料进行隐私保护的具有公共、科技性及物理特征的系统应用。相关词语 data subjects(资料主体),personal data(个人资料)
data security资料安全;数据安全
Data security means a set of physical and technological measures that safeguard the confidentiality and integrity of personal data and prevent unauthorized modification,tampering,unlawful destruction,accidental loss,improper disclosure or undue transfer.资料安全指保卫个人资料的机密与完整、预防未授权修改、篡改、非法破坏、意外丢失、不当公开或不当移交而采取的一系列具体与技术措施。
data storage数据储存;资料储存
Data storage is a general term for archiving data in electromagnetic or other forms for use by a computer or device. Different types of data storage play different roles in a computing environment. In addition to forms of hard data storage, there are now new options for remote data storage, such as cloud computing, that can revolutionize the ways that users access data. 数据存储是用计算机或设备以电磁或其他形式中存储数据的通用术语。不同类型的数据存储在计算环境中扮演不同的角色。除了硬数据存储的形式外,现在有一些新的远程数据存储形式以供选择,如云计算,可以彻底改变用户访问数据的方式。
data subjects资料主体
Individuals that can be directly or indirectly identified by the reference to a specific factor or factors.Such factors may include a name,an identification number,material circumstances and physical,mental,cultural,and economic or social characteristics.通过查询某一要素或多个要素可直接或间接确认个体。此类要素包括姓名、身份证号码、重要情况以及健康、心理、文化、经济或社会特点。相关词语 data protection(资料保护),personal data(个人资料)
A systematized collection of data that can be accessed immediately and manipulated by a data-processing system for specific purpose.数据库是可以通过数据处理系统进行访问并操作的系统化的数据集合。
On request from the authority collecting the data concerned,the Federal Office of Administration shall check the data collected pursuant to Section 49 on a foreigner against the data contained in the database for found documents,in order to establish a foreigner's identity or nationality by reference to a found document,should doubts exist in this respect.在得到官方提出收集相关数据的要求时,联邦行政办公室应根据第49条,对收集到的数据和与现有的证件中含有的数据相违背的外国人的数据进行核查,用现有的证件确定外国人的身份或国籍,在此方面应保留怀疑。(德国2004年居留法2007年修订第89a(1)条)
Data base(except in Part 4A)means a discrete body of information stored by means of a computer.指由电脑储存各个实体信息的数据库(第4A章除外)。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第5条)
date of arrival of vessel入港日
The date on which a person/vessel/flight arrives in another country.人员/船只/航班抵达他国的日期。
date of birth出生日期
See birth certificate.见出生证明。
date of completion学业完成日期(澳)
The date on which something such as a project will be finished. The term is used in Australian migration context. The date of completion of an Australian qualification is the first date on which the tertiary institution publicly notifies one that she or he has met the requirements for the award. This notification can occur by letter, on the internet, by publication in a newspaper, by email, or by bulletin board at the tertiary institution 完成日期指完成某事的日期。移民语境下,该术语用于澳大利亚移民语境。澳大利亚学业资格的完成日期是指高等院校公布某人符合毕业证书授予规定的第一次通知日期。公布的形式可通过网上信函、报刊、电子邮件、或学校公告栏等方式发布。
date of departure离港日;离境日
The date on which one departs from one place/country.离开某地/国的日期。
date of entry到港日;入境日
The date on which one arrives in another place/country.抵达某地/国的日期。
date of issue签发日期
The date on which a passport or a visa is issued.护照或签证授予的时间。
date of landing入境日期
The date on which one lands on another country.入境他国的日期。
death registration死亡登记
Procedure which must be completed within five(or seven)days,consisting of the furnishing of the following particulars:date and place of death;name,surname,sex,date,place of birth,address and occupation of the deceased;cause of death;name,surname,qualifications,address and signature of informant;signature of registrar;date of registration.在五天(或七天)内必须完成的程序,包括提交下列详情:死亡日期及地点;去世人员的名字、姓氏、性别、出生日期、出生地、住址以及职业;死亡原因;信息提供者的名字、姓氏、资质、住址以及签名;登记官的签名;登记日期。
debt bondage债务质役
The status or condition arising from a pledge by a debtor of his/her personal service or those of a person under his/her control as security for a debt,if the value of those services as reasonably assessed is not applied toward the liquidation of the debt or the length and nature of those services are not respectively limited and defined(UN Supplementary Convention on the Abolition of Slavery,1956).因债务人典质,将其本人或受其控制之第三人的劳务充作债务的担保,所服劳务的合理估定价值并不作为清偿债务计算,或此种劳务之期间及性质未经分别限制及订明,所引起的情形或状况(1956年,《联合国废止奴隶制补充公约》)。相关词语exploitation(剥削),slavery(奴隶制),worst forms of child labour(最有害形式的童工)bondage(质役),exploitation(剥削),trafficking(贩运)
The party owing a debt to another party in insolvency proceedings.破产程序中欠另一方当事人债务的当事人。
Decentralised Implementation System(DIS)分散式执行制度(DIS)(欧盟)
The Decentralised Implementation System(DIS)provides the appropriate legal and administrative framework for the transfer of responsibilities for the implementation of the EU funded programmes from the European Commission to the partner countries.In essence,the DIS involves the transfer of project management responsibility to the authorities in the partner countries under the supervision of the European Commission.分散执行制度对于执行由欧洲委员会对伙伴国家资助方案职责的转让提供了适当的法律和行政框架。本质上,该制度将管理职责移交给由欧洲委员会监督之下的伙伴国当局。
The establishment of institutional and legal frameworks for decision making and the empowerment of sub-national institutions at the provincial,district,city,town and village levels in terms of fiscal,administrative,political and legal processes.指设立决策机构及法律框架,并赋予省级、区级、市级、村镇级别的国家分支机构在财政、行政管理、政治及法律程序方面的权力。
In migration context,this term not only refers to false or wrong information,but also to the intentional abuse of capitalizing on the lack of information available to the migrant.在移徙背景下,此术语不仅指虚假或错误的信息,而且指故意从移民信息匮乏中获利的情形。相关词语 fraud(欺诈),fraudulent document(欺诈行证件),trafficking in persons(人口走私/贩运)
No person shall knowingly organize the coming into Canada of one or more persons by means of abduction,fraud,deception or use or threat of force or coercion.任何人不得故意通过诱拐、欺骗、蒙蔽或使用武力威胁或胁迫等手段组织一人或多人入境加拿大。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第118(1)条)
The Secretary of State may revoke a person's indefinite leave to enter or remain in the United Kingdom if the person would be liable to removal because of the deception.如果某人由于欺骗行为而被驱逐,国务大臣可以撤销该人员的无限期入境停留或在英国的逗留许可。(英国2000年国籍、移民与庇护法第76(2)(b)条)
decided return决定返回
In the framework of the research activities of the MIREM project,refers to a migrant who decides on his own initiative to go back to the country of origin,without any form of pressure or coercion whatsoever.Decided return is based on the free will of the migrant to return.在MIREM项目的研究活动的框架内,指移民在没有任何形式的压力或胁迫情况下决定主动返回原籍国。决定返回是基于自由意愿的移民返回。
A judicial or agency determination after consideration of the facts and the laws.对事实与法律考量后作出的司法或行政决定。
A decision made by the Convention Refugee Determination Division before the coming into force of this section is not subject to an appeal under section 110.在本条生效之前,由公约难民裁决法庭作出的决定不受第110条上诉的约束。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第195条)
decision and framework decision决议与框架决议(欧盟)
New instruments introduced by the Treaty of Amsterdam under Title VI of the EU Treaty(Police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters).Framework decisions are used to align the laws and regulations of the Member States.Decisions are used for any purpose other than approximating the laws and regulations of the Member States.阿姆斯特丹条约第六章中有关欧盟条约(刑事领域的警察和司法合作)规定的新的法规文件。框架决议是用来调整会员国的法律和规章。决议用于完善会员国的法律和规章以外的任何事项。相关词语 EU Treaty(欧盟条约)
A document comprising standards that States agree upon,but which are not legally binding like treaty provisions,e.g.Universal Declaration of Human Rights(UDHR).UN conferences,such as the 1993 UN Conference on Human Rights in Vienna and the 1995 World Conference for Women in Beijing,usually produce two sets of declarations:one written by government representatives and one written by Nongovernmental Organizations(NGOs).The UN General Assembly often issues influential declarations.含有政府同意但并不像条约条款在法律上具有约束力,如《人权共同声明》。联合国大会,如1993年在维也纳召开的联合国人权大会及1995年在北京召开的世界妇女大会通常会发表两种声明:一种为政府代表的书面声明,另一种为非政府组织的书面声明。联合国大会通常会签署具有影响力的声明。
A Contracting Party may at any time replace its declaration by another declaration provided the latter does not restrict the scope of the former.在后者不限制前者的适用范围的情况下, 缔约国可在任何时间用另一声明替代先前的声明。(2000年申根协议第41.9条)
To avoid doubt,the Minister may refuse to make a declaration under subsection 503A(3)even if the Federal Court or the Federal Magistrates Court has made an order under subsection(1)of this section in relation to the information concerned.为避免疑虑,根据第503A(3)规定,部长可拒绝作出声明,即使联邦法院或联邦治安法庭根据本条第(1)款就相关信息下达了命令。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第503B(11)条)
At the time of signing this Convention,each Contracting Party shall make a declaration in which it shall define for each of the Contracting Parties with which it has a common border,on the basis of paragraphs 2,3 and 4,the procedures for carrying out a hot pursuit in its territory.签署本协议时,每一缔约国应在第2、3及4款的基础上,在声明中规定在共同边境处的领土内所实施的追捕程序。(2000年申根协议第41.9条)
In cases concerning a residence permit under subsection(5)(iii),the employer in Denmark shall make a declaration to the Danish Immigration Service as to whether the conditions of pay and employment are usual and whether the information referred to in subsection(8)is contained in the employment contract or offer.依照第(5)(iii)款,有关居留许可证情况,丹麦雇主应该向丹麦移民局声明薪水与雇用条件是否符合惯例以及第(8)款中所涉及的信息是否包含在雇用合同或雇用信函中。(丹麦2006年外国人法第9a(9)条)
declaration of change of nationality国籍变更声明
It means declaration that one person makes to change his/her nationality.指某人做出的更改其国籍的声明。
declaration of refugee status难民身份声明
Refugee status is recognition of a pre-existing status,not a conferment of a right.即对以前存在的身份进行确认,而不是赋予某种权利。
declaration of renunciation放弃声明
To declare formally that one wishes to give up his/her citizenship of a country.正式声明放弃某国公民身份。
1.A law;2.a judgement or order of the court;3.in relation to dissolution of marriage,decree absolute is the decree which finally dissolves the marriage.1.法律;2.法院的判决或命令;3.就解除婚姻关系而言,绝对判令指最终解除婚姻的裁定。
decree for annulment废止婚姻判令
A decree declaring a marriage to be void.宣布婚姻无效的命令。
decree of divorce离婚判令
A final judgement in a suit for divorce.离婚诉讼中的最终判决。
deed poll改名契
A deed poll is a unilateral declaration of a party's intention to alter one's name.改名契就是当事人个人欲更改其名字的单边声明。
de facto(latin)事实上的
Existing as a matter of fact;having effect even though not formally or legally recognized.(拉丁语)作为一个事实而存在的;非正式的或不为法律承认但有效的。相关词语 de jure(法律上的)
de facto marriage事实婚姻
A marriage that,despite the parties' living as husband and wife,is defective for some reason.男女双方以夫妻名义共同生活,但在婚姻形式上有瑕疵的婚姻。
de facto partner事实上的伴侣
A union existing as a matter of fact.A growing number of States recognize not only spouses,but also certain relationships between unmarried adults,for purposes of granting permanent residence or other immigration status.事实上的结合。为授予永久居留或其他移民身份,越来越多的国家不仅承认配偶,而且也认可未婚成年人之间的关系。
de facto protection事实上的保护
Protection granted as a consequence or effect of the implementation of the purpose of an organization.某一组织为实施其宗旨所产生的影响或后果而提供的保护。相关词语 international protection(国际保护)
de facto refugees事实上的难民
Persons not recognized as refugees within the meaning of the UN Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees,1951 and Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees,1967,and who are unable or,for reasons recognized as valid,unwilling to return to the country of their nationality or,if they have no nationality,to the country of their habitual residence.根据《1951年联合国难民地位公约》和《1967年关于难民地位的议定书》的定义,不被认定为难民的人。这些人由于正当的理由,不能或不愿返回他们的国籍国,或如果他们没有国籍,不愿回到他们的惯常居住国。相关词语 externally displaced persons(国外流离失所者),internally displaced persons(国内流离失所者),refugee(难民)
de facto spouse事实上的配偶
See de facto partner.见事实上的伴侣。
