3.3 手术操作名词
半侧下颌骨切除术 hemimandibulectomy
半侧颜面萎缩矫正术 correction of hemifacial atrophy
半固定桥 semi-fixed bridge
半固定桥连接体 semi-fixed connector
半切牙术 tooth hemisection
半舌切除术 hemiglossectomy
鼻唇病损切除术 excision of labial and nasal lesion
鼻内镜下上颌骨部分切除术 partial resection of upper jaw under nasal endoscope
鼻中隔成形术 septoplasty
闭合性下颌支骨成形术 closed osteoplasty of mandibular ramus
丙烯酸酯甲冠 acrylic jacket crown
丙烯酸酯填塞 acrylic resin packing
丙烯酸酯牙 acrylic tooth
不复位瓣 unpositioned flap
部分冠 partial crown,partial veneer crown
侧方加压 lateral compaction
侧向滑动瓣 lateral sliding flap
超声洁治术 ultrasonic scaling
穿黏膜种植体 transmucosal implant
穿下颌种植体 tansmandibular implant
穿支皮瓣制备术 harvesting of perforator flap surgery
垂直截骨术 vertical osteotomy
垂直向松弛切口翻瓣术 flap with vertical releasing incision
锤造冠 swaged crown
锤造金属全冠 swaged metal full crown
唇瘢痕松解术 lysis of lip scar
唇病损广泛切除术 excision of lesion of lip by wide excision
唇病损激光烧灼术 laser cauterization of lesion of lip
唇病损切除术 excision of lesion of lip
唇成形术 labioplasty
唇颊沟延伸术 deepening of buccolabial
唇裂伤缝合术 harelip suture
唇裂修复术 cheilorrhaphy
唇裂再修复术 secondary cheilorrhaphy
唇瘘管修补术 lip fistula repair
唇皮瓣移植术 transplantation of lip flap
唇全厚皮片移植术 lip full-thickness skin graft
唇缺损修复术 repair of lip defect
唇系带切断术 labial frenotomy
唇腺自体移植术 autogenous lip gland
唇中厚植皮术 lip intermedium thickness skin graft
瓷牙 porcelain tooth
带蒂皮瓣前徙术 pedicle flap advancement
带蒂皮瓣去脂术 pedicle flap liposculpturing
带蒂皮瓣修整术 pedicle flap repair surgery
带蒂皮瓣移植术 pedicle flap skin grafting
袋状瓣 envelope flap
单侧颈淋巴结根治性清扫术 unilateral radical dissection of neck lymph node
单纯淋巴结切除术 simple lymphadenectomy
单端固定桥 cantilever fixed bridge
单颌全口义齿 single complete denture
垫底 rebase
钉板型种植体 staple implant
钉嵌体 pinlay
额骨重建术 frontal bone reconstruction
腭垂病损切除术 excision of lesion of uvula
腭垂部分切除术 partial uvulectomy
腭垂活组织检查 biopsy of palatine uvula
腭垂裂修补术 repair of cleft uvula
腭垂切除术 excision of palatine uvula
腭垂切开术 uvulotomy
腭垂-软腭成形术 uvulopalatoplasty
腭垂-软腭-咽成形术 uvulopalatopharyngoplasty
腭大孔注射法 greater palatine foramen injection
腭裂伤缝合术 uranorrhaphy
腭裂系列治疗 cleft palate team approach
腭裂修复术 palatorrhaphy
腭裂修复术伴腭垂修复术 palatorrhaphy with cleft palate repair
腭瘘管修补术 palatal fistula repair
腭切开探查术 incision and exploration of palate
腭-咽成形术 palate pharyngeal surgery
耳大神经吻合术 great auricular nerve anastomosis
二期愈合前庭成形术 secondary epithelization vestibuloplasty
放射性粒子置入 radioactive particle implantation
腓骨骨肌皮瓣制备术 preparation of fibula flap
分段截骨术 segmental osteotomy
分牙术 bicuspidization
复发性颈淋巴结转移癌切除术 excision of recurrent cervical lymph node metastasis
复合固定桥 compound fixed bridge
副腮腺病损切除术 excision of lesion of accessory parotid gland
副腮腺切除术 excision of accessory parotid gland
副神经-舌下神经吻合术 anastomosis of accessory nerve and hypoglossal nerve
