What this book covers
Chapter 1, Introduction to Web Application Penetration Testing, covers the setup and installation of Metasploit, along with pentesting life cycles, the OWASP Top 10, and the Sans Top 25, in detail.
Chapter 2, Metasploit Essentials, explains the basics of Metasploit, from installation to exploitation. The basic Metasploit terminologies and other less commonly used options in Metasploit are also covered.
Chapter 3, The Metasploit Web Interface, focuses on a walkthrough of the Metasploit web GUI interface, which is available in Metasploit Community Edition, before we dive into other topics.
Chapter 4, Using Metasploit for Reconnaissance, covers the first process in a penetration testing life cycle: reconnaissance. From banner grabbing to WEBDAV recon, a basic reconnaissance process will be explained with the help of particular Metasploit modules used for this.
Chapter 5, Web Application Enumeration Using Metasploit, focuses on one of the most important processes in web application penetration testing, in other words, enumeration. The chapter will start with the very basics of file and directory enumeration, before proceeding to crawling and scraping from a website, and then further enumeration involving Metasploit modules.
Chapter 6, Vulnerability Scanning Using WMAP, covers the WMAP module of the Metasploit Framework for scanning web applications.
Chapter 7, Vulnerability Assessment Using Metasploit (Nessus), covers the utilization of the Nessus vulnerability scanner via Metasploit to perform vulnerability assessment scanning on a target.
Chapter 8, Pentesting CMSes – WordPress, covers the enumeration of vulnerabilities for WordPress and how to exploit them.
Chapter 9, Pentesting CMSes – Joomla, covers the enumeration of vulnerabilities for Joomla and how to exploit them.
Chapter 10, Pentesting CMSes – Drupal, covers the enumeration of vulnerabilities for Drupal and how to exploit them.
Chapter 11, Penetration Testing on Technological Platforms – JBoss, covers methods for enumerating, exploiting, and gaining access to a JBoss server.
Chapter 12, Penetration Testing on Technological Platforms – Apache Tomcat, covers methods for enumerating, exploiting, and gaining access to a Tomcat server.
Chapter 13, Penetration Testing on Technological Platforms – Jenkins, covers methods for enumerating, exploiting, and gaining access to a server running Jenkins.
Chapter 14, Web Application Fuzzing – Logical Bug Hunting, focuses on exploiting flaws that exist in the business logic of the web application. We will cover in-depth examples of these, along with methods for fuzzing a web application in order to identify a vulnerability.
Chapter 15, Writing Penetration Testing Reports, covers the basics of report writing and how different tools can be used to automate the report-writing process.