A person must not apply for a stay visa on the basis of satisfying a criterion for the visa because of being married to,or being,for the purposes of the regulations,the de facto spouse of,another person if,at the time of the application,the applicant does not intend to live permanently with the other person in a genuine and continuing marital relationship.如果在提出申请时,申请人并未打算与某人维持唯一长久的婚姻时,基于满足签证标准,即便与该人员结婚或为其事实婚配偶,该人不准申请停留签证。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第243(1)条)
de facto statelessness事实上的无国籍
Situation of individuals who possess the nationality of a State but,having left the State,enjoy no protection by it,either because they decline to claim such protection or because the State refuses to protect them.De facto statelessness is a term often connected with refugees.拥有一国国籍,但却离开了该国,无法享受该国提供的保护,原因是这些人拒绝要求此种保护,或者是该国拒绝保护他们的一种状况。事实上的无国籍是常与难民相关联的术语。相关词语 nationality(国籍),statelessness(无国籍)
A person sued in a civil proceeding or accused in a criminal proceeding.在民事诉讼中被起诉或在刑事诉讼中被指控的人。
The defendant in a criminal proceeding under section 243(a)may not file a petition for review under subsection(a)during the criminal proceeding.依据第243(a)规定,刑事诉讼案件的被告在刑事诉讼期间不可提出复议申请。(美国1996年移民与国籍法第242(b)(7)(D)条)
deferred action status递延诉讼身份(美)
An immigration status afforded to non-citizens in cases where the Department Of Homeland Security has decided,for humanitarian reasons in the exercise of prosecutorial discretion,not to seek their removal from the United States.Persons granted deferred action may obtain employment authorization and are considered for social security purposes to be lawfully present.在执行起诉裁决时,出于人道主义的原因,国土安全部作出决定赋予非公民移民身份,而不是将其逐出美国。赋予递延诉讼身份的人员可以获得就业授权,并考虑是否提供社会保障以合法居留。
deferred inspection推迟检查(美)
Deferred inspection is an inspection conducted by CBP officers that takes place on a date after an individual's initial application for admission into the U.S., usually at a different site than where the individual originally applied for admission. An order to appear for a deferred inspection will usually be issued if primary and secondary inspections at the port of entry cannot generate an immediate determination as to the individual's U.S.immigration status. 推迟检查是由美国海关与边境保护局实施的一种检查,这种检查通常是在个人最初申请入境美国后的某天进行的,通常不在该人最初申请入境地进行。如果在入境口岸的初次和二次检查时不能立即确定该人的移民美国身份,就会签发推迟检查的命令。
definitive entry into force最后生效
Typically,the provisions of a multilateral treaty determine the date upon which the treaty enters into force.Where a treaty does not specify a date or provide another method for its entry into force,the treaty is presumed to be intended to come into force as soon as all negotiating States have consented to be bound by the treaty.Treaties,in general,may enter into force:(a)Upon a certain number of States depositing instruments of ratification,approval,acceptance or accession with the depositary;(b)Upon a certain percentage,proportion or category of States depositing instruments of ratification,approval,acceptance or accession with the depositary;(c)A specific time after a certain number of States have deposited instruments of ratification,acceptance,approval or accession with the depositary;(d)On a specific date.Once a treaty has entered into force,if the number of parties subsequently falls below the minimum number specified for entry into force,the treaty remains in force unless the treaty itself provides otherwise(see article 55 of the Vienna Convention 1969).多边条约条款一般都会规定生效日期。如果一项条约未规定生效日期或提供使用条约生效的其他办法,则假定所有谈判国都已同意受条约约束后,使条约立即生效。条约一般在以下时间生效:(a)在一定数量的国家将批准书、核准书、接受书或加入书交给保存人保存时;(b)当一定百分比、一定比例或属于某一类的国家将批准书、核准书、接受书或加入书交给保存人保存时;(c)在一定数量的国家将批准书、核准书、接受书或加入书交给保存人保存后的一段时间内;(d)在某一特定日期。条约一旦生效,除该条约另有规定外,并不因其当事国数量随后减少至规定的生效所必须达到的数量以下而终止(见1969年维也纳公约第55条)。
definitive signature最后签署
When the treaty is not subject to ratification,acceptance or approval,“definitive signature” establishes the consent of the state to be bound by the treaty.Most bilateral treaties dealing with more routine and less politicized matters are brought into force by definitive signature,without recourse to the procedure of ratification.在公约不能被批准、接受或同意时,最后签署表示受条约约束的国家同意该条约。涉及常规和弱政治化问题的多数双边条约会通过最后签署生效,而不诉诸批准程序。(1969年维也纳条约法公约第12条)
A degrading experience,event makes one lose respect.降低身份的;有辱人格的。
However,nothing in this Act authorises the carrying out of the identification test in a cruel,inhuman or degrading manner,or in a manner that fails to treat a person with humanity and with respect for human dignity.然而,本法中任何事件都不得以残忍的、非人道的或有辱人格方式,或以一种非人道并不尊重人类尊严的方式来进行身份测试。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第258F条)
degree level study学位学习(英)
A course which leads to a recognised United Kingdom university qualification at bachelor's level or above,or an equivalent qualification at level 6 or above of the National Qualifications Framework or level 9 of the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework.英国大学承认的本科或以上程度,或同等资格6级或以上的国家资格或苏格兰学分和学历资格9级的课程。
de jure(latin)法律上的(拉丁语)
Concerning law.关于法律的。相关词语 de facto(事实上的)
The act of delaying.延迟。
If a permanent resident or a foreign national is taken into detention,an officer shall without delay give notice to the Immigration Division.如果永久居民或外国国民受到羁押,则官员应毫不迟疑地向移民法庭下达通知。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第55(4)条)
To transfer power to someone.将权力转交给他人。
Notwithstanding subsection(2),the Minister may not delegate the power conferred by subsection 77(1)or the ability to make determinations under subsection 34(2)or 35(2)or paragraph 37(2)(a).尽管有第(2)款的规定,部长不可将第77(1)款中赋予的权力或依据第34(2)或35(2)或37(2)(a)的裁决权力授予他人。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第6(1)条)
delegation of powers授权
A transfer of authority by which a party to a contract arranges to have a third party perform the party's contractual duties.In migration context,the immigration minister or home secretary will give his powers to the appointed officer to perform his duties.合约的一方将权力移交给第三方,由其履行该当事人的职责。移徙背景下,移民部长或内政部长可以将权力交给任命的官员来履行其职责。
The thing so transferred or conveyed.To hand an object,money or document to another.转交或传递的物品。将物品、钱或文件交与他人。
If a warrant for arrest and detention under this Act is issued with respect to a permanent resident or a foreign national who is detained under another Act of Parliament in an institution,the person in charge of the institution shall deliver the inmate to an officer at the end of the inmate's period of detention in the institution.根据本法,对有关永久居民或外国人签发的逮捕以及拘留令,依照议会另一法律规定,该机构负责人应在被监禁人在此机构拘留期结束时将该被监禁人移交给官员。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第59条)
delivery of visas提供签证(欧盟)
Within the EU's common strategy for the Mediterranean,one of the main priorities in justice and home affairs is to simplify and accelerate procedures for delivery of visas between the EU and the non-EU countries of the Mediterranean.在有关地中海欧盟共同战略的范围内,司法和内政事务方面主要优先事项之一是简化并加快欧盟与地中海非欧盟国家提供签证的程序。相关词语external dimension(外部范围),Mediterranean region(地中海地区)
Outward appearance or behaviour,such as facial expression,tone of voice,gesture,and the hesitation or readiness to answer questions.外在表现或行为,如面部表情、说话的音调、手势语及回答问题时的犹豫或敏捷等。
If the Minister has reason to believe that,because of:
(i)the manner in which the non-citizen complied with the request;or
(ii)the non-citizen's demeanour in relation to compliance with the request;the non-citizen was not sincere;then,in making a decision about the non-citizen under this Act or the regulations,the Minister may draw any reasonable inference unfavourable to the non-citizen's credibility.由于:(i)非公民遵守要求的方式;或(ii)非公民在遵守要求时的行为;部长有理由认为该非公民不诚实;那么,根据本法或法律,对该非公民做出裁决时,部长可以得出对其诚信不利的任何合理的推断。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第91V(6)(c)条)
Relating to the dynamic balance of a population especially with regard to density and capacity for expansion or decline. 关于人口动态平衡的,尤其是与人口密度和容量增长或下降有关的。
The Commissioner,in consultation with interested academicians,government agencies,and other parties,shall provide for a system for collection and dissemination,to Congress and the public,of information(not in individually identifiable form)useful in evaluating the social,economic,environmental,and demog-raphic impact of immigration laws.移民归化专员,经与相关的学者、政府机构和其他方商议,将向国会和公众提供对于评估移民法对社会、经济、环境和人口统计造成的影响有用的信息(不以个别可识别的形式)的收集和发布系统。(美国1996年移民与国籍法第103(d)(1)条)
The study of human populations,especially with reference to size and density,distribution and vital statistics.对人口进行的研究,特别是指规模和密度、分布和核心数据。
The process by which a government deprives a naturalized citizen of all rights,duties and protections of citizenship.政府剥夺入籍公民所有的权利、义务及公民保护的过程。
In migration context,it means refusal or rejection of a person's application for entry or issuing a visa.移徙背景下,指拒绝或驳回某人的入境或签证申请。
Each annual report shall include information on the number,and rate of denial adminis-tratively,of applications for naturalization,for each district office of the Service and by national origin group.每个年度报告应包括移民局各地办事处以及国民团体的入籍申请的数量以及行政拒绝率等信息。(美国1996年移民与国籍法第103(e)(2)条)
denial of admission拒绝入境
Entry to a State may be denied by a border officer at a port of entry due to one or more of a variety of reasons,e.g.suspicion of false pretenses,suspicion regarding the intent to immigrate illegally,etc.由于一个或多个原因如涉嫌蒙混过关,涉嫌非法移民等,可能会被边境官员在入境口岸拒绝入境某国。
denial of visa拒绝签证
A request for an entry visa to a State that is denied by that country's consul.由某国领事馆拒绝签发入境该国的签证。
A set of rights for long-term resident foreign nationals that includes at least the following:long-term residence permit,access to employ-ment,enhanced protection from deportation/expulsion(compared to short-term residents)and provisions for family reunification in the country of residence.In several European states,denizens have additional rights,such as the right to vote and stand as candidate in local elections.外国国民长期居留的一些权利,至少包括以下方面:长期居留许可证、就业许可、免予驱逐/递解(与短期居留比较)的保护以及在该国与家人团聚的规定。在欧洲一些国家,外籍公民有更多的权利,如选举权以及作为地方选举候选人的权利。相关词语 quasi-citizenship(半公民)
A religious group or community.宗教团体或社团。
To leave.An act of leaving a place.离开。启程。
Departure means exiting the Republic from a port of entry in compliance with this Act and the verb “ to depart” has a corresponding meaning.离境指遵照本法从入境口岸离开南非共和国,动词“离开”具有相应的含义。(南非2002年移民法第2(1)条)
The Contracting Parties shall ensure that,as from 1993,passengers on flights from third States who transfer onto internal flights will be subject to an entry check,together with their hand baggage,at the airport at which the external flight arrives.Passengers on internal flights who transfer onto flights bound for third States will be subject to a departure check,together with their hand baggage,at the airport from which the external flight departs.从1993年起,缔约国应保证来自第三国航班的转乘内部航班旅客,在旅客乘坐的外部航班抵达机场时应接受个人及手提包行李的入境检查。转乘去往第三国航班的乘客,在外部航班离开机场时首先接受个人及手提包行李的离境检查。(2000年申根协议第4.1条)
In so far as a Contracting Party departs from the principle referred to in Article 71(2)in connection with its national policy on the prevention and treatment of addiction to narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances,all Contracting Parties shall adopt the necessary administrative measures and penal measures to prevent and punish the illicit import and export of such products and substances,particularly towards the territories of the other Contracting Parties.只要缔约国背离第71(2)所指的与其国家有关预防以及对待吸食麻醉品、精神药物的政策原则,所有缔约国应采取必要的行政措施以及处罚措施以预防、惩罚非法进出口此类产品及药物,尤其是向其他缔约国领土进出口此类药物。(2000年申根协议最后条款)
Departs or leaves includes departure or leaving by any form of conveyance or on foot and references to departure and leaving shall,unless the context otherwise implies,be deemed to include references to attempting to depart or leave.离境或离开包括以任何交通工具的形式或步行的离境、离开,除非有其他上下文规定,否则离开应视为包括打算离境或离开的其他形式。(伯利兹移民法2000年修订第2(1)条)
departure lounge候机室