覆盖义齿 overlay denture,overdenture
改良根治性颈淋巴结清扫术 modified radical neck lymph node dissection
改良威德曼翻瓣术 modified Widman flap surgery
盖嵴式桥体 ridge-lap pontic
盖髓 pulp capping
干髓术 mummification of pulp
高嵌体 onlay
根管封闭 root canal sealing
根管封药 intracanal medicament
根管预备 root canal preparation
根管治疗术 root canal therapy,RCT
根尖切除术 apicoectomy
根尖下截骨术 subapical osteotomy
根尖诱导成形术 apexification
根间截骨术 interradicular osteotomy
根面平整术 root planing
根内固位体 intra-radicular retainer
根向复位瓣术 apically repositioned flap surgery
根治性颈清扫术 radical neck dissection
功能性颈淋巴结清扫术 functional cervical lymph node dissection
功能性颈清扫术 functional neck dissection
股前外侧皮瓣制备术 preparation of anterolateral thigh flap
骨成形瓣 osteoplastic flap
骨膜上浸润麻醉 supraperiosteal infiltration anesthesia
骨膜下浸润麻醉 subperiosteal infiltration anesthesia
骨膜下种植体 subperiosteal implant,endosteal implant
骨内固定器种植体 endosseous stabilizer implant
骨内叶状闭口种植体 endosteal blade-close implant
骨内叶状开口种植体 endosteal blade vent implant
骨内种植术 endosseous implantation
骨牵拉延长器置入术 insertion of bone lengthening device
骨下袋植骨术 bone grafting for infrabony pocket
固定连接体 rigid connector
固定桥 fixed bridge
固定修复术 fixed prothesis
管状皮瓣移植术 tubular skin flap transplantation
冠内固位体 intra-coronal retainer
冠向复位瓣 coronally repositioned flap
核桩冠 post crown with core

颌骨病损刮治术 curettage of jaw lesion
颌骨骨纤维异常增殖症修整术 repair of bone fibrous dysplasia of jaw
颌骨修整术 repair of jaw
颌间固定 intermaxillary fixation
颌间结扎 intermaxillary ligation
颌间牵引 intermaxillary traction
颌面部脓肿切开引流术 incision and drainage of abscess of maxillofacial region
颌面间隙引流术 drainage of maxillofacial space
颌下淋巴结根治性切除术 radical resection of submandibular lymph node
颌下淋巴结切除术 excision of submandibular lymph node
颌下腺造影侧位投影术 lateral position of submandibular gland sialography
颌下引流术 mandibular drainage
喉返神经松解术 recurrent laryngeal nerve decompression
后推术 push-back operation
滑行截骨术 sliding osteotomy
环绕颧骨结扎术 circumzygomatic wiring
环绕下颌结扎术 circummandibular wiring
喙突后注射法 posterior coronoid process injection
活动连接体 nonrigid connector
即刻义齿 immediate denture
颊部病损切除术 buccal lesion resection
颊洞穿性缺损修复术 repair of buccal perforating defect
颊系带切开术 incision of buccal frenum
颊脂垫修复术 repair of buccal fat pad
甲冠 jacket crown
甲状舌管病损切除术 thyroglossal duct lesion resection
甲状舌管瘘闭合术 closure of thyroglossal fistula
甲状舌管切除术 excision of thyroglossal duct
间接盖髓术 indirect pulp capping
肩胛舌骨肌上颈淋巴结清扫术 supraomohyoid neck dissection
交叉唇瓣断蒂术 cross-lip flap division
交叉唇瓣转移术 cross-lip flap transplantation
洁治术 oral prophylaxis
截根术 root amputation
筋膜皮瓣移植术 transplantation of fascia flap
茎突截除术 styloidectomy
颈部皮肤部分切除整形术 partial excision of skin of neck
颈部探查术 cervical exploration
颈部异物去除 removal of foreign body from neck
