Huge catalog
AWS learned from the Amazon e-commerce team the value of partnerships. Just like you can shop the Crocs store on the parent side, you can rent an in-memory data grid powered by Apache Geode for a few hours through the AWS marketplace. The AWS marketplace provides an avenue where users can purchase or trial third-party images that provide configurable services such as databases and web applications. As a product developer, you can easily add your offerings to the exchange:

In the spirit of competition, a lot of the software in the marketplace offers competition to the AWS native services. Operations engineers may find it easier to move workloads to the cloud by reusing components that they're familiar with, such as F5 load balancers, instead of the AWS Elastic Load Balancers (Chapter 2, Core Services - Building Blocks for Your Product). Other products, such as the trend Micro Deep Security Agent, fill in gaps where AWS doesn't currently have a solution. Partnerships with Microsoft, VMware, and Tableau let you easily migrate internal workloads or extend your data center to the cloud.