The place at an airport where people wait until their plane is ready to leave.乘客在机场等待飞机准备离开之地。
Department of Health and Human Services公共健康与社会福利部(美)
Also known as the Health Department,it is a cabinet-level department of the U.S.federal government with the goal of protecting the health of all Americans and providing essential human services.也称为卫生部,是美国联邦政府内阁部门,其目标是保护美国人的健康并提供必要的公众服务。
Department of Homeland Security(DHS)国土安全部(DHS)(美)
The agency was created by the Homeland Security Act of 2002,the Department of Homeland Security replaced the Immigration and Naturalization on March 1,2003.DHS is divided into three units.The U.S.Citizenship and Immigration Services(CIS)processes immigration petitions such as naturalization and asylum applications.The U.S.Immigration and Customs Enforcement(ICE)handles immig-ration enforcement within the U.S.border,while U.S.Customs and Border Protection(CBP)handles enforcement matters outside the U.S.border.DHS is headed by the Secretary,who is appointed by the President.该机构根据《2002年国土安全法》创设成立,国土安全部于2003年3月1日替代了移民与归化局。国土安全部下设三个部门:美国公民身份与移民服务局(CIS)负责处理移民申请如归化、庇护申请等。美国移民与海关执行局(ICE)负责处理美国边境内移民执法,而美国海关与边境保护局(CBP)则负责美国境外执行事务。国土安全部由总统任命的部长负责。
Department of Justice司法部
The executive division that is responsible for law enforcement and related programs and services.负责执法与相关计划及服务的执行机构。
Department of State(DOS)国务院(DOS)(美)
A cabinet level ministry of the US government responsible for foreign affairs,consuls,and the issuance of visas.Informally referred to as the “State Department” or DOS.负责外交、领事并签发签证的美国政府内阁级别部门。非正式地称为“国务院”或DOS。
departure card离境卡
A departure card also known as an outgoing passenger card and embarkation card,is a legal document used by a country's immigration authorities to provide passenger identification and an effective record of a person's entry to and departure from a country.It also serves as a declaration in relation to health and character requirement for non-citizens entering a particular country.The departure card can come attached with its corresponding arrival card with the former being retained in the passport after passport control clearance.The card is then surrendered to passport control upon departure.离境卡又称离港旅客卡和出境登记卡,是由一国的移民当局提供给旅客进行身份识别并有效记录入境某国和离境人员的合法证件。还作为非公民入境某一特定国家时对健康和品行规定的证明。出境登记卡与护照上相应的入境卡粘贴在一起。该卡在离境时交与护照检查台。
departure lounge出境旅客休息室;离港大厅
See airport lounge.见机场大厅。
departure prohibition order离境禁止令
Departure prohibition order is a court order issued to stop a debtor involved in the litigation from leaving a country until such time as a debt is paid in full or suitable arrangements for payment of the debt are made. 离境禁止令是由法院签署的命令,用来阻止那些有诉讼官司的债务人离开一国,直到其清还所有债务或者出具债务还款安排时才能被解禁。
Departure prohibition order means an order under subsection 14S(1)of the Taxation Administration Act 1953.离境禁止令指根据《1953年税收管理法》第14S(1)条规定下达的命令。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第5条)
departure return离境呈报表
The name list of departure passengers.离境乘客名单。
departure stamp离境印章
It is a rubber stamp inked impression received in one's passport upon exiting a country.指离开一国时在护照上加印的橡皮图章。
departure under safeguards护送离境(美)
The departure of an illegal alien from the United States which is physically observed by an Immigration and Naturalization Service official.由移民及归化局官员监视非法外国人离开美国。
In general use,one who relies on another for support.In migration context,a spouse and minor children are generally considered “dependants”,even if the spouse is not financially dependent.一般意义上,指依赖他人帮助而生活的人。在移徙背景下,配偶和未成年儿童通常被视为“受抚养者”,即使配偶在经济上并不依赖。相关词语 child(儿童),de facto partner(事实上的伴侣),derivative applicant(衍生申请者),members of the family(家庭成员),minor(未成年人)
Dependant in relation to another person means-
(a)the child or step-child of such person,if the child or the step-child is under the age of twenty-one years;
(b)an adopted child under the age of twenty-one years,having been adopted by such person in a manner recognised by law;
(c)a parent or grandparent of such person who proves to the satisfaction of the Principal Immigration Officer that he is wholly maintained by the said person;
(d)any other member of the family as may be prescribed by the Minister.
Dependent in relation to another person,means
(a)the wife of such person,unless she is living apart from him under a deed of separation or the decree of a competent court;
(b)the child or step-child under the age of sixteen years,of such person;
(c)an adopted child under the age of sixteen years having been adopted by such person in a manner recognised by law.
See dependent territory.见附属领土。
dependent child受抚养子女
Dependent child is a person who is living with and dependent for support on an adult member of a household unit, and who is under the age of 18(defined differently in the law of each country). 受抚养子女指与家庭单位的成年人一起生活并依赖其资助的且年龄在18岁以下(各国的法律规定各异)的人员。
Dependent child, in respect of a parent, means a child who(a)has one of the following relationships with the parent, namely,(i)is the biological child of the parent, if the child has not been adopted by a person other than the spouse or common-law partner of the parent, or(ii)is the adopted child of the parent; and(b)is in one of the following situations of dependency, namely,(i)is less than 19 years of age and is not a spouse or common-law partner, or(ii)is 19 years of age or older and has depended substantially on the financial support of the parent since before the age of 19 and is unable to be financially self-supporting due to a physical or mental condition. 受抚养子女指(a)与父/母有下列关系之一的:(i)父/母的亲生孩子,如果该子女尚未被他人而非该父/母的配偶或事实婚配偶领养,或(ii)该父母的领养子女;(b)属于下列抚养情形之一的,即(i)不满19岁且不是配偶或事实婚伴侣,或(ii)年满19岁或19岁以上且在19岁之前经济上基本依赖父/母,并因身体或智力情形经济上不能自立的子女。(加拿大移民与难民保护条例2016年修订第2条)
Dependent child means a child of a person,being a child who is unmarried and:
(a)is under 18 years of age;or
(b)is 18,19 or 20 years of age and is dependent on the person for financial,psychological or physical support.
dependent territory附属领土;属地
A dependent territory,dependent area or dependency is a territory that does not possess full political independence or sovereignty as a sovereign state yet remains politically outside of the controlling state's integral area.A dependency is commonly distinguished from other sub-national entities in that they are not considered to be part of the integral territory of the governing State.A sub-national entity typically represents a division of the State proper,while a dependent territory often maintains a great degree of autonomy from the controlling State.附属领土、附属地区或属土作为一个主权国家但不拥有完全的政治独立和主权,政治上独立于控制国。属土有别于其他次国家实体,因为这些次国家实体是宗主国领土的一部分。通常次国家实体代表的是国家的一个区,而附属领土则通常相对于控制国家保持很大的自治性。
dependent visa依亲签证;受供养人士签证
Wives,children under 18 years of age,and others who are dependent on the primary visa holder must have a visa as dependents in order to legally reside in another country.The type of visa is known as dependent visa.妻子、18岁以下子女以及主要签证持有人的其他受抚养人必须拥有作为受抚养人的签证,才能在他国合法居留。这种签证称为依亲签证。
One who testifies by deposition.用证言来作证的人。
To remove a person to another country because of illegal entry.因非法入境将人员驱逐至他国。
Notice of intention to deport a foreigner should be served in writing,specifying a period allowed for departure.驱逐外国人的通知应规定允许离境期限以书面形式送达。(德国2004年居留法2007年修订第59(1)条)
If a criminal justice stay certificate about a non-citizen is in force,the non-citizen is not to be removed or deported.如果有关某非公民的刑事司法停留证有效,则该非公民不应受到驱逐或递解出境。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第150条)
(Of an alien)subject to removal from a country after an illegal entry.(外国人)在非法入境某国后,受到驱逐的。
Any alien(including an alien crewman)in and admitted to the United States shall, upon the order of the Attorney General, be removed if the alien is within one or more of the following classes of deportable aliens:(1)Inadmissible at time of entry or of adjustment of status or violates status.(A)Inadmissible aliens. Any alien who at the time of entry or adjustment of status was within one or more of the classes of aliens inadmissible by the law existing at such time is deportable.(B)Present in violation of law. Any alien who is present in the United States in violation of this Act or any other law of the United States is deportable.(C)Violated nonimmigrant status or condition of entry.(i)Nonimmigrant status violators. Any alien who was admitted as a nonimmigrant and who has failed to maintain the nonimmigrant status in which the alien was admitted or to which it was changed under section 248, or to comply with the conditions of any such status, is deportable.(ii)Violators of conditions of entry. Any alien whom the Secretary of Health and Human Services certifies has failed to comply with terms, conditions, and controls that were imposed under section 212(g)is deportable. 在美国和被批准进入美国的外国人(包括外籍乘务员)如果属于以下一种或几种类别的应被驱逐的外国人,应遵照司法部长命令被驱逐:(1)在其入境时,或在其变更身份时或违反其身份规定时未被批准入境。(A)不得入境的外国人。任何在入境时或在变更身份时按照当时的法律规定属于一种或多种不准入境类别的外国人应受到驱逐。(B)违反法律在美国停留。违反本法或美国的其他法律规定在美国停留的外国人应受到驱逐。(C)违反非移民身份或入境条件者。(i)违反非移民身份者。以非移民身份获准入境的外国人,如果未能保持其被批准入境所持的非移民身份或其根据第248条规定变更成的非移民身份或未能遵守此类任何身份的条件的外国人应受到驱逐。(ii)违反入境条件者。被健康和人类服务部长证明未能达到212(g)条规定的条款和管理规定的外国人应受到驱逐。(美国1996年移民与国籍法第237(a)(1)(A)至(C)条)
deportable alien可驱逐的外国人
A person who resides within the territory of a country but is not a citizen or subject of that country with deportable action.在一国境内居留但不是该国的公民具有可驱逐行为的人员。
Any alien(including an alien crewman)in and admitted to the United States shall,upon the order of the Attorney General,be removed if the alien is within one or more of the following classes of deportable aliens.如果在美国且被允许入境美国的任何外国人(包括外国船员)为一种或多种可被驱逐的外国人时,根据司法部长的命令,该外国人应该受到驱逐。(美国1996年移民与国籍法第237(a)条)
The act of a State in the exercise of its sovereignty in removing an alien from its territory to a certain place after refusal of admission or termination of permission to remain.在拒绝某外国人入境或不再允许其停留后,国家行使主权,将其从国土上驱逐至他处的行为。相关词语expulsion(驱逐),refoulement(推回)
Deportation means the action or procedure aimed at causing an illegal foreigner to leave the Republic involuntarily,or under detention in terms of this Act and the verb “to deport” has a corresponding meaning.驱逐指旨在要非法外国人非自愿离开南非,或者按照本法处于羁押的行为或程序,且动词“离开”具有相同含义。(南非2002年移民法第2(1)条)
Deportation means the removal under this Act of a person from any place in Trinidad and Tobago to the place whence he came or to the country of his nationality or citizenship or to the country of his birth or to such other country as may be approved by the Minister under this Act,as the case may be.驱逐指根据本法将某人从特立尼达和多巴哥驱逐至其国籍国或公民身份国或其出生地国或视情况部长根据本法批准的其他此类国家。(特立尼达和多巴哥1969年移民法2005年修订第2条)
deportation centre递解出境中心
Term used by the Global Detention Project to denote detention sites used exclusively for housing migrants—including rejected asylum seekers and irregular immigrants—who have been issued deportation orders or are otherwise awaiting imminent removal.该术语用来指专门收容移民的拘留地——包括遭拒绝的庇护寻求者以及非正规移民——已签发对这些人员的驱逐令或这些人等待即将签发的驱逐令。
deportation order驱逐令
An administrative or judicial decision or act ordering a removal.下令驱逐的行政或司法决定或行为。
Deportation order means an order for the deportation of a person made under,or continued in force by,this Act.驱逐令指根据本法发布的有效的驱逐令。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第5条)
Deportation order means a deportation order made under subsection 32(2),(5)or(6),37(5)or(6),73(2)or 74(1)or(3)and includes
(a)a deportation order made under the authority of
(i)subsection 40(10)of the Immigration Act,1976,chapter 52 of the Statutes of Canada,1976-77,as it read immediately prior to July 16,1984,or
(ii)any immigration laws that were in force in Canada prior to April 10,1978,a conditional deportation order that has become effective under subsection.