颈动脉部分切除伴吻合术 partial excision of carotid artery with anastomosis
颈动脉探查术 exploration of carotid artery
颈动脉血管内超声 carotid artery intravascular ultrasound
颈动脉血栓切除术 carotid artery thrombectomy
颈深部淋巴结切除术 excision of deep cervical lymph node
颈神经病损切除术 excision of lesion of cervical nerve
颈外动脉结扎止血术 ligation and hemostasis of external carotid artery
巨舌畸形矫正术 correction of macroglossia
开放性下颌支骨成形术 open osteoplasty mandibular ramus
开面冠 window crown
烤瓷熔附金属修复体 porcelain-fused-to-metal restoration,PFM restoration
颏成形术 genioplasty
颏硅胶置入增大成形术 augmentation genioplasty with silicone implantation
颏缩小成形术 reductive genioplasty
颏下病损切除术 submental excision of lesion
颏增大成形术 augmentation mentoplasty
髁突陈旧性骨折复位内固定术 old fracture reduction and internal fixation of condylar process
髁突高位切除术 high condylar resection
髁突下截骨术 subcondylar osteotomy
可摘局部义齿 removable partial denture
口底病损切除术 excision of lesion of floor of mouth
口底多间隙感染脓肿切开引流术 incision and drainage of multiple space infection abscess of floor of mouth
口底引流术 drainage of floor of mouth
口角缝合术 suture of angle of mouth
口轮匝肌功能重建术 functional reconstruction of orbicularis oris muscle
口内脓肿切开引流术 incision and drainage of abscess of mouth
口腔病损激光烧灼术 oral lesion of laser ablation
口腔黏膜病损切除术 excision of lesion of oral mucosa
口形矫正术 mouth shape correction
眶壁重建术 orbital wall reconstruction
眶下孔[管]注射法 infraorbital foramen[canal]injection
眶下裂后方注射法 posterior infraorbital fissure injection
粒子放射治疗 particle radiation therapy
连续小环结扎术 continuous loop wiring
淋巴管瘤注射术 lymphangioma injection
淋巴管瘘结扎术 ligation of lymphatic fistula
淋巴管瘘切除术 excision of lymphatic fistula
淋巴管瘘粘连术 lymphatic fistula adhesion
淋巴结活组织检查 biopsy of lymph node
淋巴结扩大性区域性切除术 regional excision of lymph node enlargement
淋巴结区域性切除术 regional excision of lymph node
笼状种植体 cage implant
隆鼻伴耳郭软骨移植术 augmentation rhinoplasty with auricular cartilage transplantation
隆鼻伴人工假体置入术 augmentation rhinoplasty with artificial prosthesis implantation
隆鼻伴自体鼻软骨移植术 augmentation rhinoplasty with autogenous nasal cartilage grafting
颅底病损切除术 excision of lesion of skull base
颅骨骨膜瓣移植术 skull periosteum flap transplantation
卵圆孔注射法 oval foramen injection
马里兰桥 Maryland fixed bridge
盲法线锯髁突截开术 blind Gigli saw condylotomy
锚状骨内种植体 anchor endosteal implant
面部病损切除术 excision of lesion of facial
面部骨折切开复位内固定术 open reduction and internal fixation for fracture of face
面部皮肤部分切除整形术 facial skin partial excision and plastic surgery
面部清创缝合术 debridement and suture of face
面部引流术 facial drainage
面骨病损局部切除术 local excision of lesion of facial bone
面骨部分切除术 partial excision of facial bone
面骨成形术 facial plastic surgery
面骨骨全部切除伴重建术 total excision with reconstruction of facial bone
面骨骨全部切除术 total excision of facial bone
面骨活组织检查 biopsy of facial bone
面骨切开术 incision of facial bone
