40 back out; back out from; back out of; break one’s word; break one’s promise; go back from; go back of; go back on; go back upon
● 本组词组均有“食言”之意。
● back out中的out为副词,常跟of, from,成为back out from; back out of后接具体失信的内容了。如:I promised to help you and I’m not backing out now.(我答应过帮助你,那我现在就不能食言。)If you don’t follow my advice, I would back out of my words.(如果你不按我的主意去做,我就收回我的诺言。)You can’t back out from [of] a contract once you’ve signed it.(你一旦在合同上签了字,你就得履行合同。)I hope I can depend on you to continue your support and not back out at the last moment.(我希望你继续支持,不要在最后一刻变卦。)
● break one’s word和break one’s promise可互换。word与promise不变复数。如:No one wishes to deal with a person who is accustomed to breaking his word [promise].(谁不愿与惯于食言的人打交道。)Mary has broken her word [promise] so many times that I cannot trust her any more.(玛丽多次说话不算话,我再也不信任她了。)You can trust him; he is not the kind of person who will easily break his word [promise].(你可以信任他,他可不是那种轻易不守诺言的人。)In dealing with others she has never broken her word [promise].(和别人相处,她从未失信过。)
● go back on; go back upon; go back from; go back of均属动副介型词组,常用一般时态,一般少用被动语态。这些词组常含不忠之意,以上四个词组一般可互换。如:The person cannot be trusted because he consistently lies and goes back upon his promise.(此人不可信,因为他一贯撒谎,违背诺言。)He went back on [upon] his word not to tell my wife about the truth of my illness.(他违背了诺言,把我的病情告诉了我妻子。)He’s not the sort of man who would go back on [upon] his word.(他可不是那种言而无信的人。)Don’t go back of your word.(别说了不算数啊。)Never go back from your friend.(永远不要出卖你的朋友。)