This code is prepared by Guangdong Electric Power Design Institute and Electric Power Planning and Engineering Institute in collaboration with associated organizations as required by the Notice on Printing and Distributing the Development and Revision Plan of National Standards for Engineering Construction in 2007(JB〔2007〕No.126)issued by the former Ministry of Construction.
This code has been developed based on wide investigations and studies,serious sum-up of experience,reference to the related international and national standards,and extensive consultations,and finalized after review.
This code is organized into 10 chapters with 15 appendices,mainly including:General,Terms,Symbols and Codes,Horizontal Control Survey,Vertical Control Survey,Topographic Survey,Digital Photogrammetry,Satellite Remote SensingSurvey,Construction Survey,Deformation Monitoring,and Other Surveys.
In this code,the articles in bold type are compulsory provisions and must be enforced strictly.This code is administered by Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China which will be responsible for the interpretation of compulsory articles.China Electricity Council is responsible for its daily management,and Guangdong Electric Power Design Institute is responsible for the interpretation of specific technical issues therein.Any comments or suggestions raised during the implementation of this code are to be referred to Guangdong Electric Power Design Institute(at the address:No.1,Tianfeng Road,Guangzhou Science City,Guangdong Province,510663)for reference in the future revisions.
The Chief drafting organizations,participants,leading authors and main reviewers are as follows:
Chief Drafting Organizations:
Guangdong Electric Power Design Institute
Electric Power Planning and Engineering Institute
Participants in Drafting:
East China Electric Power Design Institute
China Nuclear Power Engineering Co.,Ltd(the former Beijing Institute of Nuclear Engineering)
Northeast China Electric Power Design Institute
Shandong Electric Power Engineering Consulting Institute Corp.,Ltd
North China Power Engineering(Beijing)Co.,Ltd
Central Southern China Electric Power Design Institute
Southwest China Electric Power Design Institute
Leading Authors:
Zhang Xiaowang Yao Qilin Yin Jinhua Wang Xuhong
Xue Yandong Chang Zengliang Cao Yuming Wang Shengzu
Deng Jiana Liu Lin Dai Hongbo Liu Xiaoqing
Lei Weigang
Main Reviewers:
Kong Xiangyuan TianYangquan Yin Hongbin Li Guangye
Liu Guangming Wu Jianyang Chen Maibo He Guangyuan
Ma Tianqin Zhou Meiyu Chen Yaming Shi Keqin
Hu Maolin Wang Cong Tan Guoquan Chai Xiuwei