Unreal Engine Physics Essentials

Units of measurement – a section review

In this section, you learned about the basic unit conversions between the U.S. and European units and how these units translate into Unreal Engine 4's Unreal Units. Additionally, we briefly discussed the common measurements for our game world for our player character, walls, staircases, and doors/doorways. Moreover, we took an in-depth look at unit snapping in Unreal Engine 4 and the significance of the tool when it comes to object placement and creating our game world. Lastly, we looked at how to convert or change the units of measurement in 3D art programs, such as 3ds Max and Maya so that artists can ensure that their models are exported and imported to the correct scale when placed in Unreal Engine 4.

Now that we have a better understanding of the units of measurement and how they translate into Unreal Engine 4, we can now move forward to briefly discuss scientific notation.