deportation/removal proceedings驱逐程序
Deportation proceedings are administrative proceedings to determine an individual's removability under the immigration law of a country.Deportation proceedings are typically conducted in immigration court.驱逐程序是根据一国移民法来确定驱逐个体的行政程序。驱逐程序常由移民法庭实施。
deportation,stay of驱逐(延缓)
See stay of deportation,deportation proceedings.见延缓驱逐,驱逐程序。
deportation,right of appeal against驱逐,对(驱逐)上诉权利
In migration context,it means the right a person has to lodge the appeal against the deportation decision.移徙背景下,指人们有权对驱逐决定提出上诉。
deportation warning驱逐警告
In migration context, deportation warning is the warning notice whose subjects are criminals, illegal immigrants or those without refugee status, who will be deported from the country other than the country of origin. Usually, the warning notice to deport a foreigner should be served in writing, specifying a period allowed for departure, reasons to be deported and the destination place where the deportees are to be deported. A hearing prior to issuing the deportation warning shall not be required. 移徙背景下,驱逐警告是指将对象是犯罪分子、非法移民或无难民身份的人员从非国籍国驱逐出境的警告。通常,驱逐外国人的警告通知是以书面形式下达的,并注明离境期限、驱逐理由以及被驱逐对象应被驱逐所至的目的地。签发驱逐警告前,不需要听证。相关词语removal(驱逐),expulsion(驱逐),illegal immigrant(非法移民)
A foreigner who has filed an application for asylum may only be expelled on condition that the asylum procedure is unappealably completed without recognition of the foreigner concerned as a person entitled to asylum or without any obstacle precluding deportation being established pursuant to Section 60(1).This condition shall be waived if a deportation warning under the provisions of the Asylum Procedure Act has become enforceable.提出庇护申请的外国人在下面情形下可被驱逐:已经申请避难的外国人如果被认定不享有避难权,或者根据第60条第1款不存在驱逐障碍。如果根据《避难程序法》已执行驱逐警告,此条件被废除。(德国2004年居留法2007年修订第56(4)条)
The one who has been deported or is going to be deported.已经或即将受到驱逐的人。
Deportee means a person in respect of whom a deportation order is in force.指与有效驱逐令有关的人员。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第5条)
To put something down in a particular place.将某物放置在某处。
After a treaty has been concluded,the written instruments,which provide formal evidence of consent to be bound,and also reservations and declarations,are placed in the custody of a depositary.Unless the treaty provides otherwise,the deposit of the instruments of ratification,acceptance,approval or accession establishes the consent of a state to be bound by the treaty.For treaties with a small number of parties,the depositary will usually be the government of the state on whose territory the treaty was signed.Sometimes various states are chosen as depositaries.Multilateral treaties usually designate an international organization or the Secretary General of the United Nations as depositaries.The depositary must accept all notifications and documents related to the treaty,examine whether all formal requirements are met,deposit them,register the treaty and notify all relevant acts to the parties concerned.除条约另有规定外,批准书、接受书、赞同书或加入书依下列方式确定一国承受条约拘束之同意:由缔约国互相交换;将文书交存保管机关;如经协议,通知缔约国或保管机关。条约保管机关之职务系国际性质,保管机关有秉公执行其职务之义务。条约尚未在若干当事国间生效或一国与保管机关间对该机关职务之行使发生争议之事实,尤不应影响该项义务。条约之保管机关得由谈判国在条约中或以其他方式指定之。保管机关须是一个以上国家或一国际组织或此种组织之行政首长。(1969年维也纳条约法公约第16条)
Depositary functions of the Secretary General秘书长作为保存人的责任
The depositary of a treaty is responsible for ensuring the proper execution of all treaty actions relating to that treaty.The depositary's duties are international in character,and the depositary is under an obligation to act impartially in the performance of those duties.The Secretary-General is guided in the performance of depositary functions by:(a)Provisions of the relevant treaty;(b)Resolutions of the General Assembly and other United Nations organs;(c)Customary international law;and(d)Article 77 of the Vienna Convention 1969.In practice,the Treaty Section of the United Nations Office of Legal Affairs carries out depositary functions on behalf of the Secretary General.条约保存人负责确保适当执行与条约有关的一切行动。保存人的职责具有国际性,因此,在履行职责时有义务秉公行事。秘书长要依据如下条约履行保存人责任:(a)相关条约的规定;(b)联合国大会及联合国其他机构的决议;(c)国际习惯法;(d)《1969年维也纳公约》第77条的规定。事实上,联合国法律事务处条约科代表秘书长履行保存人责任。
The act of taking away.夺去,剥夺;拿走。
Requests for the temporary transfer or transit of persons who are under provisional arrest,being detained or who are the subject of a penalty involving deprivation of liberty,and the periodic or occasional exchange of information from the judicial records must be effected through the Ministries of Justice.临时移交被拘捕或羁押或被剥夺自由的主体或人员即刻过境的请求,及定期或偶尔交换刑事记录的信息必须经过司法部才可以实施。(2000年申根条约第53.3条)
deprivation of citizenship剥夺/丧失公民身份
Procedure whereby the concerned authority may remove the status and citizenship of one country from those registered or naturalized as such if it is satisfied that the registration or naturalization was obtained by fraud,false representation or concealment of a material fact,or if he is satisfied of their disloyalty,disaffection or where the person has served a year's imprisonment within five years of registration or naturalization.剥夺公民身份为一种程序。如国务卿或有关当局认为注册的或入籍人员是通过欺骗、虚假陈述或隐瞒事实而获得了国籍与公民身份,或其认为这些人员不忠诚、背叛或该人在注册或入籍五年内入狱一年,则可以撤销这些人员的身份与国籍。
deprivation of liberty剥夺自由
Any form of detention or imprisonment or the placement of a person in a public or private custodial setting,from which this person is not permitted to leave at will,by order of any judicial,administrative,or other public authority.指对人员以任何形式的羁押或监禁或在公共拘留场所或私人拘留场所安置,依司法、行政或其他公共当局的命令禁止该人员自由离开。
Deputy refers to a second in command or assistant who usually takes charge when his or her superior is absent. 副的指拥有第二指挥权的或当上级缺席时负责的助手。
Deputy Commissioner means a Deputy Commi-ssioner of Immigration and Naturalization.指移民与归化局的常务长官。(美国1996年移民与国籍法第101.8条)
derivative applicant衍生申请者
A person,typically a spouse or minor child,who might receive immigration status on the basis of another's application.在他人申请的基础上可能获得移徙身份的人,通常为配偶或未成年儿童。相关词语 child(儿童),minor(未成年人),de facto partner(事实上的伴侣),members of the family(家庭成员),principal applicant(主要申请者)
derivative beneficiary衍生受益人(美)
Accompanying relatives;immediate family members;the spouse or child(under 21 years old)of a person eligible to receive a visa or a green card.Derivative beneficiaries are usually entitled to the same type of visa or green card as their eligible relative because of the family relationship.指偕行亲属;近亲属;获得签证或绿卡合格人员的配偶或子女(未满21岁)。因为家庭关系,衍生受益人通常享有与其符合条件的亲属相同类型的签证或绿卡。
derivative citizenship衍生公民身份(美)
Citizenship conveyed to children through the naturalization of parents or,under certain circumstances,to foreign-born children adopted by U.S.citizen parents,provided certain conditions are met.通过父母入籍将公民身份转给子女,或在某些情况下,只要满足某些条件,美国公民父母领养的外国孩子也可以得到公民身份。相关词语derivative naturalization(衍生归化)
derivative naturalization衍生归化(美)
The operation of law by which a child under 18 years of age may automatically become a U.S.citizen as a result of the naturalization of one or both parents.This process has two basic requirements:the naturalization of one or both parents and the attainment of lawful permanent resident status by the child before a certain age.由于父母一方或双方入籍归化的原因,18岁以下子女可以自动成为美国公民的法律运作。这一过程有2个基本条件:父母一方或双方入籍归化以及在某个年龄前该子女成为合法永久居民。
derivative status衍生身份
Getting a status(visa)through another applicant,as provided under immigration law for certain visa categories.For example,in the US,the spouse and children of an exchange visitor(J Visa holder),would be granted derivative status as a J-2 Visa holder.Derivative status is only possible if the principal applicant is issued a visa.移民法规定的某些签证类别,可以通过其他申请人获得身份(签证)。例如,在美国,交流访问者(J签证持有人)的配偶和子女,将获得J-2签证持有人派生身份。只有在主要申请人获得签证时,衍生身份才有可能。相关词语 family unity principle(家庭团聚原则)
Restriction or suspension of rights in certain defined situations.For example International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights,1966 permits a State to derogate from its obligations under the Covenant “in time of public emergency which threatens the life of the nation.” The partial repeal or abrogation of a law by a later act that limits its scope or impairs its utility and force.在某些特定情况下,限制或暂停权利的行使。例如,《1966年公民权利和政治权利国际公约》允许国家“在危及国家存亡的紧急状况下”免除对该《公约》的义务。通过后期颁布法案,限制法律的范围、影响其应用和效力,从而部分取消或废除法律。
Descent-acquisition of nationality by descent.通过世袭获得国籍。相关词语ius sanguinis(血统权)
Land degradation in arid,semi-arid and dry sub-humid areas resulting from various factors,including climatic variations and human activities.Land degradation is the reduction or loss of the biological or economic productivity and complexity of rain-fed cropland,irrigated cropland,or range,pasture,forest and woodlands resulting from land uses or from a process or combination of processes,including processes arising from human activities and habitation patterns,such as(i)soil erosion caused by wind and/or water;(ii)deter-ioration of the physical,chemical and biological,or economic properties of soil;and(iii)long-term loss of natural vegetation 在退化、半退化及半湿润地区由于各种因素包括气候变化及人类活动而发生的土地退化。土地退化是指生物或经济生产力与复杂性的减少或丧失造成的,是因旱作农田、灌溉田、山脉、牧场、森林以及下列因素导致林地减少:土地使用或某过程或组合过程,包括人类活动与居住模式引起的过程,如(i)风及/或水引起的土壤侵蚀;(ii)土壤的物理、化学与生物的退化或土壤经济特性的恶化以及(iii)长期自然植被的丧失引起的。
designated medical practitioner指定医生(加拿大)
Medical examinations for the purpose of applying for a Canada Immigration Visa will only be valid if a designated medical practitioner performs them,as certified by Citizenship and Immigration Canada(CIC).申请加拿大移民签证的医学检查只有在加拿大公民及移民机构授予执照的指定医生进行检查才是有效的。
Destination refers to the place designated as the end. In migration context, it refers to the host country or country of resettlement as for immigrants or refugees. 目的地指作为终点的地点。移徙背景下,就移民或难民而言,指接受国或收容国。相关词语 host country(接受国),country of origin(国籍国),departure(离境)
If the Attorney General believes that an alien being removed requires personal care because of the alien's mental or physical condition,the Attorney General may employ a suitable person for that purpose who shall accompany and care for the alien until the alien arrives at the final destination.如果司法部长认为被驱逐的外国人由于精神或身体状况原因需要私人护理,部长可以雇佣合适人员陪同并护理该外国人,直到该人员达到最终目的地。(美国1996年移民与国籍法第241(f)(1)条)
Not possessing the necessaries of life.没有基本的生活必需品。
The Secretary of State thinks that the person is destitute or is likely to become destitute within a prescribed period.国务大臣认为该人员贫困潦倒或在一段时期内可能会陷入困境。(英国2002年国籍、移民与庇护法第17(1)(b)条)
Destitute person means a person who,in the opinion of the Director of Immigration Services,is incapable of supporting himself or his dependants.贫穷人员指在移民局长看来不能养活自己或其家属的人员。(坦桑尼亚1995年移民法第3条)
To officially prevent someone from leaving a place.拘留,扣押。
Detain means:
(a)take into immigration detention;or
(b)keep,or cause to be kept,in immigration detention;and includes taking such action and using such force as are reasonably necessary to do so.指(a)受到移民拘留;或(b)处于或使处于移民拘留;且包括拘留时采取此类行动并在必要时使用武力情况。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第5条)
detained persons/detainee被羁押人员;被拘留者
A person held in custody,confined,or delayed by an authority,such as law enforcement or a government.受到当局如执法机构或政府等的羁押、监禁或延期的人员。
Detained persons mean persons detained or required to be detained under the 1971 Act.被羁押人员指根据《1971年移民法》受到羁押的或被要求受到羁押的人员。(英国1999年移民与庇护法第147条)
A detainee who does not apply for a visa within the time allowed by subsection(1)may not apply for a visa,other than a bridging visa or a protection visa,after that time.在第(1)款允许时间内没有提出申请签证的被羁押者,在该时间后不可申请过桥签证或保护签证以外的签证。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第195(2)条)
Upon entering a detention facility,alien detainees shall be informed,in a language they understand,the main details of their life in the facility,their rights and obligations.Their communication with the diplomatic or consular agents of their State of origin shall be facilitated.在进入拘留场所后,应使用外国被拘留者听懂的语言告知其主要生活细节、权利与义务。应为其与国籍国的外交或使馆人员的联络提供方便。(希腊2001年外国人入境、停留以及通过归化获得希腊国籍法及其他法律规定2003年修订第39.3条)
Restriction on freedom of movement,usually through enforced confinement,of an individual by government authorities.There are two types of detention.Criminal detention,having as a purpose punishment for the committed crime;and administrative detention,guaranteeing that another administrative measure(such as deportation or expulsion)can be implemented.In the majority of the countries,irregular migrants are subject to administrative deten-tion,as they have violated immigration laws and regulations,which is not considered to be a crime.In many States,an alien may also be detained pending a decision on refugee status or on admission to or removal from the State.政府当局限制个人迁移自由,通常是通过强制执行的拘留:有两种形式的拘留。刑事拘留,目的是惩罚所犯罪行;行政拘留,保证另外的行政措施(例如驱逐或遣返)能得到执行。在多数国家,对非法移民的处置是行政拘禁,因为他们违反了移徙法律和规定,这并不被视作一种犯罪。在许多国家,在就难民身份、允许入境或被驱逐作出决定前,外国人也会受到拘留。
The Immigration Division is the competent Division of the Board with respect to the review of reasons for detention under this Division.根据本章规定,移民法庭是有关拘留原因复议的主管法庭。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第54条)
detention camp拘留营
Term used by the Global Detention Project to denote exposed,fenced in areas typically used to confine people who form part of large refugee or migration flows.Camps are often located near borders of unstable and/or underde-veloped regions.Armed guards are typically present to prevent unauthorized entrance or exit.世界拘留项目使用术语,指用来监禁大规模难民或移徙流动人员典型的露天的带栅栏的区域。拘留营通常位于局势不稳定的边境地区及/或落后地区。常有武装人员把守以防未授权进出。
detention centre拘留中心
A place used solely for the detention of detained persons but which is not a short-term holding facility(place used solely for detention for periods of not more than seven days),a prison or part of a prison.拘留中心指的是仅用来拘留受羁押人员但并非短期收容所(只用来拘留期不超出7天的地点),监狱或监狱部分的地点。
Detention centre means a place which is used solely for the detention of detained persons but which is not a short-term holding facility,a prison or part of a prison.拘留中心是指仅用于拘留被拘留人,但不是短期收容所、监狱或监狱部分的地点。(英国1999年移民与庇护法第147条)
Detention centre means a centre for the detention of persons whose detention is authorised under this Act.指根据本法得到对人员拘留授权的羁押中心。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第273(4)条)
Detention centre means any place designated under section 13H as a detention centre.拘留中心指第13H条中指定为拘留中心的地点。(香港移民法2009年修订第2(1)条)
detention order拘押令;拘留令
The order to detain someone.对人员拘留的命令。
The transfer of enforcement under Article 68 shall not require the consent of the person on whom the penalty or the detention order has been imposed.The other provisions of the Council of Europe Convention on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons of 21 March 1983 shall apply mutatis mutandis.根据第68条的规定,判决执行转移不必得到被判决或拘留令实施对象的同意。执行1983年3月21日《欧洲议会转移判刑人员协议》其他条款时应进行适当调整。(2000年申根协议第69条)
Any detention order,departure recommendation and revocation of temporary release from detention made pursuant to the previous provisions at the time this Act enters into force shall be considered as an internment order,departure order and revocation of temporary release from internment.在本法生效时,根据以前条款下达的拘押令、驱逐建议及撤销的临时释放令应视为拘留令、驱逐令以及撤销的临时释放令。(韩国2002年移民控制法增补第4(3)条)
detention room羁留室
The room where a detainee is under custody.羁押被拘留人员的房间。
detention warrant羁留令
See detention order.见拘押令。
A final decision by a court or administrative agency.由法院或行政机构作出的最终决定。相关词语adjudication(裁决)
determination of refugee status审定难民身份
A processin which the refugee committee participate to determine whether a person is a refugee.难民委员会参加的确定某人是否为难民的过程。
Officially to decide something.官方确定。
For the purposes of this paragraph a person has refugee status abroad if the government of an EEA State other than the United Kingdom has determined that he is entitled to protection as a refugee under the Refugee Convention.本条规定,如果欧盟经济区某国家而非英国,依据《难民公约》,认为某人拥有国外难民身份,该人员作为难民有权享有保护。(英国2002年国籍、移民与庇护法列表3第4(2)(b)条)
Regardless of the Contracting Party with which an alien lodges an application for asylum,only one Contracting Party shall be responsible for processing that application.This shall be determined on the basis of the criteria laid down in Article 30.尽管外国人向该缔约国提出了庇护申请,但应只有一缔约国负责处置该申请。应根据第30条规定的标准进行裁决。(2000年申根协议第29.3条)
A dynamic process implying growth,advan-cement,empowerment,and progress,with the goal of increasing human capabilities,enlarging the scope of human choices,and creating a safe and secure environment where citizens can live with dignity and equality.Development can be considered as a process that transcends the territorial borders of States.In the development process,it is important that people's produc-tivity,creativity,and choices are broadened and that opportunities are created not only for the present generation,but also for future generations.指成长、进步、授权与发展的动态过程,以提高人的能力、扩大人类选择范围并创造公民可以有尊严、平等生活的安全环境为目标。发展可视为超越国家边境的过程。在发展过程中,人们的生产力、创造力与选择得到拓展,不仅为当代人们,更为未来一代创造机会。
Diasporas are broadly defined as individuals and members or networks,associations and communities,who have left their country of origin,but maintain links with their homelands.This concept covers more settled expatriate communities,migrant workers based abroad temporarily,expatriates with the nationality of the host country,dual nationals,and second/third generation migrants.广义上,海外移民指已经离开国籍国的个体及成员或人际关系网、社团及社区,但仍与其祖国保持联系。此概念涵盖了稳定的移徙海外的群体、 临时的海外移民工人,具有接收国国籍的侨民、双重国籍人员以及第二/第三代移民。相关词语 exodus(离去), qualified national(合格国民)
Diffractive Optically Variable Device衍射光可变图像装置
A security feature containing a holographic or equivalent image within its construction,the image changing its appearance with angle of viewing or illumination.在其结构内载有全息图或同等图像的安全特征,图像的外观随着观察或照射角度的不同而变化。
Diffractive Optically Variable Device(DOVID)Laminate or Overlay衍射光可变图像装置(DOVID)压层膜或涂层保护膜
A laminate or overlay containing a DOVID either covering a whole area or located so as to protect key data on the document.内含衍射光可变图像装置的压层膜或涂层保护膜,覆盖住证件所有部分或在关键数据部分放置予以保护。
digital imaging /digitized image数码影像
The insertion of a facial image into a machine-readable travel document by means of a computer that prints the photograph directly onto the identification page or insert.通过计算机将面部图像直接打印至身份页码或插页上,就可以将面部图像嵌入可机读旅行证件。
digital signature数字签名
A method of securing and validating information by electronic means.通过电子手段保护和验证信息的一种方法。
digital watermark数字水印
See steganography.见信息藏匿术。
diplomatic asylum外交庇护
See asylum(diplomatic).见庇护(外交)。
diplomatic channel外交途径
To solve disputes by way of diplomacy.通过外交解决争端。
Without prejudice to the option of using the diplomatic channel,requests for extradition and transit shall be sent by the relevant Ministry of the requesting Contracting Party to the comp-etent Ministry of the requested Contracting Party.在无损于选择使用外交途径下,引渡以及过境的要求应由提出要求缔约国的相关部门向被要求缔约国的主管部门提出。(2000年申根协议第65.1条)
diplomatic immunity外交豁免
Diplomatic immunity is a form of legal immunity that ensures that diplomats are given safe passage and are considered not susceptible to lawsuit or prosecution under the host country's law,although they can still be expelled.It was agreed as international law in the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.Many principles of diplomatic immunity are now considered to be customary law.外交豁免是一种法律豁免,确保外交官有安全渠道,根据驻在国法律,免于诉讼或迫害,但应受到驱逐。这是《维也纳外交关系公约》中一致同意的做法。许多外交豁免权如今被视为习惯法。
diplomatic missions外交使团
A diplomatic mission is a group of people from one State or an international intergovernmental organization present in another State to repr-esent the sending State/organization officially in the receiving State.外交使团是从一国或国际政府间组织中挑选出来代表派遣国/组织正式抵达另一国的人员。
This section does not prohibit an individual from giving immigration assistance in his or her capacity as:(a)a member of a diplomatic mission;or(b)a member of a consular post;or(c)a member of an office of an international organisation.本条不禁止任何个人以下列身份提出移民协助:(a)外交使团成员;或(b)领事部门成员;或(c)国际组织办事处成员。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第280(6)条)
diplomatic or consular representative外交或领事代表
Diplomatic/consular representative is used for the official representatives of the government of one State in the territory of another,normally acting to assist and protect the citizens of the consul's own country,and to facilitate trade and friendship between the peoples of the two countries.外交/领事代表用于指一国政府在另一国境内的官方代表。代表协助保护自己国家的公民,促进两国人民间的贸易与友谊。
Diplomatic or consular representative,in relation to a country other than Australia,means a person who has been appointed to,or is the holder of,a post or position in a diplomatic or consular mission of that country in Australia,not being a person who was ordinarily resident in Australia when he or she was appointed to be a member of the mission.与其他国家而非澳大利亚有关,外交或领事代表指已被任命,或在澳大利亚肩负外交或领事使命的人员,在其被任命为使团成员时,不应为在澳大利亚居住的人员。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第5条)
diplomatic passport外交护照
Issued to diplomats of a country and their accompanying dependants for official intern-ational travel and residence.颁发给一国外交官及其随行家属用以官方国际旅行与居留的护照。