面骨死骨切除术 sequestrectomy of facial bone
面横裂矫正术 correction of transverse facial cleft
面神经病损切除术 facial nerve lesion resection
面神经-副神经吻合术 anastomosis of facial nerve and accessory nerve
面神经解剖术 facial nerve dissection
面神经切断术 facial nerve transection
面神经探查术 exploration of facial nerve
面神经吻合术 facial nerve anastomosis
面瘫矫正术 correction of facial paralysis
面斜裂矫正术 correction of oblique facial cleft
磨牙半切术 hemisection of molar
磨牙后区病损切除术 excision of lesion of retromolar area
末端种植体 terminal implant
黏膜瓣 mucosal flap
黏膜下浸润麻醉 submucous infiltration anesthesia
黏膜下前庭成形术 submucosal vestibuloplasty
黏膜下种植体 submucosal implant
颞肌筋膜瓣切取术 excision of temporal muscle fascia flap
颞下颌关节病损切除术 excision of lesion of temporomandibular joint
颞下颌关节侧位体层片 lateral tomogram of TMJ
颞下颌关节成形术 temporomandibular joint arthroplasty
颞下颌关节镜手术治疗 arthroscopic surgery for treatment of temporomandibular joint
颞下颌关节盘复位固定术 temporomandibular joint disk reduction and fixation
颞下颌关节盘摘除术 temporomandibular joint disk extraction
颞下颌关节松解术 temporomandibular joint lysis
颞下颌关节脱位闭合复位术 closed reduction of dislocation of temporomandibular joint
颞下颌关节脱位切开复位术 open reduction of dislocation of temporomandibular joint
颞下颌关节药物注射 drug injection of temporomandibular joint
颞下颌关节造影术 TMJ arthrography
颞下颌关节置换术 temporomandibular joint replacement
皮瓣清创术 debridement of flap
皮瓣修整术 flap repair
皮瓣预制术 prefabricated flap
皮肤病损根治性切除术 radical excision of skin lesion
皮肤病损切除术 excision of lesion of skin
皮下带蒂皮瓣移植术 subcutaneous pedicle skin flap transplantation
皮下脂肪注射填充术 subcutaneous fat injection
皮下组织病损切除术 excision of lesion of subcutaneous tissue
气管插管 trachea intubation
髂骨瓣制备术 preparation of iliac bone flap
前鼻孔成形术 anterior nasal surgery
前臂皮瓣制备术(供区切取) preparation of forearm flap(donor site)
前庭成形术 vestibuloplasty
前庭沟扩展术 vestibular extension
嵌体 inlay
切除性牙周膜新附着术 excisional new attachment of periodontium,ENAP
切牙孔注射法 incisive foramen injection
全瓷冠 all-ceramic crown
全冠 full crown
全颌种植体 complete implant
全厚瓣 full thickness flap
全厚皮片移植术 full thickness skin graft
全口义齿 complete denture,full denture
颧弓降低术 zygomatic arch reduction operation
颧骨成形术 zygoma formation
颧骨骨折闭合复位术 closed reduction of fracture of zygoma
颧骨骨折切开复位内固定术 open reduction and internal fixation of fracture of zygoma
颧骨重建术 reconstruction of bone of zygoma
人工皮片移植术 artificial skin grafting
乳牙拔除 extraction of deciduous teeth
软腭病损切除术 excision of lesion of soft palate
软腭病损射频消融术 radiofrequency ablation of lesion of soft palate
软腭成形术 soft palate plasty
软腭活组织检查 biopsy of soft palate
软腭激光消融术 laser ablation of soft palate
腮腺病损切除术 excision of lesion of parotid gland
腮腺部分切除术 partial parotidectomy
腮腺导管瘘修补术 repair of fistula of parotid duct
腮腺导管探查 parotid duct exploration
腮腺导管再通术 parotid duct reoperation
