39 back down; back off; fling in; fling up; give up; throw in; throw up
● 以上词组均为动副型,表示“放弃”要求、主张等。
● back down和back off可换用,back off为美国英语。两者可用介词on加放弃的内容。多用主动语态。如:He made several accusations but backed down when he was asked to prove them.(他控告过几次,但要他拿出证据时,他放弃了。)When Jim offered to fight, his detractor backed off [down].(当吉姆提出格斗时,诬蔑他的人退却了。)Harry claimed Joe had taken his book, but backed down [off] when the teacher talked with him.(哈里扬言乔拿走了他的书,可是老师同他谈话后他把话收回了。)They backed down [off] on all those things we had asked for.(他们放弃了我们所需求的一切东西。)
● fling in和fling up是俗语,可以替换,宾语多置词组后,少用被动形式。如:She has flung in [up] her studies this term.(这学期她放弃了自己的学习。)I feel like flinging it all up.(我想放弃这一切。)Jim has flung up [in] his studies.(吉姆已放弃了各项研究工作。)Why did you fling in [up] your attempt? (你为什么放弃努力?)
● give up,动副型,常用表“放弃”的词组,适用于各种文体。可用于被动语态。如:Will you have to give your religion up in order to marry her?(为了同她结婚,你将不得不放弃宗教信仰吗?)A post which offers you security and the certainty of a pension at the end of it should not be given up without careful deliberation.(一个使你安定而在退休后又保证能领取养老金的职位未经慎重考虑不应放弃。)Decide what you want and then don’t give up until you’ve achieved it.(一旦决定想要得到什么,就不要放弃,直到你得到它。)I can’t answer that puzzle, I give up.(我猜不出那个谜语,我认输了。)
● throw in与throw up可以换用。少用被动态。如:At one stage he talked of throwing up [in] his job in advertising but nothing much came of it.(有一段时间他曾说要放弃他在广告业方面的工作,但后来并没有什么结果。)He’s thrown in [up] a very promising career.(他放弃了一个很有前途的职业。)Tom threw up [in] the plan of going to Paris for the summer.(汤姆放弃了去巴黎度夏的打算。)She threw in [up] her job and went off to New Zealand.(她辞掉工作到新西兰去了。)