diplomatic protection外交保护
An elementary principle of international law that a State is entitled to protect its subjects,when injured by acts contrary to international law committed by another State,from whom they have been unable to obtain satisfaction through the ordinary channels.By taking up the case of one of its subjects and by resorting to diplomatic action or international judicial proceedings on his behalf,a State is in reality asserting its own rights-its right to ensure,in the person of its subjects,respect for the rules of international law.国际法的一项基本原则。在本国国民受到他国有悖国际法的伤害,并无法通过正常渠道从这个国家获得满意补救时,该国就有权对本国国民提供保护。通过接过本国国民的案子和代表此国民采取外交行动或国际司法程序,该国实际上在宣称自己的权利,即在本国国民前,确保尊重国际法规则的权利。(1924年国际常设法院,马弗罗马提斯巴勒斯坦特许权案)
diplomatic visa外交签证
Visas that are issued to high ranking officials and diplomatic personnel of foreigngovernments and their spouses and minor children.Under most circumstances,holders of diplomatic visas can enjoy diplomatic privileges and immunities,but for individual countries further confirmation is needed to grant diplomatic privileges.外交签证指发给外国政府的高级官员、外交人员及其配偶及未成年子女的签证。多数情况下,外交签证的持有人即可享有外交特权与豁免,但个别国家尚需进一步确认后才予以外交特权。
Diplomatic visa means a non-immigrant visa bearing that title and issued to a non-immigrant in accordance with such regulations as the Secretary of State may prescribe.指根据国务卿规定的有关法规向非移民签发的、标有“外交签证”名称的一种非移民签证。(美国1996年移民与国籍法第101.11条)
diplomats and consular personnel外交领事人员
Foreigners working under diplomatic permits for foreign embassies or consulates established in the receiving country.Also,citizens traveling under diplomatic passports in order to work in their country's embassies or consulates abroad or in order to return from a posting abroad.持有外交许可证为在接受国建立的外国大使馆或领事馆工作的外国人。持有外交护照旅行的公民也可在其国家的驻外大使馆或领事馆工作或由驻外职务返回。
direct airside transit visa机场禁区内直接过境签证(英)
A direct airside transit visa is a visa that only allows one to transit the UK at one airport remaining airside.机场禁区直接过境签证指在英国机场转机时只允许人们在机场范围内停留的签证。
Directorate-General of the Justice and Home Affairs(DG)司法和内政事务总司(欧盟)
The administration within the Commission responsible for policy and legal proposals in justice and home affairs,and liaison in the field with other EU institutions and Member States.欧盟委员会内负责在司法和内政事务政策和法律建议以及在与其他欧盟机构和各会员国联络的行政部门。
An objectively measurable condition of impairment,physical or mental.客观上身体或智力的严重损伤情形。
The requirements of subsection(a)shall not apply to any person who is unable because of physical or developmental disability or mental impairment to comply therewith.(a)款中的要求不适用由于身体或发育残疾或智力损伤而不能遵守的人员。(美国1996年移民与国籍法第312(b)(1)条)
Not to apply.不适用。
A local education authority may disapply a provision of section 36 in respect of a child to whom this section applies.地方教育机构不可对本条适用人员执行第36条有关儿童的规定。(英国2002年国籍、移民与庇护法第37(2)(b)条)
This occurs when a person's right to do a particular thing is removed,usually as a result of official proceedings.通常以行政诉讼的形式,剥夺某人做某特别事之权利。
The release of a person(asylum seeker,or illegal entrant)from confinement.解除某人(庇护寻求者或非法入境者)的拘留。
When the Minister orders the discharge of a person and the person has made a claim for refugee protection under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act,the Minister shall send copies of all relevant documents to the minister responsible for that Act.当部长下令释放某人且该人员依据《移民与难民保护法》已经提出难民保护申请,部长应向负责执行该法的执行者寄送所有相关材料。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第251条)
disclose /disclosure泄露;透露
To make known.The act or process of making known something that was previously unknown.公开。将秘密之事公开的行为或过程。
A medical inspector may disclose to a health service body the name of a person to whom this section applies.医务检验师可以向卫生机构透露适用本条的人员的姓名。(英国2002年国籍、移民与庇护法第133(2)(a)条)
The regulations may prescribe circumstances in which the recipient may use or disclose personal information disclosed under subsection(1).法规可规定接受者在第(1)款情况下使用或透露个人信息的情形。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第321A(3)条)
The Minister may,during an admissibility hearing,a detention review or an appeal before the Immigration Appeal Division,make an application for non-disclosure of information.在入境听证、羁押复议或向移民上诉法庭上诉期间, 部长可提出不公开信息的申请。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第86(1)条)
A public official's power or right to act in certain circumstances according to personal judgment and conscience,often in an official or representative capacity.根据个人判断及良知,政府官员在某情形下行动的权力或权利,通常以官方或代表的身份。
Where a hearing is held by a Division,it may,in the Division's discretion,be conducted in the presence of,or by a means of live telecomm-unication with,the person who is the subject of the proceedings.某法庭在举行听证时,可根据该法庭的决定,由诉讼当事人现场出席或通过实时通讯方式进行。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第164条)
discretionary leave任意停留(英)
A status which the Home Office can grant an asylum seeker who does not qualify for refugee status or humanitarian protection,when there are other strong reasons why he or she needs to stay in the UK for a temporary period.内政部授予庇护寻求者的一种身份,该人员不符合难民身份或人道主义保护的条件,但有充足理由在英国暂留一段时间。
A failure to treat all persons equally where no objective and reasonable distinction can be found between those favoured and those not favoured.Discrimination is prohibited in respect of “race,sex,language or religion”(Art.1(3),UN Charter,1945)or “of any kind,such as race,colour,sex,language,religion,political or other opinion,national or social origin,property,birth or other status”(Art.2,Universal Declaration of Human Rights,1948).在喜欢与不喜欢的人之间未发现合理区别时,无法平等地对待所有人。基于“种族、性别、语言或宗教”(《1945年联合国宪章》第1(3)条),或“任何种类的区别,例如种族、肤色、性别、语言、宗教、政治或其他见解、国籍或社会出身、财产、出生或其他身份等”(《1948年世界人权宣言》,第2条)的歧视是受禁止的。相关词语 non-discrimination(非歧视)
This section shall not apply to discrimination in hiring,recruiting,referring,or discharging of individuals occurring after the date of any termination of the provisions of section 274A,under subsection(l)of that section.根据第274A(1)款的规定,在第274A款规定终止日期后而发生对个体的雇佣、招聘、推荐或解聘等的歧视,本条不适用。(美国1996年移民与国籍法第274B(k)(1)条)
To get off a ship or an aircraft.上岸;下船或飞机。
A person shall not disembark a person or group of persons at sea for the purpose of inducing,aiding or abetting them to come into Canada in contravention of this Act.任何人不得以引诱、协助或教唆某人或某群人违反本法在海上登陆进入加拿大。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第119)
A person entering Belize by sea shall not disembark without the consent of the immigration officer and the master of the ship shall not allow any such person to disembark without any such consent.乘船进入伯利兹的人在没有得到移民局官员同意的情况下不得上岸,并且船长也不得允许任何人未经此类许可就上岸。(伯利兹移民法2000年修订第24(2)条)
The master of a vessel arriving in Australia must comply with any request by an authorised officer to make sure of the disembarkation from the vessel of those persons or such of them as are specified by the officer.抵达澳大利亚的任何船只船长必须遵守授权官员提出的要求,以确保该官员指定的船上人员或此类人员登陆。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第231(1)(c)条)
Disembarkation means the process of physically leaving a craft,whether onto land or otherwise.离开船后登陆指身体离开航行器的过程,无论是否到达地面或其他情况。(新西兰2009年移民法第4条)
dishonest act不诚信行为
Conduct involving bad faith,dishonesty,a lack of integrity,or moral turpitude.信誉不良、不诚实,缺乏诚实或道德品行堕落。(也称fraudulent act(欺诈行为))
To terminate(an action or claim)without further hearing,before the trial of the issues involved.驳回,中止(行为或声明)不再做进一步考虑。
In so far as subsection(3)does not apply,the adjudicator shall dismiss the appeal.在第(3)款不适用范围内,审裁官须驳回上诉。(英国2002年国籍、移民与庇护法第86(5)条)
After considering the appeal of a decision,the Immigration Appeal Division shall dismiss the appeal in accordance with section 69.在考虑上诉决定后,依据第69条规定,移民上诉法庭应驳回该上诉。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第66(c)条)
The Immigration Appeal Division shall dismiss an appeal if it does not allow the appeal or stay the removal order,if any.如果移民上诉法庭不受理上诉或延缓执行驱逐令,那么不论出现哪种情况,应该驳回上诉。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第(69(1)条)
The condition or fact of being unequal,as in age,rank,or degree;difference.不平等的状况或事实,如年龄、社会地位或级别;不同。
displaced person被迫离国人士;流离失所的人
A person who flees his/her State or community due to fear or dangers other than those which would make him/her a refugee.A displaced person is often forced to flee because of internal conflict or natural or manmade disasters.出于非置人于难民的恐惧与危险的原因,逃离其国家或团体的人。流离失所的人常因内部冲突、自然或人为的灾难而不得不逃离。相关词语de facto refugee(事实上的难民),externally displaced persons(国外流离失所者),internally displaced persons(国内流离失所者),refugee(难民)
displaced person(environmentally)流离失所人员(环境)
It refers to a displaced person as a result of environmentally-driven displacement.指由于环境原因而被迫流落异国的人员。同义词 environmental refugee(环境难民),environ-mentally driven migrant(环境迫使移徙)。相关词语 forced migrant(被迫移徙)
displaced person(internally)流离失所人员(国内)
It refers to a person or groups of persons who have been forced or obliged to flee or to leave their homes or places of habitual residence,in particular as a result of or in order to avoid the effects of armed conflict,situations of generalized violence,violations of human rights or natural or humanmade disasters,and who have not crossed an internationally recognized State border.指那些被迫或只得逃离或离开家乡或常住地的人员或人群,特别是由于或为了避免武装冲突、普遍暴力局势、违反人权或自然或人为灾难等原因,且没有越过国际承认的国家边境的人员。
A forced removal of a person from his/her home or country,often due to of armed conflict or natural disasters.通常由于武装冲突或自然灾害的原因,人们被迫从家乡或国家迁移。相关词语 displaced person(流离失所的人)
To get rid of.处理; 清除。
A judge of the Court shall dispose of the application without delay and in a summary way and,unless a judge of the Court directs otherwise,without personal appearance.联邦(登记)法院法官应立即处理即决申请,无需亲自出席,除非法院的法官有其他的指示。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第72(2)(d)条)
The Minister may consider and dispose of applications for visas in such order as he or she considers appropriate.部长可以考虑并以其认为适当的命令来处置签证申请。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第58(1)条)
Something that makes one ineligible.使人(物)不合格的事物。
Disqualification rate means the percentage which—
(A)the total number of nationals of the program country who were—
(i)denied admission at the time of arrival or withdrew their application for admission during the most recent fiscal year for which data are available;and
(ii)admitted as nonimmigrant visitors during such fiscal year and who violated the terms of such admission;bears to
(B)the total number of nationals of such country who applied for admission as nonim-migrant visitors during such fiscal year.