腮腺管口移植术 opening of parotid gland transplantation
腮腺管吻合术 anastomosis of parotid duct
腮腺浅叶切除术 superficial parotidectomy
腮腺切除术 parotidectomy
腮腺切开引流术 incision and drainage of parotid gland
腮腺深叶切除术 excision of deep lobe of parotid gland
鳃裂瘘管切除术 branchial fistula resection
鳃裂囊肿切除术 excision of branchial cleft cyst
三脚架种植体 tripod implant
伤口止血术 wound hemostasis
上臂外侧皮瓣制备术 preparation of lateral upper arm flap
上颌动脉结扎止血术 ligation of maxillary artery
上颌窦病损切除术 excision of lesion of maxillary sinus
上颌窦根治术 radical maxillary antrotomy,radical maxillary sinusotomy
上颌窦探查术 maxillary sinus surgical exploration
上颌窦提升术 maxillary sinus lifting
上颌骨部分骨成形术 partial bone formation of maxilla
上颌骨部分切除伴人工骨置入术 partial resection of maxilla with artificial bone implantation
上颌骨部分切除伴植骨术 partial resection of maxilla with bone grafting
上颌骨部分切除术 partial resection of maxilla
上颌骨重建术 reconstruction of maxilla
上颌骨次全切除术 subtotal resection of maxilla
上颌骨骨折闭合复位术 closed reduction of maxillary fracture
上颌骨骨折切开复位固定术 open reduction and fixation of maxillary fracture
上颌骨全部切除术 total resection of maxilla
上颌骨全骨成形术 total osteoplasty of maxilla
上颌骨人工假体移植术 artificial prosthesis implantation of maxilla
上颌骨死骨切除术 sequestrectomy of maxilla
上颌骨自体骨移植物 autogenous bone graft of maxilla
上颌结节成形术 maxillary tuberoplasty
上颌结节注射法 tuberosity injection
上颌李弗特Ⅰ型分块截骨成形术 LeFort Ⅰ block osteotomy
上颌李弗特Ⅰ型截骨成形术 LeFort Ⅰ osteoplasty
上颌李弗特Ⅱ型分块截骨成形术 LeFort Ⅱ block osteoplasty
上颌李弗特Ⅱ型截骨成形术 LeFort Ⅱ osteoplasty
上颌李弗特Ⅲ型截骨术 LeFort Ⅲ osteotomy
上颌前部截骨术 anterior maxillary osteotomy
舌病损切除术 excision of lesion of tongue
舌部分切除术 partial excision of tongue,partial glossectomy
舌部甲状腺切除术 tongue of thyroidectomy
舌腭弓延长成形术 extension of palatoglossal arch
舌缝合术 glossorrhaphy
舌根射频消融术 radiofrequency ablation of root of tongue
舌沟延伸术 extension of lingual groove
舌骨上进路舌根部肿物切除术 resection of root of tongue by suprahyoid
舌骨上颈淋巴结清扫术 suprahyoid neck dissection
舌筋膜悬吊术 tongue fascia suspension
舌扩大性切除术 extended resection of tongue
舌全部切除术 total excision of tongue
舌神经根松解术 lingual nerve neurolysis
舌系带成形术 lingual frenoplasty
舌系带切除术 ankylotomy
舌系带延长术 lengthening of lingual frenum,lingual frenum extension
舌下神经-面神经吻合术 anastomosis of hypoglossal nerve and facial nerve
舌下腺病损切除术 excision of lesion of sublingual gland
舌下腺部分切除术 sublingual gland resection
舌下腺切除术 excision of sublingual gland
舌下腺切开引流术 incision and drainage of sublingual gland
舌修补术 repair of tongue
舌粘连松解术 lysis of adhesion of tongue
矢状截骨术 sagittal osteotomy
矢状劈开截骨术 sagittal split osteotomy
试戴 try-in
手术后伤口止血术 postoperative wound hemostasis
双侧颈淋巴结根治性清扫术 bilateral radical dissection of neck lymph node
双带蒂皮瓣移植术 double pedicle skin flap transplantation
双端固定桥 rigid fixed bridge
双颌截骨术 bimaxillary osteotomy
