7.3 Electrical Engineering
7.3.1 Electrical room should be placed near the load center,and for the production line of which the power loads are high and are installed in a scattered manner,several electrical rooms should be furnished according to load distribution.
7.3.2 Large electrical room should be designed with basement or cable floor.
7.3.3 Cables of large sized production line should be laid through cable tunnel.
7.3.4 Air inlet of electrical room,operation room and cable tunnel shall be set in the area free from acid and alkali fume.
7.3.5 For the electrical equipment,cable and cable laying material installed at the area affected by acid and alkali fume,acid and alkali resistant material or other protection measures shall be applied.
7.3.6 Cable design shall fulfill the relevant requirements in the current national standard GB 50217 Code for Design of Cables of Electric Engineering.
7.3.7 Fire prevention design shall be carried out in compliance with the relevant requirements in the current national standards GB 50016 Code for Design of Fire Prevention for Buildings and GB 50414 Code for Design of Fire Prevention for Iron and Steel Enterprises.
7.3.8 Lighting shall be designed in compliance with the relevant requirements in the current national standard GB 50034 Standard for Lighting Design of Buildings.
7.3.9 Lightning protection design shall be in conformity with the relevant requirements in the current national standard GB 50057 Design Code for Protection of Structures against Lightning.
7.3.10 Earthing design shall be developed in compliance with the relevant requirements in the current national standard GB 14050 Types and Safety Technical Requirements of System Earthing.
7.3.11 Design of electrical installation in explosive and fire hazard atmospheres shall follow the relevant requirements in the current national standard GB 50058 Electrical Installations Design Code for Explosive Atmospheres and Fire Hazard.