Perfect (https://github.com/PerfectlySoft/Perfect) stands out as a mature and powerful Swift server-side framework. The first version of Perfect was released to the public even before Apple made Swift open source in 2015. It offers a complete array of features that a software developer may need for developing a lightweight and maintainable web application. Perfect uses a high-performance asynchronous networking engine called Perfect-Net (https://github.com/PerfectlySoft/Perfect-Net), supports secure sockets layer encryption, and adds the option for WebSockets and iOS push notifications that are commonly required by internet servers. Perfect even provides a macOS desktop application, Perfect Assistant, to help server-side developers with the deployment of their Perfect projects to AWS and Google Cloud.
We see Perfect as a good choice for Swift server-side developers who are looking for a mature and well-balanced framework for developing a scalable and solid web application.