双乳头瓣 double papillae flap
双叶状种植体 double blade implant
水平复位瓣 horizontally repositioned flap
水平截骨术 horizontal osteotomy
四分之三冠 three-quarter crown
松动牙固定术 fixation of loosened tooth
酸蚀 acid etching
锁骨上淋巴结切除术 excision of supraclavicular lymph node
碳种植体 carbon implant
陶瓷修复 ceramic restoration
调磨 grinding
同种牙移植术 homotransplantation of tooth
头部血管治疗性超声 head blood vessel therapeutic ultrasound
涂碳种植体 carbon coated implant
唾液腺导管切开术 incision of salivary duct
唾液腺导管修补术 repair of salivary gland duct
唾液腺缝合术 suture of salivary gland
唾液腺瘘修补术 repair of fistula of salivary gland
唾液腺切除术 sialoadenectomy
唾液腺切开术 incision of salivary gland
唾液腺切开引流术 sialoadenotomy
唾液腺造袋术 marsupialization of salivary gland
唾液腺造影术 sialography
卫生桥 sanitary bridge
无缝壳冠 seamless shell crown
无牙区带蒂移植瓣 edentulous-area grafts flap
系带切断术 frenectomy
下颌根尖下截骨成形术 anterior mandibularsubapical osteotomy
下颌骨部分切除术 partial mandibulectomy
下颌骨成形术 osteoplasty of mandible
下颌骨重建板修复术 reconstruction of mandibular reconstruction plate
下颌骨重建术 reconstruction of bone of mandible,reconstruction of mandible
下颌骨骨折闭合复位术 closed reduction of jaw fracture,closed reduction of mandibular fracture
下颌骨骨折切开复位内固定术 open reduction and internal fixation of mandibular fracture
下颌骨髁突骨折切开复位内固定术 open reduction and internal fixation of mandibular condylar fracture
下颌骨内固定物取出术 removal of internal fixation of mandible
下颌骨劈开术 splitting of mandible
下颌骨全部切除伴骨重建术 total resection of mandible with bone reconstruction
下颌骨全部切除术 total resection of mandible
下颌骨缺损修复术 reconstruction of mandibular defect
下颌骨人工假体移植术 transplantation of mandibular prosthesis
下颌骨升支骨折切开复位内固定术 open reduction and internal fixation for fracture of mandible
下颌骨死骨切除术 excision sequestrum of mandible
下颌骨体骨成形术 mandibular body bone formation
下颌骨自体骨移植术 autogenous bone graft of mandible
下颌角成形术 mandibular angle plasty
下颌髁突切除术 mandibular condylectomy
下颌神经阻滞麻醉 mandibular block anesthesia
下颌升支矢状劈开截骨术 sagittal split ramus osteotomy
下颌下区病损切除术 excision of lesion of the submandibular region
下颌下腺病损切除术 excision of lesion of submandibular gland
下颌下腺部分切除术 partial excision of submandibular gland
下颌下腺导管结石取出术 removal of duct stone from submandibular gland
下颌下腺导管口转位术 transposition of submandibular gland duct
下颌下腺切除术 excision of submandibular gland,submandibular sialoadenectomy
下颌下腺移植术后导管重建术 reconstruction of the catheter after submandibular gland transplantation
下颌下腺自体移植术 autotransplant of submandibular gland
下颌下腺自体移植腺体减量术 reduction of autotransplant submandibular gland
下颌下缘去骨成形术 plasty via osteoectomy of inferior border of mandible
下颌支截骨术 ramus osteotomy
下颌支支架种植体 ramus frame implant
下牙槽神经阻滞麻醉 block anesthesia of inferior alveolar nerve
涎管成形术 sialodochoplasty
涎石摘除术 sialolithotomy
