Configure SSO policies
The vCenter SSO policies enforce security rules related to the SSO users defined in your environment. There are three main types of SSO policies: password policies, lockout policies, and token policies.
You can manage SSO policies from the vSphere Web Client (with SSO admin privileges) or the PSC UI.
With the vSphere Web Client, in Home | Administration, just select the Configuration menu in the Single Sign-On section. Then, select the Policies tab and choose the right category of policies, as follows:

Note that there are password expiration rules for the virtual appliance local users, if you are using VCSA for vCenter and/or the PSC components. Be sure to check those settings. By default, vCenter Single Sign-On passwords expire after 90 days. Starting with version 6.0, the password policy only applies to SSO user accounts, not to SSO system accounts (usually administrator@vsphere.local).
If you are using AD users, both for hosts and vCenter, then the password policies are enforced by AD GPO.
For more information about authentication, see the PSC 6.5 Administration Guide (https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-vSphere/6.5/com.vmware.psc.doc/GUID-43527B09-63BB-44A6-91D3-E3A470904698.html).