3 Basic Provisions
3.1 General Provisions
3.1.1 The construction company of boiler unit erection projects shall have the corresponding construction qualification certificates.The approved construction organization plan,construction scheme and other technical documents shall be provided at the construction site,and the department for safety supervision administration of special equipment shall be informed before commencement of the project.
3.1.2 The construction drawings shall be jointly reviewed by the related organizations before the erection of boiler unit.
3.1.3 The mandatory provisions in this Part shall be strictly implemented to ensure the safety and reliability of large-capacity and high-parameter boilers.
3.1.4 The erection of boiler units shall be carried out according to the requirements of the design and equipment technical documents.Other parts such as pumps,pipes,corrosion protection works,instruments and welding shall meet the requirements of this Part as well as related national and industrial standards.
1 The installation of pumps shall comply with the requirements of DL 5190.3 Technical Specification for Thermal Power Erection and Construction Part 3:Steam Turbine Unit.
2 The installation of instruments shall comply with the requirements of DL 5190.4 Technical Specification for Thermal Power Erection and Construction Part 4:Instruments and Control Devices.
3 The installation of steam pipes,feedwater pipes and industrial water pipes within the boiler scope shall comply with the requirements of DL 5190.5 Technical Specification for Thermal Power Erection and Construction Part 5:Piping and System and DL/T 7113-2009 The Inspection Code of Pipe Hangers and Supports for Power Plants.
4 The corrosion protection of heating surface and other related piping systems shall comply with the requirements of DL 5190.6 Technical Specification for Thermal Power Erection and Construction Part 6:Water Treatment and Hydrogen-producing Equipment & System.
5 The welding work in the process of the pressure pipes preparation and erection shall comply with the requirements of DL/T 869 Code of the Welding for Power Plant.
6 The erection of boiler hoisting equipment and other mechanical equipment shall comply with the requiremnts of GB 50278 Code for Construction and Acceptance of Crane Erection Engineering and GB 50231 General Code for Construction and Acceptance of Mechanical Equipment Erection Engineering.
7 The boiler steel structure and the steel structures of attached machineries and equipment shall comply with the requirements of this Part as well as the requirements of GB 50205 Code for Acceptance of Construction Quality of Steel Structures,JGJ 82 Code for Design,Construction and Acceptance of High Strength Bolt Connection for Steel Structures and DL/T 678 General Welding Procedure Specification for Structural Steel of Power Station.
8 The start-up and acceptance of boiler unit shall meet the requirements of this Part and DL/T 5437 Code for Fossil Power Construction Project from the Unit Commissioning to Completed Acceptance.
3.1.5 The equipment involved in Regulations on Safety Supervision of Special Equipment shall be provided with design documents,certificates of quality,instructions for erection,operation and maintenance,supervision & inspection certificates,and other documents according to the requirements of the safety technology specification when leaving factory.
3.1.6 The construction technical requirements of new products and equipment shall be studied and formulated jointly by the owner,supervision company,design company,manufacturer and construction contractor,and shall be implemented accordingly during construction when the manufactory does not give the clear requirements.
3.1.7 Before the erection of boiler unit,the equipment shall be re-inspected according to the requirement of this Part.Manufacturing defects,if any,shall be reported to and confirmed in written form by the owner,supervision company and the manufacturer.Treatment scheme shall be discussed and confirmed.
3.1.8 The equipment and materials shall be provided with the certificates of compliance.For those which shall be inspected according the requirement of this Part,they shall be used after passing the inspection.
3.1.9 The finished or semi-finished products manufactured on site(including gas/air ducts,fuel/material pipes)shall be inspected according to the requirements of Chapter 7 of this Part and Chapter 4 of DL 5190.7 Technical Specification for Thermal Power Erection and Construction Part 7:Processing &Prefabrication.
3.1.10 Before hoisting the equipment,the temporary reinforcement facilities of the equipment shall be overall inspected.The lifting lugs shall be hoisted after passing the strength check and nondestructive testing if necessary.The load distribution of the construction lifting machinery attached to or arranged in boiler steel structures shall be checked and confirmed.
3.1.11 During the erection of the equipment,inspection and acceptance shall be carried out timely.If inspection and acceptance of the previous procedure are not qualified,the next procedure must not be carried out.The concealed works must pass the inspection and acceptance and get the certification before concealing.
3.1.12 After boiler unit erection,the following technical documents shall be provided.
1 The equipment defect records and certification.
2 The design change information.
3 The intermediate acceptance records and certification of concealed works.
4 The erection technology records and certification.
5 The quality acceptance tables.
3.1.13 The finished products shall be protected well during construction,and the capital construction trace shall be eliminated after the construction.
3.1.14 The green construction of boiler units erection shall meet the following requirements:
1 The site plane layout shall be optimized and the stacking of equipment and materials shall be reasonable so as to shorten the transportation distance in the plant and improve the service efficiency of large hoisting machinery.
2 The construction site shall adopt the smooth annular channels and achieve the permanent and temporary combination so as to reduce land occupation.
3 The new technology,new process,new equipment and new materials shall be adopted to replace high pollution technology.
4 The energy-saving and environmental protection construction equipment and tools shall be used and the utilization efficiency shall be improved.
5 The materials shall approach the construction site according to the sequence in the processing flow plan.The strict quota to material requisition shall be taken and cutting stock shall be reasonable in order to reduce waste materials.
6 The temporary electricity circuit shall be reasonable layout and the energy-saving lamps and lanterns shall be selected.
7 To save water,the water-saving pipe fittings shall be used in suppressing dust development.The boiler test water should be recycled.
8 The material and tools on cyclic use shall be maintained regularly to improve the cycle utilization rate.
9 The storage and use of the site radioactive sources shall be carried out according to the safe usage and protection measures formulated in Decree No.449 of the State Council of PRC.
10 The site noise control shall be carried out according to the requirements of GB 12523 Noise Limits for Construction Site.
11 The electric welding arc pollution shall be reduced during processing and fabrication.
12 The wastes generated during site construction shall be disposed legitimately.
3.1.15 Before erection,the equipment safekeeping shall be carried out well according to the natural condition,climate condition,the surrounding environment and storage time of the storage location as well as the requirement of equipment technical documents and DL/T 855 The Code for Maintenance and Safekeeping of Thermal Power Equipment in Electric Power Construction.
3.1.16 When construction in winter or summer,the measures shall be formulated according to the equipment characteristics and process requirements to prevent the equipment damage and ensure the quality.