4.2 课后习题详解
1Why is the prison the setting of Chapter I and what is the implication of the description of the roses?
Because the protagonist, Hester Prynne is expected to appear here as an infamous culprit. The description of roses carries such implication that Hester Prynne was remaining faithful to nature and morality. In the bottom of her heart, she is still a pure and gracious woman. The roses symbolize hope and future of humankind.
2Describe the appearance of Hester Prynne and the attitude of the people towards her.
Hester Prynne was a tall woman with perfect elegance, characterized by a certain state and dignity. She was lady-like, after the manner of the feminine gentility of those days. She appeared so graceful because that she possessed true love, which she thought was something noble and worthwhile and for which she was willing to sacrifice herself. She was strong-minded and independent, and she had power and courage to endure serenely and quietly the public abuse, insult and hardness of reality.
In the crowd, different people had different attitude towards Hester. Some were sympathetic, and feel sorry for her. Some are very harsh and critical towards her, especially those cold-hearted, middle-aged women. They expressed their hatred towards Hester because they thought that Hester has brought shame on them. Even there were some people thought that the present punishment was too mild, and death should be the just penalty.
3What has happened to Hester? Why does she make the embroidery of the letter A so elaborate? How does this tell us about her character?
Hester has offended the Puritan rule, sinned, guilty of adultery. Condemned to wear on the breast of her gown the scarlet letter “A”, she was to stand on the platform before the meeting so that her shame might be a warning and a reproach to all who saw her.
She makes the letter “A” so elaborate out of her true love for Dimmesdale. She is loyal to her true lover, faithful to morality, honest to herself. She becomes strong and independent in psychology, generous in action, living a life with dignity and great fortitude.