小环结扎术 eyelet wiring
笑气镇静 nitrous oxide sedation
斜行截骨术 oblique osteotomy
序列拔牙 serial extraction
旋转皮瓣移植术 rotational skin flap transplantation
选色 shade selection
牙拔除术 dental extraction,extractus dentalis,tooth extraction
牙槽病损切除术 excision of lesion of alveolar
牙槽部分切除术 partial excision of alveolar
牙槽成形术 alveoloplasty
牙槽骨骨折闭合性复位固定术 closed reduction and fixation of alveolar bone fracture
牙槽骨骨折切开复位内固定术 open reduction and internal fixation of alveolar bone fracture
牙槽骨切除术 alveolectomy
牙槽骨修整术 alveoloplasty
牙槽嵴延展术 alveolar ridge extension
牙槽嵴增高术 alveolar ridge augmentation
牙槽切开术 alveolotomy
牙槽神经探查术 alveolar nerve exploration
牙槽神经吻合术 alveolar nerve anastomosis
牙槽突切除术 excision of alveolar process
牙槽植骨成形术 alveolar bone graft
牙根拔除术 extraction of dental root
牙根残留拔除术 residual root extraction
牙冠延长术 crown lengthening surgery
牙菌斑控制 dental plaque control
牙内钉 endodontic pin
牙内-骨内种植体 endodontic endosseous implant
牙钳拔牙 exodontia with tooth forcep
牙髓切断术 pulpotomy
牙髓失活 devitalization of dental pulp
牙髓塑化治疗 pulp resinifying therapy
牙髓摘除[术] pulp extirpation,pulpectomy
牙龈按摩 gingival massage
牙龈病损切除术 excision of lesion of gingiva
牙龈成形术 gingivoplasty
牙龈缝合术 gum suture
牙龈脓肿切开术 incision of gingival abscess
牙源性颌骨病损切除术 excision of lesion of odontogenic jaw
牙种植术 implantation of tooth
牙周翻瓣术 periodontal flap surgery
牙周膜浸润麻醉 periodontal infiltration anesthesia
牙周塞治术 periodontal packing
牙周牙髓联合治疗 combined periodonto-endodontic therapy
牙周再附着 re-attachment of periodontium
咽成形术 pharyngoplasty
咽腭弓延长成形术 lengthening of pharyngeal arch
咽后壁瓣 postpharyngeal flap
氧化铝种植体 aluminum oxide implant
义齿的安装和调整 insertion and adjustment of denture
异种牙移植术 allogenic tooth transplantation
翼腭管注射法 pterygopalatine canal injection
翼上颌延伸种植体 maxillary pterygoid extension implant
翼下颌注射法 pterygomandibular injection
龈瓣 gingival flap
龈切除术 gingivectomy,oulectomy,ulectomy,ulotomy
龈下刮治术 subgingival scaling
硬腭病损局部切除术 excision of hard palatal lesion
硬腭成形术 hard palate plasty
硬腭活组织检查 hard palate biopsy
永久充填 permanent filling
永久性种植体 permanent implant
语音治疗 speech therapy
预成冠 preformed crown
远中楔形瓣 distal wedge flap
暂时充填 temporary filling
暂时性气管切开术 temporary tracheostomy
暂时性义齿 temporary denture [又称]过渡义齿 △
粘结固定桥 adhesion fixed bridge
正中进路舌根部肿物切除术 tongue base tumor resection via midline approach
直视下腮腺活组织检查 biopsy of parotid gland under direct vision
直视下舌活组织检查 biopsy of tongue under direct vision
直视下唾液腺活组织检查 biopsy of salivary gland under direct vision
中厚皮片移植术 intermediate split thickness skin grafting
种植体支持的固定桥 implant supported fixed bridge
种植义齿 implant denture
铸造冠 cast crown
桩冠 post crown,pivot
自体牙根种植体 autologous root implant
自体牙移植术 autotransplantation of tooth
阻生牙拔除术 extraction of impacted tooth
阻生牙翻瓣拔除术 extraction of impacted tooth flap