Not eligible.不合要求。
The Secretary of Labour,or any immigration officer designated by the Secretary of Labour for the purposes of this section who is not disqualified under subsection(2)of this section,may make a removal order in the prescribed form in respect of any person where the Secretary or immigration officer is satisfied that the person—
(a)Is not a New Zealand citizen;and
(b)Does not hold a permit to be in New Zealand;and
(c)Is not exempt under this Act from the requirement to hold a permit.
To ignore or treat without proper respect or consideration.忽视或接待方式不当或欠妥。
Where a person has been convicted of any offence(other than an offence the conviction in respect of which was subsequently quashed)the period(if any)for which the person was confined in a prison for that offence shall be disregarded in determining,for the purposes of section 201 and subsection 202(1),the length of time that that person has been present in Australia as a permanent resident or as an exempt non-citizen or a special category visa holder.当任何人犯罪受到监禁时(而非随后撤销犯罪行为的判决),依据第201以及第202(1)条的规定,不予考虑该人员在澳作为永久居民或豁免非公民或特殊类别签证持有人的时间长短。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第204(1)条)
Getting the product of intelligence analysis to the users whose needs and requests initiated the process.使发起这一过程的有需求并提出要求的人员得到情报分析产品。
dissolution of marriage解除婚姻关系;婚姻的解除
In migration context,it means the received country not only decides the annually total number of the immigrant quato,but also the number of each state or province will hold.移徙背景下,分布指移民接受国不仅要规定年度移民总数量,同时还要规定每个州或省所接受的人数。
The Minister must consult with the governments of the provinces respecting the number of foreign nationals in each class who will become permanent residents each year,their distri-bution in Canada taking into account regional economic and demographic requirements,and the measures to be undertaken to facilitate their integration into Canadian society.部长须与各省政府协商有关每年成为永久居民各类外国人的数量以及在加拿大的分布,这种分配应考虑到地区经济、人口要求以及将外国人融入加拿大社会采取的措施等。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第10(2)条)
Diversity includes all the ways in which people differ, and it encompasses all the different characteristics that make one individual or group different from another. It is all-inclusive and recognizes everyone and every group as part of the diversity that should be valued. A broad definition includes not only race, ethni-city, and gender, but also age, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, education, language. It also involves different ideas, perspectives, and values. 多样性指人群不同的各个方面,包括构成某个体或群体与众不同的特性。这些特性应得到每个人的承认与尊重。宽泛的概念不仅仅指种族、民族及性别,还包括年龄、国籍、宗教、性取向、社会经济地位、教育、语言等。同时还有观念、看法及价值观。
The worldwide level of diversity immigrants is equal to 55,000 for each fiscal year.世界范围的多样性移民每个财政年度的名额为55,000名。(美国1996年移民与国籍法第201(e)条)
diversity visa多样性签证(美)
An immigrant visa available to individuals from countries from which relatively few people have immigrated to the United States in recent years.Under the diversity process,applicants enter a visa lottery,and if they are selected they apply for their visas themselves rather than having to first have approval of visa petitions filed by third parties such as family members or employers.To obtain a visa,lottery winners must meet certain requirements,including being admissible and having either a high school education or its equivalent,or at least two years' work experience in an occupation that requires at least two years of training or experience.可使来自各国的少许人员得到移徙至美国的移民签证。在多样性程序下,申请者可得到美国绿卡抽签,如果被选中,则可申请签证而不是先由第三方,如家庭成员或雇主提出签证申请而得到批准。要获得签证,抽签的获胜者必须符合某些要求,包括允许入境及拥有高中教育或同等教育,或至少在某一职业所需要的至少2年培训或2年工作经验。
diversity visa program多样性签证计划(美)
The Department of State has an annual lottery for immigration to the United States.美国国务院每年举行的移民美国的抽签。
A share of a company's profits,paid to people who have invested in it(for example by buying shares).公司支付给投资人(例如通过购买股票)的利润。
division of labour劳动分工
The way that different tasks and jobs are given to different persons and groups(in the house-hold,in the community,in the workplace)according to the characteristics of the persons/groups.For example,in southern Africa there is a clear division of labour between men and women,with home care tasks given to women and technical tasks that may include fixing electrical appliances given to men.劳动分工是指根据(家庭间、社区间、工作场所间)不同人员或小组的特性,将不同工作和任务分配给不同人员或小组的工作方式。例如,在南部非洲男人女人有明确的劳动分工,女人负责照料家庭;而技术活儿如修理电器则交给男人。
The legal dissolution of a marriage.合法解除婚姻。
docket control案件控制(美)
The DHS mechanism for tracking the case status of potentially removable aliens.(美)国土安全部追踪潜在可驱逐外国人身份案件的机制。
A principle,esp.a legal principle,that is widely adhered to.指原则,尤指广泛遵守的法律原则。
Doctrine includes,but is not limited to,policies,practices,purposes,aims,or procedures.包括但不局限于政策、惯例、宗旨、目的或规定(美国1996年移民与国籍法第101.12条)
Doc 93039303号文件
An ICAO publication that provides speci-fications for machine-readable travel docume-nts.It is currently published in three parts:Part 1 Machine Readable Passports;Part 2 Machine Readable Visas;Part 3 Machine Readable Official Travel Documents.国际民用航空组织的一个出版文件,文件对机读旅行证件作了具体的规定。该文件分三部分:第一部分涉及的是机读护照;第二部分是机读签证;第三部分为机读正式旅行证件。
It means identity document,it is any document which may be used to verify aspects of a person's personal identity.If issued in the form of a small,mostly standard-sized card,it is usually called an identity card.In the absence of a formal identity document,driving license may be accepted in many countries for identify verification.Some countries require foreigners to have a passport or occasionally a national identity card from their country available at any time if they do not have residence permit in the country.指身份证,可用来验证一个人的身份。若以小型的标准形式签发的证件,常称为身份证。一些国家若无正式身份证,驾驶证也可以用来鉴别一个人的身份。有些国家要求外国人若无该国居留许可则应拥有护照或随时携带本国签发的国民身份证。
Every alien applying for an immigrant visa shall present a valid unexpired passport or other suitable travel document,or document of identity and nationality,if such document is required under the regulations issued by the Secretary of State.根据国务卿签发的法规,要求外国人必须出示有效的未过期的护照或其他适当的旅行证件或身份证以及国籍证。(美国1996年移民与国籍法第222(b)条)
Document of identity means a document issued by the Director of Immigration for the purpose of visa endorsement to a person who is not the holder of,and is unable to obtain,a valid travel document.签证身份证指由入境事务处处长发给并未持有及不能领取有效旅行证件的人,以作签证之用的证件。(香港移民法2009年修订第2(1)条)
document blanks空白证件
A document blank is a travel document that does not contain the biographical data and personalized details of a document holder.Typically,document blanks are the base stock from which personalized travel documents are created.空白证件是指不包含持证人个人资料和详细个人化信息的旅行证件。一般说来,空白证件是创建个人化旅行证件用的基本原料。
document number证件号码
A number that uniquely identifies a document.It is recommended that the document number and the control number be identical.识别证件的独特号码。建议证件号码与控制编码相同。
document of identity身份证
See identity document.见身份证。
documented migrant有证件的移民
A migrant who entered a country legally and remains in the country in accordance with his/her admission criteria.合法进入一国并根据其入境标准而居留的移民。相关词语regular migrant(正规移民)
documented migrant worker有证件的移民工人
A migrant worker or members of his/her family authorized to enter,to stay and to engage in a remunerated activity in the State of employment pursuant to the law of that State and to international agreements to which that State is a party.根据就业国的法律和该国作为缔约国签署的国际协定,移徙工人或其家庭成员可被授权进入该国,或在该国停留并从事有报酬的活动。(1990年保护所有移徙工人及其家庭成员权利国际公约)相关词语 documented migrant(有证件的移民),migrant worker(移徙工人),undocumented alien(无证件的外国人),undocumented migrant worker(无证件的移徙工人)
Of or relating to one's own country;of or relating to the family or the household.与某人国家相关的;与家或家庭相关的。
Any alien who at any time after entry is convicted of a crime of domestic violence,a crime of stalking,or a crime of child abuse,child neglect,or child abandonment is deportable.在入境后的任何时间犯有家庭暴力罪、散布谣言罪、或虐待儿童、儿童照管不良、或儿童遗弃罪的外国人应受到驱逐。(美国1996年移民与国籍法第237(a)(2)(E)(i)条)
domestic terrorism国内恐怖主义
Terrorism that occurs primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of a country.主要发生在一国境内的恐怖主义。
The place at which a person is physically present and that the person regards as home;a person's true,fixed,principal,and permanent home,to which that person intends to return and remain even though currently residing elsewhere.某人身体居住并视为家的地方;该人真正的、固定的、主要的和永久的家,尽管目前也许住在别处,但仍是将要返回和居住的地方。同时参见 residence(居住;寓所)
Domicile means the place in which a person has his present home or in which he resides or to which he returns as his place of present permanent abode and not for a mere special or temporary purpose.住所指某人现居住地,或其居住或作为现在永久居住之地,并不仅仅出于特殊或临时目的。(伯利兹移民法2002年修订第2条)
domicile of origin原籍;出生住所[1]
The domicile of a person at birth,derived from the custodial parent or imposed by law.Also called natural domicile.人们在出生时源自监护父母或法律规定的住所。也称原始住所。
This applies to the rating British competent authority awards when an organisation joins the register of sponsors under the points-based system.It is the action the authority takes when it changes an A rating to a B rating 根据计分制,当某组织成为注册赞助商时,英国的主管机构会对其进行级别判定,当从A级变为B级时,就是降级。
drug abuse药物滥用;滥用毒品
Drug abuse,also known as substance abuse,is a patterned use of a substance(drug)in which the user consumes the substance in amounts or with methods which are harmful to themselves or other.也称为精神药物滥用,使用者以对其自身或他人有害的方法有规律地使用药物。
drug addiction药物成瘾;药瘾
Also known as substance dependence.It is a compulsive need to use drugs in order to function normally.也叫药物依赖。是一种使用药物以使自身功能正常的强迫性需要。
drug addiction treatment戒毒
Drug addiction treatment intends to help addicted individuals stop compulsive drug seeking and use. Treatment can occur in a variety of settings, take many different forms, and last for different lengths of time. Drug addiction treatment can include medications, behavioral therapies, or their combination. 戒毒的目的是帮助那些成瘾的人停止强迫性寻找与使用毒品。治疗可以发生在各种场所,采取不同的治疗形式,且治疗持续的时间也不同。治疗方法包括药物、行为疗法或药物与行为疗法的组合。
drug prevention毒品预防
Activities aimed at preventing drug use,such as education programmes and the promotion of positive health.旨在防止使用毒品的活动,如教育方案以及促进健康的计划。
drug smuggling毒品走私
The movement of illegal drugs across borders.跨越国界的非法毒品的流动。
drug trafficking 1贩毒1(欧盟)
Dealing in and transporting illegal drugs.非法毒品的买卖和运输。
drug trafficking 2贩毒2(欧盟)
The act of smuggling illegal drugs through countries to reach their target audience.Trafficking is often controlled by organised crime.跨国贩毒达到目的对象的非法毒品走私的行为。贩运往往被有组织犯罪所控制。
drugs tourism毒品旅游业
The phenomenon of people travelling from one country to another to buy and/or use drugs.人们从一个国家到另一个国家旅行以购买和/或使用毒品的现象。
dual citizenship/dual nationals双重公民身份/双重国民
A person's status as a citizen of two countries,as when the person is born in one country to parents who are citizens of another country,or one country still recognizes a person as a citizen even though that person has acquired citizenship in another country.某人同时为两个国家公民的身份,其出生在某国而其父母为另一国家的公民,或者尽管某人取得了一个国家的公民身份,而另一国依然承认某人为自己的公民。
dual intent双重目的
Dual intent indicates an intention to immigrate at some time in the future while properly and currently maintaining non-immigrant status.指在未来某时间段具有移民目的,而又保留非移民身份。
An intention by a foreign national to become a permanent resident does not preclude them from becoming a temporary resident if the officer is satisfied that they will leave Canada by the end of the period authorized for their stay.如果该官员认为外国人在其许可居留期限结束时离开加拿大,外国人成为永久居民的目的并不妨碍其成为临时居民。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第22(2)条)
dual/multiple nationality双重/多重国籍
Simultaneous possession of the nationality of two or more countries by the same person.同一人同时拥有两个或多个国家的国籍。相关词语nationality(国籍), multiple nationality(多国籍)
Dublin Convention都柏林公约
Dublin Convention is an intergovernmental agreement between the EU Member States on asylum. The Convention obliges the country through which asylum seekers first enter the EU to handle applications for asylum on behalf of all other Member States—unless there are good reasons why the case should be handled by another State. This procedure is designed to prevent refugees from making multiple asylum applications or targeting more friendly/lenient countries. The agreement was reached in 1990, but only became binding in 1997. 都柏林公约是欧盟成员国之间有关庇护的政府协议。该公约规定庇护寻求者首先入境的欧盟成员国国家代表其他成员国来处理庇护申请——除非有充分理由证明由其他成员国来处理申请案件更合适。该过程旨在预防难民提出多个庇护申请或防止难民把友好/管理宽松国家作为其目标。该协议于1990年达成,1997年成为有约束力的法律规定。
Dublin Group都柏林集团(欧盟)
An informal body set up in 1990 to coordinate international drugs policy;it includes EU Member States,Australia,Canada,Japan,Norway and the United States.成立于1990年,对于国际毒品政策进行协调的非正式机构,包括欧盟成员国、澳大利亚、加拿大、日本、挪威以及美国。相关词语drugs(毒品),international cooperation(国际合作)
Dublin II Regulation都柏林II 章程(欧盟)
Council Regulation(EC)No.343/2003 of 18 February 2003 establishing the criteria and mechanisms for determining the Member State responsible for examining an asylum application lodged in one of the Member States by a third-country national,named “Dublin II,” which replaces the provisions in the Dublin Convention(Convention determining the State responsible for examining applications for asylum lodged in one of the Member States of the European Communities,signed in Dublin on 15 June 1990).Under the Dublin II Regulation,Member States have to assess,on the basis of objective and hierarchical criteria,which Member State is responsible for examining an asylum application lodged on its territory.The system is designed to prevent “asylum shopping”(where an asylum-seeker submits several requests for asylum in various States)and at the same time to ensure that each asylum applicant's case is processed by only one Member State.2003年2月18日理事会第343/2003号法律章程(欧洲理事会),该章程确定了第三国国民向成员国提交庇护申请时成员国应负责核实的标准与机制,名为“都柏林II”章程,该章程替代了都柏林公约(确定成员国负责审核在欧洲共同体成员国中提出的庇护申请的公约,该公约于1990年6月15日签署于柏林)中的条款。根据都柏林II章程的规定,成员国应在客观、分层的标准上进行评估,成员国负责审核在其领土上递交的庇护申请。此制度用来预防“庇护购物”(庇护寻求者在不同国家请求庇护的情况),且同时确保每个庇护申请者的案件只由一国来处理。
Dublin Regulation都柏林章程(欧盟)
Regulation which lays down the criteria and mechanisms for determining the Member State responsible for examining an application for asylum lodged in one of the Member States by a third-country national.该章程规定了确定成员国负责审核由第三国民在某一成员国提出庇护申请的标准以及机制。相关词语 Dublin Convention(都柏林公约)
Dublin system都柏林体系(欧盟)
The Dublin Convention and its successor,the Dublin Regulation,set the rules concerning which Member State is responsible for handling an asylum application.The objective of the system is to avoid multiple asylum applicat-ions,also known as “asylum shopping”.都柏林公约及后续规定——都柏林章程,制定了负责处理庇护申请的各会员国的规则。该体系的目标避免多个庇护申请,也被称为“庇护购物”。相关词语asylum shopping(庇护购物)
Just,proper,regular and reasonable;immedi-ately enforceable;owing.公正的、适当的、规则的及合理的;立即执行的;未付的。
This section applies to an aircraft or ship of a kind to which this Division applies that is due to arrive at an airport or port in Australia from a place outside Australia.本条款适用本章规定的任何从澳大利亚以外某地即将抵达澳大利亚空港或海港的航空器或船只。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第245L(1)条)
A person referred to in subsection 148(1)shall not be found guilty of an offence under paragraph(1)(a)if it is established that they exercised all due diligence to prevent the commission of the offence.根据(1)(a)段落的规定,如果第148(1)款所指人员竭尽努力预防犯罪行为的发生,则不应被判有罪。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第124(3)条)
Paragraph(1)(e)does not apply to a person who establishes that there are compelling reasons arising out of previous persecution,torture,treatment or punishment for refusing to avail themselves of the protection of the country which they left,or outside of which they remained,due to such previous persecution,torture,treatment or punishment.第(1)(e)款不适用下列人员:有充分理由证明其被迫拒绝离开国家的保护,原因是以前受到了迫害、折磨、对待或惩罚,或因其受到迫害、折磨对待或惩罚而在该国之外停留。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第108(4)条)
Information forwarded shall be held no longer than necessary for the purposes for which it was exchanged.The Contracting Party concerned shall assess in due course whether it is necessary for it to be held.提交的信息应即刻进行交换。相关的缔约国应在适当的时候对其是否有必要保留信息进行评估。(2000年申根协议第38.9条)
due diligence尽职调查;应尽的本分
The diligence reasonably expected from,and ordinarily exercised by,a person who seeks to satisfy a legal requirement or to discharge an obligation.合理预期的,通常由某人行使旨在满足法律规定或履行义务的勤奋。
A person referred to in subsection 148(1)shall not be found guilty of an offence under paragraph(1)(a)if it is established that they exercised all due diligence to prevent the commission of the offence.依照第(1)(a)的规定,如果认为第148(1)款中所指的人员为防止犯罪的发生尽职勤勉,不得认定有罪。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第124(3)条)
due process合法程序
The conduct of legal proceedings according to generally accepted rules and principles providing for the protection and enforcement of private rights,including notice and the right to a fair hearing before the court or administrative agency with the power to decide the case.根据普世规定和原则,为了保护和实施隐私权而作出的一种法律程序,包括通知及在法院或有案件决定权的行政机关进行公正听审的权力。
duplex design复式图案
A design made up of an interlocking pattern of small irregular shapes,printed in two or more colours and requiring very close register printing in order to preserve the integrity of the image.复式图案是一种由小型不规则的互锁形状构成的图案,以两种或多种颜色印刷,为保持图案的完整性,需要非常紧凑的套准印刷技术。(国际民航组织第9303号文件第一部信息附录1第6条)
A reproduction of an original document having the same particulars and effect as the original one.与原件具有同样细节及效力的原件复制品。
durable solution永久办法
Any means by which the situation of refugees can be satisfactorily and permanently resolved to enable them to lead normal lives.Tradi-tionally this involves voluntary repatriation,local integration or resettlement.通过任何手段圆满永久地解决难民处境问题以使其过上正常生活。传统意义上,解决的方法包括自愿遣返、就地融合或再安置。相关词语 integration(融合),refugee(recognized)(难民(承认的),repatriation(遣返),resettlement(再安置), voluntary repatriation(自愿遣返)
The length of time something lasts. In migration context, it means the length of time one stays in another country with legal and valid documents or it refers to the valid period of a document. 某事持续的时间。移徙背景下,指持有合法有效证件在另一国停留的时间,或证件的有效期。
Single entry visa means that the visitor can enter the Kingdom only once irrespective of duration of his visa.一次入境签证指无论访问者签证的期限,只能入境不丹王国一次。(不丹2007年移民法第80条)
The locations and duration of the stay of the international route means of transportation at the state border check-points shall be determined by the administration of airports,airfields,sea ports,river ports,railroad and automobile terminals and stations,and other transportation enterprises on the approval of the border guard and customs bodies.在国家边境检查站停靠的国际线路运输工具的停留位置与期限的长短应由空港、机场、海港、内河口岸、铁路与汽车终点站、车站及得到边境警卫与海关机构批准的其他运输企业作出规定。(俄罗斯1993年国家边境法2005年修订第24条)
A period of custody to prepare deportation shall count towards the overall duration of detention pending deportation.准备驱逐的羁押期间应将等待驱逐的时间算入总羁押期间内。(德国2004年居留法2007年修订第62(3)条)
The maximum permissible duration of residence for a foreigner applying for a place to study is nine months.申请在某地学习的外国人允许的最高居留期为9个月。(德国2004年居留法2007年修订第16(1)条)
duration of each stay(visa)停留期(签证)
Duration of each stay refers to the maximum number of days the visa bearer is permitted to stay in the issuing country each time,which is calculated from the date of entry into that country.签证的停留期系指持证人每次入境后被允许在该国停留的最长天数,即从入境之日起计算,持证人可停留的最长天数。
duration of status(D/S)身份期限(美)
Duration of Status is a term recorded on certain I-94 cards issued to foreign nationals at American Ports of Entry by a US Immigration Inspector.This stamp indicates the period during which a foreign national may remain legally in the United States.指外国人在美国入境口岸入境时,移民检查官在其I-94卡上签注的身份期限。该印章表明外国人可以在美合法停留的期限。
dutiable articles应上税物品
Goods liable to duty.应交税的物品。
duties of refugees难民责任
The obligations refugees must meet in the country of asylum.Under Article 2 of the 1951 Convention,refugees must conform to the laws and regulations of any country in which they find themselves.In particular,refugees must refrain from any acts that jeopardize the safety,security or public order of communities or countries of asylum.难民必须履行庇护国规定的义务。根据《1951年难民地位公约》第2条规定,难民必须遵守其身处国家的法律及规定。特别是,难民必须自制避免危及其庇护的社区或庇护国的安全或公共秩序的行为。
duty-free shop免税商店
Duty-free shops are retail outlets that are exempt from the payment of certain local or national taxes and duties,on the requirement that the goods sold will be sold to travelers who will take them out of the country.免税商店是要求即将出售给旅客带出该国的物品,免除地方或国家税收和支付关税的零售渠道。
DV lottery/diversity visa lotteryDV 抽签;多样性签证抽签(美)
An annually conducted Green Card Lottery that allows Green Cards worldwide without employer or family sponsorship.每年一次世界性的绿卡抽签,该奖无须雇主或家庭担保就可获得绿卡。相关词语immigration lottery/government lottery(移民抽签/政府抽签)
See diversity visa lottery.见多样性签证抽签。
A place where a person lives.人们居住之地。
In relation to premises consisting of two or more separate dwellings,the power is limited to entering and searching——
(a)any parts of the premises which the occupiers of any dwelling comprised in the premises use in common with the occupiers of any such other dwelling;and
(b)any such dwelling in which the officer has reasonable grounds for believing that the person whom he is seeking may be.
[1] domicile,residence均为移民法中常用术语。domicile指被视为永久生活地,户籍所在地,其与国籍和实际居住国不同。法律认为每人都有原始住所或原籍(domicile of origin)。受抚养人或无行为能力者,如儿童,按制定法规定应以其监护人(多为父母)的住所而定。residence为居所,与住所不同,但它是确定住所的一个相关的要素,居所的确定在于事实推定,即一个人在某地的实际生活居住。居所常与法院管辖权的确定、纳税、投票选举等事项有关。居所种类较多,最常见的是实际居所(actual residence)和通常居所(ordinary residence)。