关键字新媒介 知识传播 知识微传播
From Breaking to Inheritance: Research on the Dilemma and Development Path of Knowledge Dissemination in New Media Environment
Cao Shan
Abstract Communication ecology of new media reconstructs the production and dissemination of knowledge path: From traditional one-way transfer into three-dimensional network of non-linear communication,the change of communication subject and the failure of knowledge output of new media have aroused the risk of the current social knowledge dissemination.The generalization of the main body of knowledge brings about massive knowledge production,the flood of false knowledge and the disorder of knowledge structure.These three dimensions form the risk system of knowledge transmission of new media.With the development of micro-propagation,inherited micro-communication of knowledge is a kind of guidance choice.That is,through the knowledge sharing,knowledge dialogue and knowledge embedding,we construct and improve the space of knowledge dissemination and expand the function of deepening knowledge dissemination of new media so as to avoid the potential risks of knowledge dissemination.
Keywords New Media;Knowledge Dissemination;Knowledge Micro-communication