About the Reviewers
Johan Veldhuis is a Technical Consultant who works at a consultancy firm that specializes in Microsoft Unified Communications solutions. In that role, he is responsible for designing, implementing, migrating, and troubleshooting Microsoft UC solutions.
In 2007, he started to blog actively about Exchange and assist people on several fora. This resulted in an Exchange Server MVP award in 2009, which he's held on to ever since. Besides his own blog on his website (www.johanveldhuis.nl), Johan has been a regular author for Simple-Talk (www.simple-talk.com) and several other blogs.
Besides blogging, Johan is a member of The UC Architects (www.theucarchitects.com), which is a bi-weekly Podcast, where Exchange and Lync freaks discuss both Exchange- and Lync-related topics.
Wang wei is the principal Systems Engineer with Sonus. He has been in the IT industry for the past 10 years. As a Systems Engineer, he specializes in Lync voices architecture, media gateway, and SBC solution. As a Microsoft Lync MVP, he enjoys sharing his findings on Lync in the community. When not playing with technology, he spends time with his wife and kid in Chengdu. He enjoys good food and hanging out with friends.