Creating a Host Profile
Before we create a deploy rule to deploy any of the ESXi Images, we need to create a configuration template that is then applied to the ESXi server deployed using the Auto Deploy. The template is created from an existing host in the cluster that meets all the virtual infrastructure configuration requirements. Such a configuration template is called a Host Profile.
How to do it…
The following procedure will help you create a Host Profile using an existing ESXi server:
- Navigate to the Inventory Home. Host Profiles is listed under the Monitoring section.
- At the Host Profiles page, click on the + sign to bring-up the Extract Host Profiles Wizard.
- At the Extract Host Profile wizard screen, select the reference host from the list and click on Next to continue.
- On the next screen enter a name of the Host Profile and an optional Description; click on Next.
- At the Ready to Complete screen, click on Finish to generate the profile.
This will generate a profile and list it under the Host Profile objects.