Perface 2
In my role as founding President and past President of the International Dermoscopy Society,it's my honour and pleasure to write a foreword to the Chinese dermoscopy textbook.While our own book,Dermoscopy:The Essentials has been translated into Chinese,the production of a Chinese text illustrates the keen interest of our Chinese colleagues in adapting dermoscopy to serve the needs of China's people.I have seen for myself this interest during my recent dermoscopy workshops at the Annual Meetings of the Chinese Dermatologist Association in Suzhou and Guangzhou,where I have participated as invited international guest speaker over the last few years.
I'm very pleased to serve alongside this volume's author,Professor Jie Liu,on the executive board of the International Dermoscopy Society.I've also been honoured to be invited to be a consultant for Huaxia Skin Image and Artificial Intelligence Cooperation,as Chinese dermoscopists expand into the exciting new area of AI-assisted diagnosis and management.
Practical Dermoscopy follows the expanding role of dermoscopy,originally developed to examine melanocytic lesions and pigmented and non-pigmented skin lesions,to investigate uses in wider skin disease diagnosis,particularly inflammoscopy,entomodermoscopy,nail dermoscopy and trichoscopy.This fully illustrated guide to dermoscopy should become an essential to any Chinese clinician with an interest in skin disease.In conclusion,I would like to compliment Prof.Jie Liu,Prof.Xianbiao Zou and colleagues for authoring this very well illustrated and comprehensive text book on dermoscopy.
Founding President of the International Dermoscopy Society
Chair in Dermatology
The University of Queensland Diamantina Institute,The University of Queensland,
Dermatology Research Centre
Dermatology Department,Princess Alexandra Hospital