11.3 临床检查名词
B2微球蛋白 B2-microglobulin
Ham试验 Ham test
Perls染色 Perls stain
Schilling试验 Schilling test [又称]希林试验 △
病态造血 dyshaematopoiesis
补体溶血敏感试验 complement lysis sensitivity test
成熟障碍 dysmaturity
单克隆抗体特异性捕获血小板抗原试验 monoclonal antibody-specific immobilization of platelet antigen,MAIPA
蛋白电泳 protein eletrophoresis
电子显微镜 electron microscopy
高效液相色谱法 high performance liquid chromatography,HPLC
骨髓穿刺 bone marrow aspirate
骨髓活组织检查 bone marrow biopsy
过碘酸希夫染色(糖原染色) periodic acid-Schiff stain,PAS
过氧化物酶染色 peroxidase stain
过氧化物免疫酶标法 immunoperoxidase technique
基因组测序 genome sequencing
吉姆萨染色 Giemsa stain
间接抗人球蛋白试验 indirect Coombs test
交叉配血 crossmatching
聚合酶链反应 polymerase chain reaction,PCR
抗人球蛋白试验 Coombs test
狼疮抗凝物质测定 lupus anticoagulant assay
流式细胞术 flow cytometry
罗氏染液 Romanowsky stain
毛细血管脆性实验 capillary fragility test,CFT [又称]束臂试验 △
免疫分型 immunophenotype
免疫固定电泳 immuno-fixed electrophoresis
免疫细胞化学染色 immunocytochemical stain
免疫组织化学染色 immuno-histochemistry stain
凝血酶激活的纤溶抑制物活性测定 activity of thrombin activated fibrinolysis inhibitor assay
凝血因子Ⅷ抑制物试验 coagulation factor Ⅷ inhibitor assay
定性试验 qualitative test of coagulation factor

亚基抗原测定 coagulation factor
subunit antigen test

染色体核型分析 chromosome karyotyping
染色体显带 chromosome banding
瑞斯托菌素辅因子测定 ristocetin cofactor assay
瑞斯托霉素诱发血小板凝集反应 ristocetin-induced platelet aggregation,RIPA
蛇毒因子溶血试验 cobra venom factor(CoF)hemolysis test
苏木精-伊红染色 haematoxylin and eosin stain [又称]H & E △
酸化血清溶血试验 Ham test
酸性磷酸酶染色 acid phosphatase stain
糖水溶血试验 sucrose solution hemolysis test
外周血涂片 peripheral blood smear
细胞化学染色 cytochemical stain
细胞遗传学分析 cytogenetic analysis
血(尿)游离轻链定量 serum(urine)free-light chain assay
血常规检查 blood routine test
血红蛋白电泳测定 haemoglobin electrophoresis
血浆6-酮-前列腺素F1 a(6-keto-PGF1 a)测定 plasma 6-ketoprostaglandin F1 a test
血浆D-二聚体测定 plasma D-dimer test
血浆蛋白C活性测定 plasma protein C activity test
血浆抗凝血酶活性测定 plasma antithrombin activity test
血浆硫酸鱼精蛋白副凝固试验 plasma protamine sulfate paracoagulation test
血浆内皮素-1(endothelin,ET-1)测定 plasma endothelin-1 test
血浆凝血酶-抗凝血酶复合物测定 complex of plasma thrombinantithrombin test
血浆凝血酶调节蛋白抗原(thrombomodulin antigen)测定 plasma thrombomodulin antigen test
血浆普通肝素和低分子肝素定量测定 quantitative measurement of plasma heparin and low molecular weight heparin
血浆纤溶酶原活性测定 plasma plasminogen activity test
血浆纤维蛋白(原)降解产物测定 plasma fibrinogen degradation product test
血浆因子Ⅱ、Ⅴ、Ⅶ、Ⅹ促凝活性测定 plasma factor Ⅱ、Ⅴ、Ⅶ、Ⅹcoagulant activity test
血浆因子Ⅷ、Ⅸ、Ⅺ、Ⅻ促凝活性测定 plasma factor Ⅷ、Ⅸ、Ⅺ、Ⅻcoagulant activity test
血浆因子Ⅹa抑制试验 plasma factor Ⅹa inhibition test
血浆游离肝素时间/甲苯胺蓝纠正试验 plasma free heparin assay/toluidine blue correction test
血浆组织因子活性测定 plasma tissue factor activity test
血块收缩 clot retraction test,CRT
血清免疫球蛋白定量 serum immunoglobulin quantitative assay
血小板聚集试验 platelet agglutination test
血小板黏附试验 platelet adhesion test
血小板相关抗体特性检测技术 platelet-associated antibody characterization assay
血小板相关免疫球蛋白测定 platelet associated immunoglobulin test
血小板荧光免疫检验法 platelet immunofluorescence test,PIFT
荧光原位杂交 fluorescence in situ hybridization,FISH
原位杂交 in situ hybridization
直接抗人球蛋白实验 direct Coombs test
组织因子途径抑制物活性测定 tissue factor pathway inhibitor activity assay