Reviewing your Horizon View Federated Pod configuration
In this recipe, we will review the syntax for several different commands used for Horizon View Federated Pod Administration. These commands build upon those reviewed earlier in this chapter, reusing many of the same command-line switches.
Getting ready
Several commands exist for viewing the configuration of our Federated Pod. Using these commands, we can verify that each of the commands used earlier in this chapter was completed successfully and accomplished what we meant to accomplish.
To view the configuration of a Federated Pod, command-line access to one of the Connection Servers in the federated pod is required.
How to do it...
In this section, we will demonstrate several different commands that are used to display the configuration of a Horizon View federated pod.
Viewing Horizon View global entitlements
The following command displays all of the global entitlements that have been created in our Horizon View federated pod:
lmvutil.cmd --authAs user --authDomain domain --authPassword password --listGlobalEntitlements
Viewing desktop pools in a global entitlement
The following command displays all desktop pools that have been added to the specified global entitlement:
lmvutil.cmd --authAs user --authDomain domain --authPassword password --entitlementName "name" --listAssociatedPools
Viewing AD group entitlements
The following command displays all of the global entitlements associated with the specified AD security group. The --entitlementName
switch is optional:
lmvutil.cmd --authAs user --authDomain domain --authPassword password --listEntitlements --entitlementName "name" --groupName "domain\groupName"
Viewing AD user entitlements
The following command displays all of the global entitlements associated with the specified AD user account. The --entitlementName
switch is optional:
lmvutil.cmd --authAs user --authDomain domain --authPassword password --listEntitlements --entitlementName "name" --userName "domain\userName"
Viewing AD user-dedicated user assignments
The following command displays dedicated Horizon View assignments associated with the specified AD user account. The --listUserAssignments
switch is required, while one of the other switches (--userName
, --entitlementName
, --podName
, and --siteName
), at the minimum, are required:
lmvutil.cmd --authAs user --authDomain domain --authPassword password --listUserAssignments --userName "domain\userName" --entitlementName "name" --podName "name" --siteName "name"
Viewing an AD user account's Horizon View home site
The following command displays the Horizon View home site assigned to the specified AD user account. The --entitlementName
switch can also be supplied in order to refine the list of results returned:
lmvutil.cmd --authAs user --authDomain domain --authPassword password --showUserHomeSites --userName "domain\userName"
The following screenshot shows you the sample output of this command. Were the user a member of additional global entitlements, they would also be displayed when this command is run:

Viewing an AD security group's Horizon View home site
The following command displays the home site assigned to the specified AD security group. The --entitlementName
switch might also be supplied to refine the list of results returned:
lmvutil.cmd --authAs user --authDomain domain --authPassword password --showGroupHomeSites --groupName "domain\userName"
The output of this command will be similar to that of the previous example where the home sites of an AD user account were displayed. Similar to that command, if the security group was a member of multiple global entitlements, each would be listed.
Viewing the Horizon View pods that are members of the federated pod
The following command displays the pods that have been added to the federated pod:
lmvutil.cmd --authAs user --authDomain domain --authPassword password --listPods
Viewing the Horizon View sites defined in the federated pod
The following command displays each of the sites that have been defined in the Federated Pod:
lmvutil.cmd --authAs user --authDomain domain --authPassword password --listSites
How it works...
The following is a list of the lmvutil.cmd
command-line switches and the accompanying description that were used in this section to view the configuration of objects in a Horizon View Federated Pod: