Basic operators
Swift provides the following basic operations:
- The = operator for assignments, similar to many different programming languages.
- The + operator for addition, - for subtraction, * for multiplication, / for pision, and % for remainders. These operators are functions that can be passed to other functions.
- The -i operator for unary minus and +i for unary plus operations.
- The +=, -=, and *= operators for compound assignments.
- The a == b operator for equality, a != b for inequality, and a>b, a<b, and a<=b for greatness comparison.
- The ternary conditional operator, question ? answer1: answer2.
- nil coalescing a ?? b unwraps optional a if it has a value and returns a default value b if a is nil.
- Range operators:
- Closed range (a...b) includes the values a and b
- Half-open range (a..<b) includes a but does not include b
- Logical operators:
- The !a operator is NOT a
- The a && b operator is logical AND
- The a || b operator is logical OR