The Body Takes in Oxygen and Gives off Carbon Dioxide身体吸入氧气并排出二氧化碳
I-14 / 014
The Body Takes in Oxygen and Gives off Carbon Dioxide
Joseph Priestley was a scientist. Joseph Priestley discovered oxygen. He put a lighted candle in a glass jar. He covered the jar. The flame of the candle went out.
Next, he put a mouse in a jar with a lighted candle. He covered the jar. The candle flame went out, and the mouse died.
The scientist thought, “The candle and the mouse needed the same gas.”
“What spoiled the air?” he wondered.
He tried something else. He placed a small growing plant in a glass jar. He covered the jar. After ten days, the plant was still alive!
Next, Joseph Priestley put a mouse in with the plant and covered the jar. Both the mouse and the plant stayed alive!
He had to be sure. He took the plant from the jar and left the mouse. The mouse died. His thoughts were right.
The animals and the lighted candle both needed the same gas. What was that gas? It was oxygen.
In your studies about plants, you learned that plants gave off oxygen. The mouse needed oxygen from the plant.
You may ask, “Would it be better if all the air were oxygen?” It made the mouse so lively that it soon was tired.
You need nitrogen in the air to make the oxygen weaker.
Your blood is always moving. The blood takes oxygen to all parts of your body. When the blood takes the air back to the lungs, the air has changed. There is a lot more carbon dioxide in that air. This air goes from the lungs to the windpipe. It goes up the windpipe and out through the nostrils. We breathe out carbon dioxide.


练 习
1. Answer each statement with Yes or No.
(1) All living creatures need oxygen.__________
(2) It is better to breathe through your mouth.__________
(3) The blood is always moving to all parts of the body._________
(4) Joseph Priestley discovered oxygen.___________
(5) We breathe out carbon dioxide.___________
2. Complete the puzzle.
Finish the puzzle by using the clues below.

1 The tube that carries oxygen to the lung
2 To make
3 The part of our body that takes in oxygen and gives out carbon dioxide
4 The gas that our lungs take from the air
5 The gas that is mixed with oxygen in the air we breathe
6 The air we breathe out from our lungs
7 Openings in the nose
译 文
练 习
1. 判断下列句子是否正确。
(1) ____________ 所有的生物都需要氧气。
(2) ____________ 用嘴呼吸会更好。
(3) ____________ 血液在身体各部位循环流动。
(4) ____________ 约瑟夫·普里斯特利发现了氧元素。
(5) ____________ 我们呼出二氧化碳。
2. 完成字谜。
1 将氧气送入肺部的管子
2 制造
3 我们身体中吸入氧气及呼出二氧化碳的部分
4 肺部从空气中吸入的气体
5 我们呼吸的在空气中与氧气混合的气体
6 我们从肺部排出的气体
7 鼻子的出口
答 案
1. (1) Yes (2) No (3) Yes (4) Yes (5) Yes
2. (1) windpipe (2) create (3) lungs (4) oxygen(5) nitrogen (6) carbon dioxide (7) nostrils